Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? Aalborg University, Denmark, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
The PhD scholarship is an integral part of NAFA/ CESE and falls into the CESE research strategy. The project aims to support and strengthen research and practice in NAFA by providing insights into and development of aspects of science education focusing on interaction between hybrid, analogue and digital learning materials, spaces and/or technologies in student-centered learning environments in connection with Danish science education.
This can be achieved through different areas of focus such as the impact and interaction of specific new or existing(digital, analogue and hybrid) learning materials, tools or technologies on science education practice or the potentials and challenges associated with such learning materials, tools, or technologies. This includes, for example, their advantages and disadvantages in supporting inclusive and learner-centered learning environments; development of such materials in collaboration with science and engineering researchers, or how specific materials, tools and/or technologies can support certain skills and competencies in relation to supporting students’ learning of science knowledge and working methods such as design thinking, maker education, critical thinking, creativity, action competence, etc.
Applicants can explore this area with great freedom to shape and adapt the project’s methods and approaches in accordance with the research questions and the project’s objectives. The project theme may be interpreted broadly, and all projects that fall within the framework of the theme will be evaluated equally. It is expected that the applicant will provide a project description that contains motivation for the project, the project’s expected contribution to research and practice in NAFA and beyond, and a preliminary plan for the project’s execution.
The PhD project is anchored at AAU in Copenhagen at the Department of Sustainability and Planning, Aalborg Center for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability.
Deadline : 30.08.2024
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
We are excited to announce a PhD position within a new research project examining how weight-related understandings and practices shape children’s body images and well-being. The main responsibility of the successful candidate is conducting go-along ethnography with children following them across school, home and leisure settings. Also, the candidate is to collaborate closely with a postdoc, so that insights are shared across the two sub-studies within the research project. Further the candidate is to involve not only children but also their parents, teachers, coaches etc. in a sensitive and reflective way, along with communicating findings to scientific and public audiences.
Deadline : 15.08.2024
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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
We are seeking a highly motivated and dedicated individual who has a deep interest and passion for the research area, combined with intellectual curiosity and a strong desire to learn, as well as contribute to new knowledge, to join our team as a Doctoral Researcher. This PhD position presents a unique opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research focused on sustainable innovation in multinational enterprises(MNEs) and global value chains(GVCs). The research aims to enlighten practitioners, academics, and policymakers about the intricacies and prospects presented by eco-centric international business model innovation in MNEs. The goal is to generate practical recommendations that bolster the sustainability of international business practices, thereby enhancing economic, environmental, and social performance across MNEs and their extensive GVCs.
Deadline : 13.08.2024
(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PHD FELLOWSHIP IN SOCIOLOGY
The PhD fellowship is part of the project “Association Participation among Immigrant Children: A Vehicle for Integration?” funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The project investigates how participation in associations such as football clubs, scout troops, role-playing groups, and choirs varies among children of immigrants from different social and ethnic backgrounds in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Denmark. Additionally, it will examine how their participation affects their educational performance, social networks, and values.
The PhD fellow will be responsible for conducting Work Package 1. This work package explores how association participation varies among immigrant children with different socioeconomic, parental, and ethnic backgrounds in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, England, and Denmark. The work package will use quantitative methods, including multilevel regression models, to analyse data from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study in Four European Countries(CILS-EU) and the Danish Citizenship Survey, combined with administrative register data.
Associate Professor Hans-Peter Y. Qvist is the project’s principal investigator and will serve as the primary supervisor for the PhD project. The PhD fellow will also collaborate with Frank van Tubergen from NIDI and Utrecht University. The PhD fellow is expected to spend six months at NIDI/Utrecht University during the project.
Deadline : 12.08.2024
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PHD POSITIONS IN COMPUTER VISION
Milestone Systems A/S is a Danish headquartered company part of the Canon group. We develop Video Management Software (VMS) and AI-based Video Analytics solutions both on premise and in the cloud. Our VMS is used to record video data from various ranges of surveillance cameras, store it on external hard drives, and retrieve it when needed. Furthermore, the captured data can be provided to Video Analytics solutions to help our understanding from the video, to for example, detect an object, track it across one or multiple cameras’ field of view(s), recognize specific (inter-)actions, detect anomalies, etc.
We are also interested in looking at legal and ethical considerations of developing AI, specifically how to deal with any possible concerns/legislations, for example, unlearning to help with the “right to be forgotten”.
Milestone has two open PhD positions at Aalborg University (AAU) in Denmark on one or more of the topics mentioned above, starting from 1 September 2024 or soon after- and from 1 December 2024 or soon after.
