Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD on Digital Twin in Healthcare for Brain Perfusion and Metabolism
Building upon earlier computational models for brain perfusion, metabolism, and infarction, you will develop a high-fidelity Digital Twin, that will become a generic modelling and simulation platform to study (patho)physiology of brain perfusion and related processes (metabolism, infarction, oedema, bleeding in the brain, vasospasm, etc.). The Digital Twin will be validated against clinical data, and credibility assessments will be performed. Finally, in collaboration with (clinical) partners, the Digital Twin will be applied to contribute to decision support tools in preventing or treating strokes.
Deadline : 17 June 2024
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position: “Media Capture and the Consequences for Journalistic Performance”
PhD position in the project: “Commercially instigated media capture and the consequences for journalistic performance: Biting the hand that feeds you?”
We are seeking a PhD candidate for the project “Commercially instigated media capture and the consequences for journalistic performance: Biting the hand that feeds you?” This is a 4-year PhD project, in which the PhD candidate will investigate the dynamics and effects of commercially instigated media capture on journalistic outputs, citizen trust, policy, and individual journalists in the European context.
The PhD track is part of two programme groups embedded in the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR, department of Communication Science) at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam: “Corporate Communication” and “Political Communication & Journalism”. You will be working under the supervision of Mark Boukes, Katjana Gattermann, Olga Eisele, and Kathleen Beckers.
Deadline : 16 August 2024
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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD in Technology Assessment of Suitable Hydrogen Carriers
The technology assessment of suitable hydrogen carriers in this subtask of the GroenvermogenNL R&D programme HyTROS focuses on evaluating various options for storing and transporting hydrogen, specifically for implementation in the Dutch ports, which is a critical component of the transition to a sustainable energy system. The objective is to perform a full technology assessment for safe, reliable, and affordable hydrogen carriers for the ports, terminals, and stakeholders based on storage performance (release, uptake, toxicity, hydrogen content, material characteristics, etc.), including newly established, less studied hydrogen carriers, resulting in a Technology Monitor Report (TMR) similar to what has recently been accomplished for underground H2 storage. The scope of the assessment includes the evaluation of performance of well-established and novel hydrogen carriers in terms of storage, release, uptake, toxicity, hydrogen content, material characteristics, and other relevant factors, such as integration in the current port infrastructure. It also involves identifying the potential risks and challenges associated with each option and developing strategies to mitigate them.
Deadline : 01.10.2024
(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–Phd Position in Multiscale Spatiotemporal Modelling of Microbiome During the First 1000 Days of Life
The primary aim of this PhD project is to understand how children’s microbiome influences their oral and gut health during the first 1000 days of life and beyond. To accomplish this goal, computational models must be developed to account for both endogenous and exogenous factors that impact health. Endogenous factors include internal parameters such as solute levels and species abundance in intestinal tract and dental regions, while exogenous factors encompass external elements such as socio-economic status, culture, diet, and lifestyle. By integrating these factors, you will simulate and explore their complex interactions and effects on the microbiome and innate immune system. Your model simulations will inform personalized interventions targeting metabolic health issues and dental caries. This interdisciplinary project will have access to metagenomics and demographics data from the MetaHealth consortium for use in your research. We welcome applications from candidates who are passionate about harnessing the power of computational science to improve human health.
Deadline : 3 July 2024
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD in Computational Chemistry
PRONTO (PROperty prediction by Network TOpology modelling of polymer films) is a 3-PhD project concerning ‘drying’ of paints or coating solutions, a solidification process where multifunctional monomers in the liquid polymerize into a polymer network: a single large molecule spanning the entire volume. Rates of reactions and diffusion define the network formation, but are dramatically influenced by the density of the growing network. To address this complexity, the PRONTO researchers will develop multiscale computational models connecting atomic-level molecular simulations, mesoscopic reaction kinetics and network modelling, and macroscopic continuum modelling. PRONTO is a collaboration between Universiteit van Amsterdam, Utrecht University, Canon Production Printing (Venlo), AkzoNobel Performance Coatings (Sassenheim), Reden (Engineering and simulation, Hengelo OV) and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. The project is financed by NWO and Canon.
Deadline : 30.06.2024
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD: Transgender People and the Labor Market: Content and Consequences of Media Portrayals in NL
In this 4-year PhD project, you will explore employability perceptions of TGN people from various angles. As media plays a central role in perceptions about social groups, the first step will be to analyze the frames used in news media about TGN people. Furthermore, the effect of these frames on employability perceptions will be examined. The content of vacancy texts is also very relevant to the employability of TGN people, as lack of inclusive language and use of gendered language can deter them from applying for a particular position. Lastly, you will analyze how TGN people experience the communication used in the application process.
