Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? Aalborg University, Denmark, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD in Rationalities of Public Transport Practices
The PhD student will contribute to the research project TransforChange. TransforChange points towards socially just alternatives to current high carbon mobilities that can be a realistic part of everyday life; and it challenges taken-for-granted, and ineffective, behaviour change approaches by promoting theoretical and methodological resources that both frame the problem, and provide a means of analysing it, in ways that hold greater promise for achieving a just and low carbon transition. It combines ethnomethodology with insights from practice theory to study an under-investigated, but fundamental aspect of public transport, namely the rationalities of public transport practices. Here, rationalities refer to ethnomethodology’s observation that people, in the way that they manage their everyday affairs, continuously attend to the accountability and meaningfulness of these affairs. TransforChange investigates how people rationalise public transport practices and the connections between public transport practices and other practices, and it is motivated by the following research question: How are public transport practices constituted as rational and, thereby, passengers as ordinary, and how does this support or hinder increased use of public transport?
Deadline : 15.10.2024
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– Reannouncement: Phd Stipend in Airborne Transmission of Respiratory Infections in the Indoor Environment
The COVID-19 pandemic is a respiratory infection disease and it has caused global health concern. WHO has identified airborne transmission as a principal route for SARS-CoV-2, especially in crowded and poorly ventilated indoor environments. The prevention measures recommended by the authorities are primarily applied to control contact and droplet transmissions, but their protective effects regarding airborne transmission are still unclear. The project aims to provide a further understanding of the mechanism of airborne transmission and evaluate the performance of prevention measures on reducing the airborne infection risk under critical scenarios.
The project will involve the development of a ‘realistic’ respiration manikin to simulate human respiratory exposure. It will investigate the characteristic of airborne transmission from release, transport to exposure, and identify the critical parameters that influence the cross-infection risk, including person related parameters as well as ventilation related parameters. Additionally, the project will evaluate the protective effects of prevention measures practically applied during COVID-19 and potential ventilation solutions.
Deadline : 01.10.2024
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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Stipend in Satellite Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Representation in Hydrology
The PhD project is a part of the Villum Young Investigator Programme(YIP) research project“A Novel Synergy of Physics-based and Data-driven Methods for Reliable Hydrological Predictions under Changing Climate” funded by VILLUM FONDEN. The purpose of this YIP project is to develop novel methods to tackle the scientific challenges of the integration of satellite observations with large-scale hydrological model simulations. The goal is to develop a novel synergy between(sequential) Calibration/Data Assimilation(CDA) and machine learning/deep learning methods to better understand hydro-meteorological processes that lead to major flood and droughts under changing climate. The practical focus of this research project is around enhancing the prediction of large-scale flood and drought events under the changing climatic conditions.
Deadline : 30.09.2024
(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Stipend in Neural Oscillations and Architectural Rhythms
Deadline : 30.09.2024
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Stipend in Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning Simulators for Optimizing Fermentation Processes
Aalborg University contributes to the knowledge building of the global society as well as the development of prosperity, welfare and culture of Danish society. This is accomplished through research, research-based
education, public sector services and knowledge collaboration. AAU educates students for the future and activities are based on a dynamic and transformative collaboration with the surrounding community.
AAU Energy is a dynamic engineering research department in continuous growth and inspiring surroundings. AAU Energy has a very international environment and covers all areas of clean and sustainable energy
systems of the future within electrical, thermal and mechatronic energy technology. AAU Energy has campuses in both Aalborg and Esbjerg, this position is located in Esbjerg.
The mission is to be world leading in both research and research-based education of the energy engineers of the future. AAU Energy has approx. 300 employees of many nationalities, of which 25 are administrative staff. In addition, AAU Energy constantly has approx. 50-70 guest researchers from around the world.
Research and teaching are in the absolute world elite in the field of energy, and we have extensive and leading workshop and laboratory facilities, where research and innovation are carried out in direct collaboration with industry to a great extent.
The position is offered in relation to the research program”Offshore Drones and Robots Research Group” and the PhD Student will be positioned in the“Esbjerg section”.
Deadline : 25.09.2024
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Position in CULTIGEN – Culture, Tourism and Regeneration through innovative digital solutions and governance platforms
The PhD is part of the CULTIGEN project, which takes its outset in current controversies around overtourism in cities across Europe. CULTIGEN will pioneer a data-driven and community-focused tourism governance fed by local communities and tourists, to better understand their grievances and better inform decision-making. As the backbone of the solution, the project will develop a participatory‘Urban listening toolkit’ to engage, collect and analyse users’ data on their urban experience. The tool will merge quantitative and qualitative data to provide new empirical understandings of urban tourism impacts, as well as shed light on alternative tourism experiences in the city.
The PhD is expected to contribute to this development through an interest in new forms of digital tourism analytics and by theoretically linking tourism studies, digital methods and urban planning. The PhD will form part of the CULTIGEN research team at Aalborg University and is expected to lead the data collection and empirical analysis when the urban listening toolkit is fully developed and launched. The project will be firmly grounded in collaborations with external stakeholders to develop new tools to support the tourism industry in measuring, developing and governing urban tourism, so the ideal candidate is equipped with a theoretical mindset and the ability to translate empirical findings into actionable and applied industry takeaways. The research questions, methodology, and project plan for the PhD will be developed through joint supervision by academic PI and Professor Anders Koed Madsen and Associate professor Martin Trandberg Jensen. The full project team will also comprise a postdoc, a research assistant and a programmer assisting with the tool development.
