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10 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Maastricht University, Netherlands

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Are you a PhD graduate eager to take the next leap in your academic journey? Look no further! Maastricht University, Netherlands invites online applications for prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships across a wide range of research fields. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to propel your career forward. 

Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–Postdoc onderzoeker Palliatieve Geneeskunde MetAddon-studie

Wil jij als onderzoeker bijdragen aan betere zorg voor mensen die niet meer beter worden, door meer inzicht en kennis te genereren in samenwerking met (klinische) experts uit het veld? Dan ben jij de postdoc die we zoeken!

In dit KWF-project van het Expertisecentrum Palliatieve Zorg (EPZ) van MUMC Maastricht wordt, in samenwerking met 7 andere medische centra, onderzocht of methadon, toegevoegd aan reeds voorgeschreven opioïden, effectiever is dan additief morfine, bij patiënten met ernstige, kankergerelateerde botpijn. Hiertoe wordt een dubbelblind gerandomiseerd multicenter onderzoek gedaan.

Deadline : 01.09.2024

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoc Advanced Automated Technological Tools for Micromaterial and Microtissue Engineering

Are you a forward-thinking researcher with a passion for pushing the boundaries of technological innovation in the realm of biomaterials and tissue engineering? We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated Postdoctoral Researcher from the field of automation engineering to lead our efforts in developing cutting-edge automated technological tools for engineering micro-scale biomaterials and human tissues, as part of the LINK2.0 (Limburg Invests in Its Knowledge Economy) project within MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine.

Deadline : 31.08.2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Post-doctoral position in bioinformatics with a focus on nutrigenetics & genome instability

You will work as a researcher (including teaching tasks of about 0,2fte) at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, as part of NUTRIM, at Maastricht University. As part of an interdisciplinary team, including expertise in genetic toxicology, molecular biology and nutrigenetics, you will be contributing to research in the field of disease prediction and prevention. The project’s main aim is to study the role of DNA repair in the risk of developing obesity, using genetics and epigenetics data. The second aim is to look at the interactions between plant-based diets and (epi)genetic variants, and their associations with disease incidence. Data from the UKBiobank and GenerationR cohort will be available.

Deadline : 01.09.2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– PostDoc Researcher (modeling): inequality impacts of the green and digital technology t

The Research Fellow will contribute to : i) develop a Stock Flow Consistent (SFC) Agent Based Model (ABM) for understanding the complex interactions between income inequality, digital innovations and the green transition; ii) calibrate relevant parameters consistently with evidence on European regions produced in sperate anlaysis within the projects; iii) analyse different digital and green policy scenarios; iv) and run sensitivity analysis on the results. The Research Fellow will extend an existing ABM-SFC model linking structural change, firm dynamics, income and demand distribution, energy technologies and stranded assets.

The Research Fellow will work in collaboration with a team of top scholars in economics of innovation, climate change and finance in a vibrant research environment at UNU-MERIT and Paris 1, and partner organisations. Funding will be available to participate in projects research meetings and workshops to refine the model, as well presenting results at relevant external conferences and workshops. As part of ST4TE, the Research Fellow will have access to several data sources.

Deadline : 01.09.2024

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– PostDoc Researcher at UNU-MERIT (data): impact of green and digital technologies on labor markets

The Research Fellow will contribute to: i) identify digital and green technologies using patent data; ii) combine these with information on occupations, industries and skills to measure the exposure of industries and occupations to digital and green technologies; iii) estimate their adoption in Europe using Online Job Vacancies data; and iv) estimate the unequal impact of the digital transition on employment opportunities. The Research Fellow will use data mining, network analysis, machine learning (text analysis methods). They will combine patent data with data on online job vacancies (were needed matched with ORBIS) to provide an unprecedent analysis on the potential impact of digital and green technology on inequality though skills in demand.
The Research Fellow will work in collaboration with a team of top innovation scholars, economists, data scientists and other Research Fellows in a vibrant research environment at UNU-MERIT and at partner organisations. Funding will be available to recruit Research Assistants to support data collection and analysis, participate in projects research meetings and workshops to refine methods and data, as well presenting results at relevant external conferences and workshops. As part of ST4TE, the Research Fellow will have access to several data sources on job ads, companies, and processed STI metadata.