This PhD project will examine: (1) news media portrayal of TGN people, (2) how these portrayals affect employability perceptions (3) the use of inclusive and/or gendered language in vacancy texts, and (4) the perceptions of TGN people on the communication in the job application process (including news media portrayal, recruitment texts, corporate communication).
Deadline : 4 July 2024
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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Antibacterial Drug Discovery
Antibiotic resistance is a major threat in human societies and will occur as long as we use antibiotics. It is therefore imperative to keep on developing novel antibiotics. This requires an intricate knowledge of bacterial pathogens, as this will reveal novel targets, and enables us to fully understand the workings of antimicrobial compounds. In this PhD project, you will investigate the basic mechanisms of cell division in relation to cell wall synthesis, with the aim to discover protein targets that can be used to develop novel antibiotic lead compounds.
The position is supported by a recently awarded Marie Curie ITN grant “Clear”, and the research will be performed within the Clear consortium encompassing 10 European partners. Our lab is part of the Microbiology theme at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences in the Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam. Our state-of-the-art facilities and supportive research community provide an ideal environment for ambitious researchers eager to make an impact.
Deadline : 23.06.2024
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student: Social Learning in a Structured World
We are looking for a PhD student for the project “Social learning in a structured world.” This project explores how people acquire skills by learning from others and how these skills build up to reach high levels of expertise. You will use agent-based simulations to study how structured skill-building influences learning, which learning strategies are most effective, and how they spread knowledge and skills through society. Depending on your talents and interests, the project may also include decision-making experiments.
We seek someone enthusiastic about computational modelling and interested in social learning and cultural evolution. You will be guided by a team of experts with developmental, cognitive, and evolutionary perspectives on psychology.
Deadline : 1 July 2024
(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD in the Political Geography of Meat and Dairy
Meat and dairy production is one of the largest contributors to climate change and biodiversity loss. The UN, EU and other political actors therefore increasingly see the transition away from consumption of animal based proteins, meat and dairy, as crucial for reaching several sustainability development goals (SDG’s). Changing diets towards more plant-based would not only spare millions of animal lives, it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, reduces the risk of the outbreak of zoonosis and is better for human health. This ‘protein transition’ appears however to become stalled by paralysing political polarization. Meat seems to become part of culture wars and identity politics, pitching liberal urban elites against rural conservative groups. The aim of this project is to investigate political and spatial polarization of meat and dairy in four European countries: Czech republic, Denmark, Portugal and the Netherlands. Through qualitative fieldwork with consumers, producers and politicians and policy makers it wants to understand how meat and dairy become political. For that purpose, PROTEINSCAPES will consist of a team of four PhD-candidates and one postdoc, embedded in the interdisciplinary research institute AISSR within the programme group urban geographies.
Deadline : 30 June 2024
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Position – Artificial Intelligence: Power Asymmetries and Data Justice
Are you looking for a challenging position in a dynamic setting? The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) currently has a vacant PhD position as part of the Artificial Intelligence: Power Asymmetries and Data Justice project led by principal investigators Dr Lonneke van der Velden and Dr Claudio Celis Bueno. ASCA is one of the five Research Schools within the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR).
ASCA is a research community devoted to the comparative and interdisciplinary study of culture (in all its forms and expressions) from a broad humanities perspective. ASCA is home to more than 120 scholars and 160 PhD candidates and is a world-leading international research school in Cultural Analysis. ASCA members share a commitment to working in an interdisciplinary framework and to maintaining a close connection with contemporary cultural and political debates.
Deadline : 8 september 2024
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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Position in Improving Machine Learning Methods for Contingent Claim Pricing and Hedging
The project will focus on, but will not necessarily be limited to, a promising relatively new mathematical characterization of uncertainty in financial time series (using the sequences of iterated integrals known as signatures) and a particular application for which classical modelling tools seem particularly hard to apply (the infinite-dimensional structure in forward prices for energy markets). We expect that insights for this particular theoretical method and practical problem may also help to design improvements for other applications of machine learning in the financial context, such as the generation of stochastic scenarios used in risk management for insurance companies and trading strategies that use derivatives to hedge payoffs of other exotic derivatives (such as forward prices in energy markets and) regime switching in stochastic modelling of asset prices.
For this project the PhD student needs a strong theoretical and computational background (e.g. functional analysis, measure theoretic probability, mathematics of Machine Learning, mathematical and computational finance) and she/he also needs to be genuinely interested in real world applications. For the project to be a success, input will be required on the development of new mathematical theory, on the efficient implementation of new models, and on the practical side of financial markets.
