PhD Nest

13 Fully Funded PhD Positions at Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. 


(01) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD: Statistical physics of chromosomes

The physical organization of bacterial chromosomes is inherently variable, with large conformational fluctuations both from cell to cell and over time. Yet, chromosomes must also be structured to facilitate processes such as transcription, replication, and segregation. In this project, you will combine data-driven theoretical methods with mechanistic models to unravel the statistical folding of chromosomes. You will use approaches grounded in equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics, information theory, and soft condensed matter physics. Your work will be performed in close collaboration with several experimental groups. Finally, you will also play a role in supervising students and the tutorial classes in our teaching program.

Deadline : 30-6-2024

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(02) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– Three PhD-positions and a Postdoc on Emerging Technologies at Work

Are you interested in studying how emerging technologies such as Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Immersive technology, and Smart Devices, are changing work activities, work spaces, professions and organizational practices; and vice versa, how such technologies are shaped during development, implementations and use in organizational settings? Are you interested in studying such changes as an ethnographer embedded in organizations for a longer period of time?  And are you interested in collaborating on such research with a leading team of researchers, including dr. Ella Hafermalz, dr. Marleen Huysman, dr. Maura Soekijad and dr. Anastasia Sergeeva? Then please apply for a PhD or Postdoc position at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’s KIN research group.

Emerging technologies are rapidly changing work, and predictions about job losses as well as increased work efficiency are continuously reaching newspaper headlines. Current debates, however, are typically framed around hypes and speculations, though seriously lacking in-depth empirical academic grounds. At the KIN Center for Digital Innovations, we have a long tradition to go beyond such hypes and go to the field where the action is, to study the changes. Typical to our research is that we take the development of these emerging technologies seriously as already during its design, assumptions about its use are included. Also typical to our research is that we include multi-stakeholders in our ethnographies, ranging from designers, decision makers, end-users and key actors in the particular industry. With such long-term organizational embedded research, PhD candidates are contributing to theories of technology’s role in work and organizations.

Deadline : 30-6-2024

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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD in effective and scalable tools against side-channel attacks

Your PhD research will focus on developing effective and scalable tools to guard-against  side-channel attacks. In hardware, an attacker can measure certain  physical quantities such as the time elapsed or the power consumed during a computation to recover a surprising amount of secret  information. Such attacks are easy to implement, difficult to detect, and powerful against strong encryption mechanisms. As part of the PhD research we will apply techniques from the analysis of cryptographic  protocols and adapt them to the setting of hardware to design a novel verification framework for processors. 

Deadline : 31-5-2024

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(04) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student Position in Robot Learning and Representation Learning

We are looking for a motivated Ph.D. candidate to strengthen our teams at the computer science department of the VU Amsterdam in the area of robot learning & representation learning. You will be jointly supervised by the Assistant Professors Kevin Sebastian Luck (Computational Intelligence Group) and Shujian Yu (Quantitative Data Analysis Group).

In your PhD project you will consider the development of new deep learning and robot learning methodologies which can be applied across a variety of robotic platforms. With this you will work at the research frontier by investigating how we can optimize, exploit and generalize across a variety of agent embodiments and create novel reinforcement learning and representation learning approaches. Developing such embodied AI methodologies which do not consider the body of the robot to be static, but changeable and exploitable is a challenging endeavor with impact to both industry & science, and a lot of open and exciting research questions. You can expect to work at the intersection of the following areas: Deep Representation Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Information Theory, Robotics. Furthermore, you will have the possibility to apply your research on real robot platforms in our robotics lab, from standard platforms such as the Franka Enigma robot arm to self-developed modular robots.

Deadline : 30-6-2024

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(05) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD Candidate in Developmental or Educational Psychology

Children’s reading proficiency is closely related to their self-beliefs, such as their mindset, and socio-emotional well-being. Current practices for early assessment of reading proficiency, e.g. to detect reading problems, are known to be biased by children’s socioeconomic status (SES) and (multi)lingual background, and thereby might negatively affect reading development and self-beliefs in children from lower SES backgrounds. This PhD position is part of a larger project (LeesKans) in which a new digital dynamic assessment (DA) tool will be developed to differentiate kindergartners based on their potential for learning to read rather than their current knowledge, with the aim to make it less biased. In this PhD project, you will obtain qualitative and quantitative data from and with teachers, parents and children to understand how to optimally implement DA practices without contributing to stigma and fixed-mindset beliefs about potential. Specifically, you will study the association between teacher’s mindsets about learning potential and their teaching practices, such as the type of feedback they provide.

