PhD Nest

15 Fully Funded PhD Positions at Karolinska Institute, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? Karolinska Institute, Sweden, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. 


(01) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doktorandplats – Forskning om att förebygga stroke bland personer som bor i utsatta områden i Stockholmsregionen

Doktoranden kommer att arbeta med projektet “Förebyggande av stroke bland personer som bor i utsatta områden: Utvärdering av ett kontextuellt och individuellt anpassat preventionsprogram med personer med risk för stroke”. Projekt fokuserar på att anpassa ett befintligt stroke preventionsprogram Make My Day (MMD) för personer som bor i utsatta områden. De första studier kommer att fokusera på att undersöka hur kontext påverkar tillgången till hälsofrämjande aktiviteter och förändring av hälsobeteende inom utsatta områden. Anpassning kommer att ske genom samskapande forskningsmetoder där personer med risk för stroke och andra aktörer involveras. Vidare görs en studie för att utvärdera det anpassade stroke preventionsprogram med avseende på genomförande, preliminära effekter och implementering.

Deadline : 2025-04-14

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(02) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral (PhD) student position in mitochondrial metabolism

We are looking for a highly motivated doctoral student interested in cellular metabolism with focus on energy conversion. Our research aims at identifying the molecular consequences of metabolic derangements, by understanding how mitochondria function within the metabolic system. For this, we use model systems, ranging from patient-derived samples, reprogrammed neuroepithelial stems cells to genetically modified animal models. We are specifically recruiting for a project studying nuclear genes involved in controlling mitochondrial function and dysfunction. The successful candidate will acquire a diverse set of skills in the fields of mitochondrial biology, cellular metabolism, molecular biology, computational analysis of large-scale data, as well as handling and working with model organisms.

Deadline : 23.Mar.2025 

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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– Doktorand till projekt för att förebygga skörhet hos älder personer som bor hemma- en aktiv vardag

Doktoranden kommer att arbeta med projektet ”Aktiv hemma-preventiv intervention för äldre personer med risk för skörhet”. Syftet med forskningsprojektet är att utveckla och testa en preventionsmodell för att minska risken för skörhet hos äldre personer som är hemmaboende. Projektet har stor relevans och betydelse för att bygga upp ett interprofessionellt team-arbete i primärvården i samverkan med kommunen. Projektet kommer att ha en betydande inverkan på hur vården kan utvecklas i framtiden och ligger i linje med den sjukvårdsreform som pågår just nu (God och nära vård). Under doktorandutbildningen kommer du erbjudas möjlighet att fördjupa dina kunskaper och förståelse inom forskningsområdet äldres hälsa och aktiv livsstil, teknikanvändning, forskningsmetoder som är samskapande, kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Du kommer få möjlighet att utveckla färdigheter och förmågor i att samarbeta, samverka och projektleda olika faser av projektet. Som doktorand kommer du att använda dig av olika teorier, exempelvis aktivitetsvetenskap och teorier om åldrande. Du kommer att skriva vetenskapliga artiklar och presentera resultaten. Som doktorand i Forskarskolan i Hälsovetenskap deltar du också i kurser och aktiviteter anordnade av forskarskolan.

Deadline : 2025-03-21

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(04) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) student position in DNA topology and genome stability

Topoisomerases are essential enzymes that regulate the topology of DNA favoring replication and transcription by cleaving/resealing DNA strands. Because cancer cells have higher rates of proliferation compared to normal cells, they are highly dependent on topoisomerase activity. Therefore, strategies to target topoisomerases could provide a mean to selectively affect cancer cells.

The focus of this research project is to understand how the activity of the topoisomerase is regulated at repetitive elements in connection with genome folding and chromosomal translocations. The overarching goal is to develop strategies to modulate these regulatory mechanisms and prevent genomic translocation in cancer patients. We will use biochemical and molecular biology approaches, DNA and RNA sequencing and CRISPR-based genome editing to investigate the relationship between genome dynamics and topoisomerase activity.

The PhD program at the Karolinska Institutet corresponds to 4 years full time studies. The project is a combination of practical laboratory work (wet-lab work) and computational analysis (programming in R and/or Python). The program also includes attendance to seminars, courses, and conferences. The PhD student will plan and execute experiments, analyze data, interpret, and present the results as well as write scientific articles, initially under supervision but with greater independence going forward.