Deadline : 7 June 2024
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Experimental Soft Matter Physics: Protein Assembly for Artificial Meat
The PhD project in which you will be participating aims to develop a fundamental understanding of protein assembly and protein structure formation for the design of artificial meat. Understanding of filamentous protein networks is essential for designing and creating artificial bioinspired materials such as plant-based meat analogues and tissue for food and medical applications. Yet, despite the growing demand of meat analogues, making and understanding these networks and their physio-chemical properties remain a grand challenge. Recent breakthroughs in shear-cell and extrusion techniques offer opportunities to make fibrous plant-based structures without additives. In this project, we explore rheology and direct imaging on selected protein model systems to make and investigate filamentous protein networks. The PhD project is in collaboration with Wageningen University, where further characterization of the protein gels in terms of their water binding and juicy properties and sensory attributes will be performed to reach an overarching understanding of these meat analogues, from structure to (sensory) properties.
Deadline : 30 June 2024
(13) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–Phd Position in Multiscale Modelling of Endothelial Cell Monolayers in Health and Disease
The Computational Science Lab (CSL) within in the Informatics Institute is offering a PhD position focusing on multiscale modelling of Endothelial Cell (EC) monolayers in the microvasculature, coupling molecular models of intracellular signalling to cell-level models of spatially resolved signalling, and finally to coupling many of such single cell-level models together in a multicellular EC monolayer. The goal is to study specific pathways (based on RhoA and RhoB GTPases) and their impact on EC monolayer integrity. You will study differential pathways that drive fast and transient (RhoA-mediated), or slow and persistent (RhoB-mediated) loss of endothelial integrity. You will merge in silico modelling with in-vitro experiments carried out in close collaboration with another PhD student in this joint project to address bistability and hysteresis in the differential RhoA/B-dependent control of microvascular leak. You will study cell-to-cell variability in responses to activating stimuli and address the switch from acute to chronic EC activation.
Deadline : 10 June 2024
(14) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD on Event-based Communication Algorithms for Knowledge Transfer with Distributed Digital Twins
A digital twin (DT) is a virtual representation of a physical object, system, or process (including cities, and even ecosystems), synchronised with the real-world entity it replicates by using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, such as sensors and actuators. By applying digital technologies, such as AI, data analytics and computer simulations, a DT application can be used to experiment, simulate, analyse, and optimise the behaviour, performance and maintenance of the real-world counterpart, including its interaction with other objects or systems.
Critical infrastructures, such as wastewater treatment ecosystems, employ digital twins to monitor and control their facilities. In such complex infrastructures, many separately-controlled systems are participating as interdependent autonomous entities. In order to create a better holistic digital representation of the environment, we need to ensure that effective knowledge transfer is taking place between such autonomous entities. Knowledge transfer mechanisms should take into account that these entities have different authorization levels, different levels of environment representation, different target interests, yet ultimately affect the same ecosystem. You will need to define a logical representation of the environment and its events, create a distributed partial knowledge system, define an efficient event-based communication mechanism, develop a real-time communication framework for distributed DTs, and evaluate it in a real use-case scenario.
Deadline : 11 June 2024
(15) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–Two PhD Positions on Human-aligned Video-AI
Are you interested in performing high-impact interdisciplinary research in Artificial Intelligence and its alignment with humans and society? The University of Amsterdam has recently started a flagship project on Human-Aligned Video AI (HAVA). The HAVA Lab will address fundamental questions about what defines human alignment with video AI, how to make this computable, and what determines its societal acceptance.
Video AI holds the promise to explore what is unreachable, monitor what is imperceivable and to protect what is most valuable. New species have become identifiable in our deep oceans, the visually impaired profit from automated speech transcriptions of visual scenery, and elderly caregivers may be supported with an extra pair of eyes, to name just three of the many, many application examples. This is no longer wishful thinking. Broad uptake of video-AI for science, for business, and for wellbeing awaits at the horizon, thanks to a decade of phenomenal progress in machine deep learning.
However, the same video-AI is also accountable for self-driving cars crashing into pedestrians, deep fakes that make us believe misinformation, and mass-surveillance systems that monitor our behaviour. The research community’s over-concentration on recognition accuracy has neglected human-alignment for societal acceptance. The HAVA Lab is an intern-disciplinary lab that will study how to make the much-needed digital transformation towards human-aligned video AI.
Deadline : 15 June 2024
About University of Amsterdam, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Amsterdam is a public research university located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The UvA is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Established in 1632 by municipal authorities and later renamed for the city of Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam is the third-oldest university in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest research universities in Europe with 31,186 students, 4,794 staff, 1,340 PhD students and an annual budget of €600 million. It is the largest university in the Netherlands by enrollment. The main campus is located in central Amsterdam, with a few faculties located in adjacent boroughs. The university is organised into seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, Science, Law, Medicine, Dentistry.
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