Deadline : 08.09.2024

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoc EMBRACE

Atrial arrhythmias are the most prevalent cardiac arrhythmia and are expected to become even more common in the future. Unfortunately, atrial arrhythmias are often not recognized in a timely manner, resulting in severely diseased atria. This makes effective treatment increasingly difficult, both for atrial arrhythmiasitself and for underlying risk factors and heart diseases. The future challenge is to detect atrial arrhythmias at an early stage to prevent progression towards diseased atria. To achieve this, novel mechanistic insights are crucial.
The postdoctoral researcher will take the lead in a research project that is part of a Dutch national consortium called EMBRACE, funded by the Dutch Heart Foundation. The EMBRACE network aims to elucidate the diversity of mechanisms underlying arrhythmogenic atrial diseases, to develop simple diagnostic tools to identify them, and to develop a therapeutic approach to prevent the pathological progression of atrial diseases and thus the occurrence of arrhythmias. The research project will involve using stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes and engineered tissue to establish a genotype-phenotype relationship between newly discovered genes associated with atrial arrhythmias and the progression of atrial disease.

Deadline : 31.08.2024

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoc Health Technology Assessment

Als Postdoc ben je betrokken bij diverse onderzoeksprojecten en/of daaraan gerelateerde subsidieaanvragen. Het merendeel van deze projecten is gericht op gezondheid economisch onderzoek, zoals het verrichten van economische evaluaties (bijv. kosteneffectiviteitsanalyses, kosten van ziekten studies), kwaliteit van leven studies of advisering of uitvoering van maatschappelijke kosten-baten analyses, mini-HTA’s, budget impact analyses of maatschappelijke business cases. In veel van deze projecten staat het gebruik van hulpmiddelen in de zorg centraal. Het betreft onder andere het project “Robot Tessa’’ waarbij in samenwerking met Academy het Dorp de doelmatigheid van deze interventie wordt onderzocht. Een ander project waarbij je betrokken zult worden is het project ‘’EET-ZE’’, waarbij in samenwerking van met de Hogeschool Zuyd de kosteneffectiviteit van een eetrobot wordt onderzocht. Je maakt deel uit van een enthousiast en gedreven team en werkt samen met medewerkers van Maastricht Health Economics en Health Technology Assessment (MaastrichtHETA), een samenwerkingsverband waarin onderzoek en onderwijs op het terrein van gezondheidseconomie en HTA centraal staat. We bieden een inspirerende werkomgeving met wetenschappelijke en maatschappelijke impact.

Deadline : 18.09.2024

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher Inline Analysis in Plastics Recycling

In the plastic packaging value chain, there is only limited information available on the plastics in that chain to assess circularity and recyclability goals, especially the use of post-consumer recyclates (PCR) in packaging.

Quality specifications, monitoring, and standardisation of materials are common in certain industries like chemistry and pharma but are, at this point, only in an infancy state in plastic waste management. A major challenge when it comes to mechanical recycling of plastics is that the quality of the material is not monitored throughout the whole process. Inline monitoring is however essential for predicting the final quality of PCR.

Deadline : 18.08.2024

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Post Doctoral researcher in algorithmic game theory for uncertain systems

We are looking for a motivated PostDoc with a background in Game Theory and Optimization. The successful candidate will conduct theoretical and algorithmic research on uncertain multi-agent systems and will be responsible for developing state-of-the-art algorithms that are guaranteed to converge to the Nash equilibrium. Your research task will be to propose and validate such algorithms and find suitable application domains for these models. Your work will be mostly on the theoretical analysis, but it will potentially have a societal impact as well, via its possible applications.

Deadline :  18.08.2024

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoc Youth Mental Health

Ben jij een gedreven onderzoeker? Gepromoveerd, en met interesse in de mentale gezondheid van jongeren, service reform en preventie? Heb je ruime ervaring met kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve data-analyse, conceptueel denken en uitstekende projectcoördinatie vaardigheden? Ben jij een enthousiaste teamspeler? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou!

De meeste psychiatrische problemen ontstaan vroeg in het leven, maar juist jongeren vinden meestal niet (tijdig) de juiste zorg. Onze onderzoeksgroep zet zich in voor een betere match tussen hulpverlening en de behoeftes van jongeren. Belangrijke speerpunten zijn: peer-support, preventie onder hoog-risico subgroepen en de combinatie van kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek.

Deadline :  18.08.2024

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About Maastricht University, Netherlands –Official Website

Maastricht University  is a public university in Maastricht, Netherlands. Founded in 1976, it is the second youngest of the thirteen Dutch universities.

In 2019, 19,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 54% of whom were foreign students, with over 4,000 employees. About half of the bachelor’s programmes are fully offered in English, while the other half is taught wholly or partly in Dutch. Most of the master’s and doctoral programmes are in English. Besides traditional programmes, Maastricht University also has an honours liberal arts college: University College Maastricht and a Maastricht Science Programme in the same liberal arts tradition. The satellite University College Venlo opened in 2015.




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