Deadline : 18.Mar.2025

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(05) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doktorandplats till forskningsprojektet TeamFödsel

Två doktorander söks till forskningsprojektet TeamFödsel. TeamFödsel är ett arbetssätt där den personal som är involverad under förlossningen gör avstämningar tillsammans med den födande kvinnan och partner/medföljare. För att hjälpa teamet att kommunicera och dela information visualiseras önskemål, plan och när teamet ska ses nästa gång. Forskningsprojektet kommer att utvärdera om arbetssättet bidrar till personcentrerad vård och patientsäkerhet. Nio förlossningsavdelningar deltar i projektet. Ett av doktorandprojekten kommer att ha inriktning mot patientsäkerhet och delat beslutsfattande under förlossning. Det andra projektet kommer att studera interprofessionellt teamarbete, kvinnors förlossningsupplevelse samt implementering. För att utvärdera TeamFödsel används registerdata, enkäter samt intervjudata. Doktoranden kommer att delta i datainsamling, analys och redovisning av forskningsresultat. I projektet finns även möjligheter till internationellt utbyte, då vi samarbetar med forskargrupper i flera länder.

Deadline : 2025-03-16

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(06) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral student position – Preventing Functional Decline in Older Adults During Acute Hospitalization

The doctoral student will contribute to the project “Preventing Functional Decline in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: Effects of a Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial, Patient Experiences, and Secondary Analyses.” Older adults hospitalized for acute illness often experience frailty and are at heightened risk of functional decline. While exercise has been shown to reduce this risk, more research is needed to compare the effectiveness of different exercise programs. To investigate which program is most beneficial for older adults in acute care, the PREV_FUNC study was initiated. This three-arm randomized controlled trial compares two exercise regimens to usual care. One program includes strength training, balance, and walking exercises, while the other focuses on walking and sit-to-stand exercises, which participants are encouraged to continue at home.

Deadline : 16.Mar.2025

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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) student position in human immunology

The project bridges molecular and cellular biology, immunology and systems biology to address critical gaps in understanding the role of granulocytes in psoriasis. We aim to integrate advanced experimental techniques to characterize the phenotype and function of disease-specific granulocyte subpopulations in psoriasis patients, identify the factors driving their tissue infiltration and explore how their interactions with stromal and immune cells contribute to disease pathology. Additionally, the project seeks to uncover key molecular pathways and biomarkers associated with immune response and disease severity.

The student will collect and process blood and skin biopsies from patients with various types of psoriasis and at different disease stages. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as multicolour flow cytometry, single-cell RNA sequencing, microscopy, extracellular vesicle research, and multi-omics integration, the project aims to generate novel insights into psoriasis pathogenesis.

During the doctoral education, the student will gain theoretical knowledge in immunology and hands-on expertise in advanced research methodologies. The student is expected to attend relevant doctoral courses, develop research and analytical skills, cultivate independent critical thinking, and formulate research questions with scientific rigor. Learning activities will include data processing and analysis using various bioinformatic approaches, presenting and communicating research findings (in group meetings, seminars, conferences and manuscripts) and participating in weekly seminars in our division as well as other relevant immunology and infection seminars at KI.

Deadline : 14.Mar.2025

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(08) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doktorandplats- Utvärdering av en hälsointervention för att stödja äldre personers kognitiva återhämtning efter kirurgi