In a parallel PhD project at Maastricht University, the effectiveness of the DA tool for characterizing dynamic developmental changes in both reading and socio-emotional skills in children will be tested. Together, the outcome of both PhD projects will enable teachers in providing improved reading education tailored to the diverse cognitive-motivational needs of individual children. The two PhD projects are part of a larger project funded by a collaborative NRO grant with consortium partners at UM (Milene Bonte), VU University (Nienke van Atteveldt), RID dyslexia institutes (Jurgen Tijms), UvA (Eddie Brummelman), IPABO (Inouk Boerma), Erasmus MC (Hanneke Scholten). Both PhD students will closely work together with this dedicated team of researchers, game designers (game design studio Game Tailors), teachers and children across different regions of the Netherlands. The PhD project at the VU will be based in the Lab of Learning at the section of Clinical developmental Psychology (Faculty of Behavioural ad Movement Sciences). Your daily supervisors will be prof. Nienke van Atteveldt and dr. Tieme Janssen, in close collaboration with dr. Eddie Brummelman (UvA) and prof. Milene Bonte (UM).

Deadline :3-6-2024

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(06) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD position Materiaalwetenschappen

Even though the prevalence of dental caries has significantly been reduced over the last couple of decades among children and young adults, no significant improvement has been observed in the older population. On the contrary, with an increasing number of elderly people with their teeth present there is a higher frequency of caries development, especially on the susceptible root surfaces (root caries), often exposed as a result of the receding gums. The current caries prevention approach (low sugar diet, oral hygiene measures, local fluoride application) requires considerable patient compliance and is much less efficient in the elderly due to their decreased overall fitness and abilities, and the presence of additional caries risk factors. In addition, invasive treatment of root caries in the elderly is much more complex, time-consuming, and expensive than the treatment of edentulous patients. It is therefore necessary to adopt a simple, efficient, and cost-effective approach for caries prevention/treatment in this population. This project aims to develop a resistant and biocompatible material for the preventive treatment of caries lesions through sealing, coating and/or infiltration of caries-susceptible tooth surfaces, including the exposed root surfaces. The desirable properties of such a material would be: the ability to form a coating layer and to adhere to the tooth surfaces, good stability in the oral cavity, excellent biocompatibility, and the potential to stimulate tooth surface remineralization. Our ultimate aim is to help preserve teeth and adequate oral function, decrease overall costs and burden of frequent and complicated restorative treatments for patients and their caregivers, and finally, improve oral health and quality of life of the elderly population and other high caries risk groups.

Deadline : 9-6-2024

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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD position MetaHealth

This PhD project is supported by the NWA program METAHEALTH, which focuses on oral and metabolic health in the first 1000 days of life. The PhD candidate will collaborate closely with fellow PhD students studying social behaviour, mathematical modeling and gut microbiome modelling in METAHEALTH.

The aim of this PhD project is to delve into the mechanisms underlying the establishment of a healthy host-oral microbiome balance in early life- a balance known to confer lifelong healthy benefits. Through cutting-edge techniques and the utilization of a state-of-art 3D organotypic model, the PhD candidate will have the unique opportunity to unravel the complexity of this dynamic process in a controlled manner.

Deadline : 30-6-2024

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(08) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD position in the field of digital dentistry

We are looking for a PhD student (with Dentistry, Engineer, Biomedical Technology and Physics, or correlated background) for materials research in dentistry.

Within medical sciences, dentistry is leading the way in digitizing treatment processes. The Department of Department of Restorative and Reconstructive Oral Care together with Biomaterials is looking for a Ph.D. student for a research project involving the digitization of the production of dental devices.  Are you intrigued by the transformative potential of 3D printing in dentistry, particularly in the realm of materials innovation and optimized design for oral rehabilitation? Do you wish to participate in how these advancements are reshaping dental practices, from work methodologies to treatment outcomes, and influencing the very essence of oral care professions? Are you drawn to the idea of immersing yourself as an expert within dental organizations, observing and analysing the intricate dynamics of 3D printing technology and personalized health care? If so, we invite you to consider applying for a PhD position at the forefront of research, within the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA)

Deadline : 9-6-2024

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(09) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD: Adoption of Functional Agrobiodiversity and Modelling Ecosystem Services

You will be part of a multidisciplinary project (FABforward) on various aspects of functional agrobiodiversity (FAB), funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). You will mainly work on economics and ecosystem services of FAB adoption by farmers. The position involves working across multiple research institutes. At the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, you will design and implement a survey and choice experiment aimed at assessing FAB adoption by Dutch farmers. The survey findings will provide input to your work on natural capital models for FAB-related ecosystem services, and on applying these models in a spatially explicit way; this work will be mainly carried out at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR). You will be supervised by Dr Mark Koetse and Prof. Pieter van Beukering from IVM, supported by RIVM and WENR staff.