The candidates must have obtained the MSc degree before starting in the position. The successful candidates will be part of the Milestone Research Program at AAU, and Visual Analysis and Perception (VAP) lab.
Deadline :08.08.2024
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PHD STIPEND IN GEOINFORMATICS
The purpose of the PhD study is to carry out research in relation to the new Horizon Europe SEADITO project, which will start September 1, 2024. SEADITO will be led by the Research Group for Geoinformatics& Earth Observation(Department of Sustainability and Planning) and conducted in collaboration with a European-wide partnership of universities and research institutes. The aim of the project is to develop a targeted set of analytical methods and tools to support the equipment of the European Digital Twin Ocean(the EU DTO initiative EDITO) including integrating social-ecological models in order to establish a comprehensive decision support platform.
The tools and methods developed in SEADITO will contribute to increasing transdisciplinary abilities of social-ecological models by updating and integrating them for improved Ecosystem-based Management, and thereby support the EU DTO initiative EDITO and the EU Mission‘Restore our Ocean and Waters’(Mission Ocean) aiming at protecting and restoring the health of our ocean and waters through research and innovation, citizen engagement, and blue investments by 2030.
The PhD research must be oriented towards developing tools for social-ecological models to support the protection and restoration of ocean and inland waters, which could imply a focus on specific topics as: a) developing workflows quantifying and integrating cultural and behavioural aspects: b) developing tools for scenario building; and/or c) developing visual demonstrators of social-ecological models.
The applicant is expected to have a master’s degree in geoinformatics, spatial planning, ecology, oceanography or similar fields. Experience with R and Python will be considered an advantage.
The PhD student is expected to contribute to teaching topics related to geoinformatics or related studies at Department of Planning, on bachelor as well as master levels.
You may obtain further information from Professor Henning Sten Hansen, phone+45 28156464, e-mail: concerning the scientific aspects of the stipend.
Deadline : 04.08.2024
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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
Non-terrestrial networks(NTN) are expected to be the key component of future 6G systems. In NTN networks, low Earth orbit satellites, drones, and high-altitude platforms will take the role of space and aerial base stations, delivering a truly global connectivity. The main challenge in such complex heterogenous and dynamic 3D environments is the timely and distributed resource management and optimization of the network. At the same time, there is a growing interest in the modular and disaggregated open radio access network(O-RAN) architecture for the realization of flexible, highly-distributed and intelligent networks, and this interest extends to NTN.
Deadline : 31.07.2024
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
The purpose of AIM is to conduct a wide-ranging and critical study of the dynamics and developments of digital mental health. Artificial intelligence is rapidly entering the field of mental health, spurred on by the high prevalence of mental health problems and a lack of treatment access. In response to these challenges, academic researchers and private companies are increasingly developing products and services for mental health which are based on generative AI, in the hope that AI can improve psychiatry and help solve the mental health crisis. These technologies include digital phenotyping which focuses on diagnosing and monitoring mental health problems, and chatbots for treatment of mental health problems. However, developing and using generative AI for mental health problems involve complex and unanswered questions, and we must critically explore the governmental, technical, and ethical challenges that arise from these pressing developments.
AIM focuses on generative AI and machine learning for mental health, with a particular emphasis on two emerging technologies which utilize generative AI and machine learning: chatbots for mental health therapy and digital phenotyping for detecting, diagnosing and/or monitoring mental health problems. AIM will explore these technologies and the emerging field of digital mental health, with a particular focus on questions of governance(e.g., how are these technologies governed and made accountable in practice?), explainability(e.g., how is explainability understood by researchers, developers and users within AI based therapy and diagnostics for mental health?) and trust(e.g., how and why do people trust digital mental health technologies?).
Deadline : 31.07.2024
(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
The purpose of AIM is to conduct a wide-ranging and critical study of the dynamics and developments of digital mental health. Artificial intelligence is rapidly entering the field of mental health, spurred on by the high prevalence of mental health problems and a lack of treatment access. In response to these challenges, academic researchers and private companies are increasingly developing products and services for mental health which are based on generative AI, in the hope that AI can improve psychiatry and help solve the mental health crisis. These technologies include digital phenotyping which focuses on diagnosing and monitoring mental health problems, and chatbots for treatment of mental health problems. However, developing and using generative AI for mental health problems involve complex and unanswered questions, and we must critically explore the governmental, technical, and ethical challenges that arise from these pressing developments.