Doktoranden kommer att arbeta med projektet ”Utvärdering av en komplex hälsointervention för att stödja äldre personers kognitiva återhämtning efter hjärtkirurgi”. Syftet med forskningsprojektets att utvärdera om en hälsointervention, bestående av utbildning, information och individanpassat stöd, samt digital uppföljning, kan förbättra den kognitiva återhämtningen hos äldre personer (≥65 år) efter genomgången hjärtkirurgi. Projektet är en fortsättning på en större longitudinell observationsstudie där deltagarnas generella och kognitiva återhämtning, följs upp under sex månader efter en hjärtoperation. Det aktuella projektet är designat för att ge doktoranden kunskap om olika forskningsmetoder samtidigt som stor vikt har lagts på genomförbarhet och en hållbar forskarutbildningsmiljö. Under doktorandutbildningen erbjuds möjlighet att fördjupa sin kunskap och förståelse inom forskningsområdet postoperativ återhämtning och neurokognitiv återhämtning, forskningsmetodik samt kvantitativ och kvalitativ dataanalys. Doktoranden kommer få möjlighet att utveckla färdigheter och förmågor i att genomföra kliniska interventionsstudier, att samarbeta, samverka och projektleda olika faser av projektet. Slutligen kommer projektet erbjuda doktoranden goda möjligheter att utveckla sin värderingsförmåga och sitt vetenskapliga förhållningssätt genom att ingå i ett forskningsprogram med en befintlig och upparbetad forskargrupp där regelbundna möten och seminarium hålls.

Deadline : 2025-03-14

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(09) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) student position in the area of wearable biosensors and dermatology

The doctoral project aims to develop a novel medical sensor technology to quantitatively measure disease biomarkers. This will be achieved by designing epidermal bioelectronic devices measuring key physicochemical and biological biomarkers of the skin using in vivo, ex vivo human and animal models.

With the ultimate goal of providing important new knowledge for skin diagnostics and care, the doctoral student is expected to gain broad knowledge on:

  • How to design and fabricate medical sensors.

  • How to navigate physicochemical and structural changes in human skin before, during and after the diseases.

  • How to develop an epidermal sensor and diagnostic tools to monitor skin to guide precise skincare and develop therapeutic applications.

The doctoral project will combine biosensor research with basic biochemistry, dermatology and electrochemistry and biomaterials to generate truly interdisciplinary doctoral research scientist. The result from the doctoral project will be a model platform and pave the way for novel molecular and wearable biosensing to implement preventative actions.

Deadline : 13.Mar.2025 

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(10) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doktorandplats – Främja kontinuitet i vården för ungdomar med långvariga sjukdomstillstånd i övergången till vuxenlivet – Implementering och anpassning av ett evidensbaserat övergångsprogram: Stepstones- Implement Projektet

Personen vi söker ska arbeta med forskningsprojektet Stepstones-Implement tillsammans med andra medforskare och vårdpersonal. Det övergripande målet med forskningsprojektet Stepstones Implement är att implementera och studera implementeringsprocessen av ett personcentrerat övergångsprogram för ungdomar med långvariga tillstånd vid sex universitetssjukhus i Sverige. Vidare syftar projektet till att studera förutsättningarna att anpassa och implementera programmet i för målgrupper med särskilda behov utifrån en nationell och internationell kontext. Stepstones övergångsprogram är utvecklat tillsammans med ungdomar, föräldrar och vårdpersonal.

Doktorandprojektet kommer främst handla om att insamla genomföra och rapportera data från implementeringsstudien Stepstones-Implement som genomförs i Sverige samt genomföra en processutvärdering av implementeringen. Vidare ska projektet utforska möjligheterna att anpassa och implementera programmet för ungdomar med långvariga tillstånd med särskilda behov utifrån en nationell och internationell kontext. Arbetsuppgifterna inkluderar att: etablera och vara kontaktperson med deltagande enheter, rekrytera och hålla kontakt med studiedeltagare; samla in data genom intervjuer och frågeformulär; mata in data i databas; analysera och rapportera kvalitativa och kvantitativa data såväl som kvantitativa data samt sammanfatta forskning

Deadline : 2025-03-13

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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) student position in Immunology

In this project, the incoming doctoral student will develop an in-depth understanding of the role of ILC2s in the initiation and progression of allergic diseases. The student will also become trained on several cutting-edge techniques including single cell multiomics, human sample analysis, mouse models of allergic diseases, imaging and advanced flow cytometry. Specifically, the student will characterise memory ILC2 skin niches, cellular interactions and molecular pathways regulating their function in samples from atopic dermatitis patients. Mechanistic aspects will be validated using skin equivalents and mouse models. The student will also contribute to the general management and dynamics of the laboratory.

Deadline : 13.Mar.2025 

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(12) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral(PhD) position in in Breast Cancer Characterization with Multimodal Data Integration of Spatial Genomics Data and Clinical Data.