In the application, candidates are encouraged to state their interests within the fields of tourism studies, digital methods and urban planning(see below). The purpose is to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to pose industry-relevant, original, and theoretically engaged questions within a specific focus area.
Deadline : 22.09.2024
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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Stipend in AI-guided Speech Enhancement for Human Language Technology
Do you want to be part of creating the future of human language technology, and do research that can enable the use of AI-technology with low-resource languages, to help increasing equality around the world?
We are looking for a strong candidate with a passion for research, innovation, science, and mathematics, who wants to climb the academic ladder and do a PhD project within a European Consortium of leading research institutions and industrial partners supported by the European Defence Fund.
The objective of this PhD project is to enable AI solutions for Human Language Technology, real and challenging environments, where signals are extremely noisy and distorted, and include severe lingual variations, when data and computational ressources are scarce. This will be tackled using a combination of classical signal processing methods with state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, and you will thus find yourself in the intersection between emerging research domains and innovations, where real-life constraints including complexity, explainability, and security apply.
On the journey, you will have supervisors from the Audio Analysis Lab( at Aalborg University, and closely collaborate with external European Partners to ensure that the research is able to enable downstream Human Language Technology tasks such as recognition, translation, and information extraction. This setup will provide both a solid academic, corporate and international foundation with freedom to explore.
Deadline : 22.09.2024
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– Ph.d.-stilling i tosprogede kvinders digitale læringsstrategier og benyttelse af generativ AI i social- og sundhedsuddannelser (SOSU)
Ved SSH Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet opslås et 3-årigt ph.d.-stipendium inden for SOSU-uddannelsesforskning til besættelse 01. oktober 2024 eller snarest muligt derefter.
Ansættelse sker på Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg.
SOSU-uddannelserne står med en høj andel indvandrere, og de fleste af dem er kvinder. Elevsammensætningen på SOSU-uddannelserne kan få konsekvenser for elevernes læringsudbytte, hvis ikke der fokuseres på elevernes sproglige vanskeligheder og senere integration på arbejdsmarkedet. I forlængelse heraf peger SOSU-skolerne selv på en række konkrete udfordringer knyttet til uddannelsen af tosprogede kvinder. Det er afgørende at styrke støtten til disse kvinder i SOSU-uddannelserne, da dette vil bidrage til at fastholde dem på uddannelsen og arbejdsmarkedet, og dermed være med til at sikre en kontinuerlig og stabil arbejdsstyrke indenfor ældreplejen. Her kan den nye digitale teknologi generativ artifical intelligens(G-AI) være til hjælp, men dette kræver at it-didaktiske løsninger udvikles og udforskes i samarbejde med forskellige aktører i feltet.
Ph.d.-projektet er finansieret af VELUX FONDEN( Projektet vil tage afsæt i et overordnet samarbejde mellem forskellige aktører: Aalborg Universitet(AAU), Center for Uddannelsesforskning(CfU), Center for Anvendelse af IT i Undervisningen på Erhvervsuddannelserne(CIU), Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi Øst- og Vestdanmark(VFV) og 12 danske SOSU-skoler. Det tager afsæt i spørgsmål om hvilke lærings- og deltagelsesudfordringer og-muligheder tosprogede kvinder erfarer i deres uddannelser, og hvordan disse kan øges ved hjælp af it-didaktiske løsninger der omfavner G-AI. Disse løsninger udvikles sideløbende i samarbejde med underviserne på SOSU-skolene. Ph.d.’en fokuserer på de tosprogede kvinders egne læringspraksisser og deltagelse i undervisningen ved brug af G-AI, og deres arbejde med de it-didaktiske løsninger lærerne tilbyder til dem. En grundig udforskning af kvindernes praksisser er relevant for at forstå og understøtte udviklingen af konkrete tiltag til pædagogisk og didaktisk tilrettelæggelse ved at belyse spændinger mellem kvindernes læringsudfordringer og undervisernes didaktiske logik, som kan hæmme eller fremme deres læring.
Ph.d.-projektet vil være empirisk funderet og kan med fordel benytte sig af etnografisk-deltagende tilgange. Dette indebærer deltagende observationer i udvalgte tosprogede kvinders skole- og oplæringshverdag og i praktikfaser; deltagende observationer af samarbejde mellem tosprogede kvinder og lærere i udviklingsfaser; fordybende narrative interviews med tosprogede kvinder samt reflekterende feltnoter. Det er således en fordel, men ikke et krav, at man har erfaring indenfor forskning i facilitering og udvikling af it- didaktiske tiltag til erhvervsuddannelserne og/eller forskning i tosprogede elevers digitale praksisser i det danske uddannelsessystem. Som Ph.d.-studerende i projektet skal man således have lyst til at samarbejde med en række forskellige aktører og være indstillet på at bevæge sig ud i det empiriske felt og samarbejde tæt og ligeværdigt med feltets aktører, herunder tosprogede kvinder som særlig målgruppe
Deadline : 19.09.2024
About Aalborg University, Denmark –Official Website
Aalborg University (AAU) is a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen founded in 1974. The university awards bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and PhD degrees in a wide variety of subjects within humanities, social sciences, information technology, design, engineering, exact sciences, and medicine.
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