Deadline : 1-7-2024

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(10) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD and PostDoc positions at VUSec

VUSec performs world-leading research in the broad area of systems security. We work on attacks, defenses, reverse engineering, and formal verification of security. We cover all major areas where security is important, especially software security, hardware security, and network security. We love to work on low-level stuff, for example tinkering with operating systems and compilers, or finding out the nitty gritty of how hardware is implemented to determine whether it is vulnerable.

Deadline : 1-6-2024

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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD Position Project NWO OC XL Metabolism

Microbial cell factories are engineered microorganisms that sustainably produce valuable compounds, from biofuels to fine chemicals. Product pathways in these factories are designed to yield desired compounds, with electron flow control being a critical engineering challenge, particularly for optimizing yield. Redox cofactors like NAD+/NADH play a key role in electron transfer, but their involvement in numerous reactions can lead to unintended effects when adjusting product pathways. Our project focuses on minimizing these effects by separating the pathways and metabolic networks, assigning NAD+/NADH for assimilation and a non-canonical redox cofactor for product formation.

In this NWO-XL project 7 PhD students and 2 postdocs from the VU, Wageningen and TU Delft work together to produce such novel cell factories. The role of this PhD position at the VU is to understand the fitness impact of the redox cofactor engineering, and to test robustness of engineered strains. We combine mathematical models (in collaboration with another VU PhD student) with laboratory evolution and physiological characterisation of strains in E. coli and S. cerevisiae.

Deadline : 9-6-2024

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(12) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD position: Action-based Flood Forecasting Under Climate Change

The Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) has a new position for a PhD in flood forecasting and risk assessment. You will become part of a new interdisciplinary research programme (JCAR-ATRACE) funded by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water. This project will assess flood risk and management in transboundary rivers and tributaries such as the Meuse and Geul between the Netherlands and neighbouring countries. You will assess how to effectively use short- to medium-term forecasts to reduce flood impacts and how this can complement long-term flood protection by levees. Your research will support cross-border cooperation to anticipate climate change.

You will further develop the existing Geographical, Environmental, and Behavioural (GEB) model, which couples a hydrological model with a decision model for adaptation measures (“agent-based model”). GEB allows to simulate how stakeholders in a river basin, such as households, farmers, governments, reservoir managers, and industry, adapt to rising flood risk but also before, during and after flood events. For example, GEB simulates how individuals may respond to events by protecting their homes with sandbags or evacuate and leave the area. Your task will be to include forecasting information from weather forecasts (e.g. ECMWF) and then further develop the GEB model such that it simulates how stakeholders use this forecasting information to act, also drawing from existing survey information from the region. By running this model over a longer time, simulating many possible events and responses, we can contrast the benefits of forecasting with long-term investments in protection in order evaluate a large set of possible measures to reduce risk of flooding.

Deadline : 1-6-2024

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(13) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD Position: Digital Ecosystems in Competition Law and Market Regulation

EU policymakers and competition enforcers are showing a growing interest in digital ecosystems, thus moving away from the regulation of products, services, and technologies as stand-alone entities. Their interest in ecosystems can be seen in digital competition law, whether in recent enforcement actions, the new guidelines on market definition, etc., but also in the Digital Markets Act, the AI Act, and the Data Act. The emergence of Generative AI further pushes competition agencies to consider ecosystem dynamics, as the first investigations and market studies in this area already show.

In this context, Dr. Thibault Schrepel, and Prof. Gareth Davies are looking for a PhD candidate to conduct legal research on the concept of digital ecosystem. Under the guidance of the supervisors, the PhD student will deploy empirical legal methods to document the scope and meaning of the concept as used and defined by EU policymakers and competition agencies. The candidate will then develop a unifying, robust theory of digital ecosystems for competition law and digital market regulation.

Deadline :20-5-2024

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About  The Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands –Official Website

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is a public research university in Amsterdam, Netherlands, founded in 1880, and consistently ranks among the top 150 universities in the world by major ranking tables. The VU is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The literal translation of the Dutch name Vrije Universiteit is “Free University”. “Free” refers to independence of the university from both the State and the Dutch Reformed Church. Both within and outside the university, the institution is commonly referred to as “the VU”. Although founded as a private institution, the VU has received government funding on a parity basis with public universities since 1970. The university is located on a compact urban campus in the southern Buitenveldert neighbourhood of Amsterdam and adjacent to the modern Zuidas business district.

In 2014, the VU had 23,656 registered students, most of whom were full-time students. That year, the university had 2,263 faculty members and researchers, and 1,410 administrative, clerical and technical employees, based on FTE units. The university’s annual endowment for 2014 was circa €480 million. About three quarters of this endowment is government funding; the remainder is made up of tuition fees, research grants, and private funding.



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