Multimodal data integration is crucial in enabling the comprehensive understanding of relationships within and between various layers of biological and clinical information. By integrating diverse data types, our team can better grasp the vast heterogeneity of diseases, leading to enhanced diagnostic accuracy and more effective screening techniques.

The doctoral student will integrate a diverse array of breast cancer genomics data, including spatial transcriptomics, spatial epigenomics, single-cell sequencing, extensive breast tissue section images, clinical data, and genome sequences. Some of these datasets were generated in our lab, while complementary data have been sourced from public repositories. The student will gain a deep understanding of the clinical aspects of breast cancer to assess the performance and relevance of the integrated data. Advanced computational methods, including Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, will be employed and, if necessary, specifically developed.

Deadline :12.Mar.2025 

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(13) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) student position in diabetes epidemiology

The PhD project aims to understand the rise of type 2 diabetes in young adults and its consequences. The PhD student will be trained in advanced epidemiological and statistical methods and will analyze data from large, nationwide, register-based cohorts, as well as cohort and case-control studies with extensive information from questionnaires and biological samples. The PhD student will manage databases, formulate hypotheses, write analysis protocols, program, analyze data, interpret and present results, and write scientific papers. The project can be expected to contribute significant new knowledge on a new public health problem.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2025 

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(14) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral position in leukemia microenvironment

The project will be focusing on evaluating the functional effects of several newly identified niche factors in AML(Xiao et al., Blood Adv., 2018a and 2018b; Cai, et al., Blood, 2022), a devastating disease with poor treatment outcomes. The doctoral project will be conducted under the main supervisor Hong Qian, co-supervisors Arnika Kathleen Wagner with expertise in immune cell regulation and therapy, and Muhammad Kashif with expertise in bioinformatics analysis including RNA sequencing and programing.

The student will have great opportunities to learn both theoretical knowledge and research methodologies. The student will learn to formulate the specific hypothesis within this project and test the hypothesis by using AML mouse models and patient samples in combination with commercially available recombinant peptides or CRISPR/C as9 gene-editing strategy under the supervision of the supervisors and in collaboration with experts/hematologists in the field.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2025

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(15) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) student position in receptor pharmacology of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis

The doctoral student project will investigate the role of GPCRs in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) – an inflammatory, fatty liver disease for which limited pharmacological treatment options are available. Using an organotypic model of MASH, compounds targeting GPCRs will be screened to identify new targets for disease intervention. Using subcellular biosensors, the doctoral student will illuminate the similarities and differences across the hits to better understand the molecular underpinnings of anti-MASH effects. Omics-based approaches will translate molecular findings into functional mechanisms that we be used for further validation. By the end of this project, new disease targets will be uncovered and our understanding of signaling networks that resolve the disease features of MASH will be increased. The student is expected to play a strong role in hypothesis generation, experimental design, experimentation, data analysis, presentation of results at meetings and conferences, and manuscript preparation. The student will be responsible to follow the general rules and regulations and time plan of the doctoral program.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2025

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About The Karolinska Institute, Sweden – Official Website

The Karolinska Institute sometimes known as the (Royal) Caroline Institute in English is a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The assembly consists of fifty professors from various medical disciplines at the university. The current rector of Karolinska Institute is Ole Petter Ottersen, who took office in August 2017.

The Karolinska Institute was founded in 1810 on the island of Kungsholmen on the west side of Stockholm; the main campus was relocated decades later to Solna, just outside Stockholm. A second campus was established more recently in Flemingsberg, Huddinge, south of Stockholm.

The Karolinska Institute is Sweden’s third oldest medical school, after Uppsala University (founded in 1477) and Lund University (founded in 1666). It is one of Sweden’s largest centres for training and research, accounting for 30% of the medical training and more than 40% of all academic medical and life science research conducted in Sweden.

The Karolinska University Hospital, located in Solna and Huddinge, is associated with the university as a research and teaching hospital. Together they form an academic health science centre. While most of the medical programs are taught in Swedish, the bulk of the PhD projects are conducted in English. The institute’s name is a reference to the Caroleans.

Internationally, the university is known for research relating to the genome of the poplar tree and the Norway Spruce, and its highly ranked Institute of (industrial) Design.



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