AIM focuses on generative AI and machine learning for mental health, with a particular emphasis on two emerging technologies which utilize generative AI and machine learning: chatbots for mental health therapy and digital phenotyping for detecting, diagnosing and/or monitoring mental health problems. AIM will explore these technologies and the emerging field of digital mental health, with a particular focus on questions of governance(e.g., how are these technologies governed and made accountable in practice?), explainability(e.g., how is explainability understood by researchers, developers and users within AI based therapy and diagnostics for mental health?) and trust(e.g., how and why do people trust digital mental health technologies?).
The overarching methodology of AIM is qualitative, with a focus on multi-sited, qualitative case studies of chatbots/digital phenotyping as emerging technologies, drawing on participant observation, fieldwork and/or semi-structured interviews with designers, researchers, users and other key stakeholders. The theoretical framework of AIM is broadly situated within Science and Technology Studies.
AIM is a collaborative research project, which will consist of four researchers(2 PhD fellows, the PI, one research assistant), and as such all researchers will be expected to work together in gathering and analyzing empirical materials. At the same time, however, it is expected that an independent research project is conducted by the
Deadline : 31.07.2024
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
The PhD position is part of the EU Horizon Europe projectCIRCWIND- Development of CIRCular optimised material solutions for WIND turbine blades and support structures.The CIRCWIND project aims to develop and validate innovative technologies for current and future wind turbines(WT), to enhance reliability and lifetime, performance, operability and maintainability, as well as to find cost-efficient pathways towards complete circularity in a context where a growing number of WT are reaching their end-of-life.
Partners behind the CIRCWIND project consist of international and world-leading experts gathered from research institutions, material suppliers, and wind turbine manufacturers.
The overall topic for the open PhD position within the CIRCWIND project deal with development of new wind turbine blade technologies enabling lighter, stronger, and more reliable wind turbine blades in the future. Specifically, new concepts for the design of a next generation non-crimp glass fibre fabric will be explored and matured together with the development of a new multi-scale simulation framework providing accurate prediction of fatigue crack growth. Additionally, an improved understanding of how environmental blade operating conditions affect fatigue damage in blade materials will be pursued, aiming to enhance damage-tolerance and extend the lifespan of future wind turbine blades. We will cover conceptual design, numerical modelling, experimental characterization, as well the establishment of lab-scale demonstrators of the developed blade technologies.
The ideal candidate for the position has documented skills within one of more of the following domain-specific areas: finite element analysis, programming, composite materials and structures, nonlinear constitutive modelling, damage and fracture mechanics. We do expect that some of these skills will have to be learned during the project and thus it is not required to have all the skills listed. At the time of starting in the PhD position, the candidate must have obtained a M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Deadline : 22.07.2024
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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
The PhD fellow will primarily be affiliated with Danish Center for Health Services Research. The center is a part of Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University and focused on quality of clinical care including implementation of evidence-based care, comparative effectiveness of clinical interventions, health economic evaluations and evaluation of quality improvement strategies. The center is a well-established multidisciplinary research environment, which also includes Centre for Prehospital and Emergency Research, and provides access to high-level expertise within clinical epidemiology, biostatistics, and health economics and a vibrant community with other PhD fellows.
In addition to the research activities, the position includes participation in mandatory PhD courses, teaching and mentoring of students, participation in international conferences and foreign stays, as well as contributions to and participation in other research and educational activities at Danish Center for Health Services Research.
Candidates with research experience, in particular within pre-hospital care, health economics and epidemiology, will be preferred.
Please direct any questions regarding the position to Clinical Associate Professor Morten Søvsø( or Professor Jan Sørensen(
PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Master’s degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 1039 of August 27, 2013 on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Educational Institutions. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed at regular points in time.
Deadline : 21.07.2024
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge project focused on the application of RNA interference(RNAi) and long-read RNA sequencing transcriptomics. This project will advance our understanding and manipulation of gene expression in various biological systems. The candidate will require substantial expertise in bioinformatics to analyse and interpret complex transcriptomic data.
The position includes the following responsibilities:
– Design and execute RNAi experiments to investigate gene function.
– Perform long-read RNA sequencing to generate high-quality transcriptomic data.
– Develop and apply bioinformatic pipelines for the analysis of RNAi and long-read sequencing data.
– Interpret and validate results through integrative analysis with other omics data.
– Engage in statistical design and analysis of experiments to ensure robust and reproducible results.
– Collaborate closely with other researchers, both within the project and in broader academic and industrial contexts.
Deadline : 18.07.2024
About Aalborg University, Denmark –Official Website
Aalborg University (AAU) is a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen founded in 1974. The university awards bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and PhD degrees in a wide variety of subjects within humanities, social sciences, information technology, design, engineering, exact sciences, and medicine.
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