Lund University, Scania, Sweden invites online Application for number of PhD Positions at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Positions available at Lund University, Scania, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral Student in Statistics
Doctoral students devote their time primarily to completion of course work and the writing of a doctoral thesis. The employment as a PhD student is granted on a yearly basis and the total period of employment may not exceed 4 years of full-time studies. Departmental duties, i.e., teaching, administration or research not directly connected to the dissertation topic, may amount to a maximum of 20% of full time. When such departmental duties are performed, the length of employment is extended accordingly.
Deadline : 31.May.2024
(02) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate, sustainability reporting and sustainable business transformation
Research with this focus aims to contribute with empirical studies in the field as well as increased theoretical knowledge and general understanding of the evolution of sustainability reporting and its role in sustainable business transformation, in particular the adaptation of companies to stakeholder and regulatory demands on sustainability reporting (including the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Taxonomy, as well as private initiatives like the TCFD and TNFD frameworks). The PhD candidate is also expected to contribute to the development of innovative practices that promote the sustainability transformation of business.
Deadline : 27.May.2024
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(03) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate, Business Administration (marketing)
Regulations concerning appointment as a PhD student can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 5, 1–7 §§ and SFS 1998:80. For appointment to the position, you are required to be eligible for admission to the PhD (PhD) programme in Business Administration.
The PhD programme in Business Administration at Lund University is a four-year programme consisting of two parts: a course package comprising 90 ECTS credits, and a PhD thesis comprising 150 ECTS credits. The main task is therefore to devote yourself to your research project and participation in postgraduate courses.
As a PhD candidate you will mainly be working with your research project, but you can also be given more general tasks at the department, e.g. teaching, research or administrative work, in accordance with the regulations in SFS 1998:80.
Deadline : 27.May.2024
(04) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate, Business Administration (strategic management)
Lund University School of Economics and Management is accredited by the three largest and most influential accreditation institutes for business schools: EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB. Only just over 100 business schools in the world have achieved this prestigious Triple Crown accreditation.
The Department of Business Administration is announcing one PhD candidate position in the field of strategic management.
Type of employment: Limit of tenure, four years full-time studies. The initial appointment is for one year, which is then renewed for no more than two years at a time.
Deadline : 27.May.2024
(05) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in germline stem cell development and fertility
Our research focuses on the role of extracellular singling in cell fate decisions during development and disease. The group, led by Dr. Sandeep Gopal, is located at the Biomedical Center in Lund. The research group is part of Lund’s Stem cell Center and the Department of Experimental Medical Science. We are looking for a PhD student who has an interest in extracellular biology and germline stem cells. The goal of the project is to elucidate how glycans and glycan binding molecules regulate germline stem cells and fertility. This project has a combinatorial approach using both Caenorhabditis elegans and in vitro mammalian models.
Deadline : 24.May.2024
(06) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doktorand
Forskargruppen Psykisk hälsa, aktivitet och delaktighet (PAD) är förlagd vid Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, Medicinska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet och leds av Professor Ulrika Bejerholm. Gruppen har sin arbetsplats i den nya forskningsmiljön Forum Medicum. I forskargruppen arbetar både seniora och juniora forskare från olika yrkesområden som tex. arbetsterapi och folkhälsovetenskap. Forskargruppen är en del av det nationella forskningsnätverket CEPI (Centrum för Evidensbaserade Psykosociala Insatser) och forskningsprogrammet UserInvolve (Forte). Uppdraget för den tvärprofessionella forskargruppen PAD omfattar utbildning, forskning och kunskapsspridning till det omgivande samhället. PAD strävar efter en tillitsfull och personlig arbetsmiljö som främjar gemenskap. Forskargruppen har gedigen erfarenhet av grundforskning om livsvillkor för personer med erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa, preventiva- och återhämtningsinriktade insatser samt implementeringsforskning, med fokus på både brukarinflytande och praktikrelevans. Läs mer om PAD och CEPI.
Deadline : 23.May.2024
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(07) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student in Molecular Cardiology
The research group, which is led by associate professor Olof Gidlöf, has a translational research profile focused on heart disease. The research involves epigenetic and transcriptomic mapping of pathophysiological mechanisms in heart failure, with the purpose of identifying new potential targets for therapy. The work will be conducted within a large research environment which involves research groups at Lund University and Gothenburg University (and corresponding university hospitals) and includes preclinical and clinical doctoral students, a bioinformatician as well as postdoctoral and senior researchers. The research also builds on extensive national and international collaborations.
Deadline :21.May.2024
(08) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral student in structural biology
Molecular Biophysics includes the study of the structure, dynamics and function of proteins and nucleic acids using physical and biochemical methods. The division mainly focuses on studies of proteins using X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy in order to determine their structures and study their interactions with other molecules. Studies carried out at the Division of Biochemistry and Structural Biology focus on a number different proteins and peptides of interest in fundamental and applied science, particularly in health and biotechnology. These investigations include the structural analysis of proteins and drug-receptor complexes.
Deadline : 20.May.2024
(09) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doktorand
Students with basic eligibility for third-cycle studies are those who- have completed a second-cycle degree- have completed courses of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are from second-cycle courses, or- have acquired largely equivalent knowledge in some other way, in Sweden or abroad.
The employment of doctoral students is regulated in the Swedish Code of Statues 1998: 80. Only those who are or have been admitted to PhD-studies may be appointed to doctoral studentships. When an appointment to a doctoral studentship is made, the ability of the student to benefit from PhD-studies shall primarily be taken into account. In addition to devoting themselves to their studies, those appointed to doctoral studentships may be required to work with educational tasks, research and administration, in accordance with specific regulations in the ordinance.
Deadline : 16.May.2024
(10) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral student in Psychology, Eye movements and Memory
The doctoral project, forming part of the research project described above, will have its final design determined in collaboration with the project leaders. Nevertheless, the doctoral student will have great opportunities to influence the final design of the studies. In the final part of the doctoral studies, the doctoral student is expected to independently develop their research ideas. Applicants are required to submit a research plan that includes potential ideas and prospective studies related to current research on episodic memory and gaze behaviour.
The PhD student is expected to take an active role in all stages of the research project. The PhD student will be responsible for preparing stimulus materials, designing and programming experiments, collecting and analysing behavioural, eye-tracking and EEG data, and reporting and presenting the findings at scientific meetings and in scientific journals.
Deadline : 10.May.2024
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(11) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral student in Biology
Biology is the broad subject about all living things. It encompasses everything from processes at the molecular and cellular level to global processes at ecosystem level. The subject is divided into a range of sub-disciplines and specialisations. The PhD programme at the Department of Biology includes many of these specialisations, from molecular biology to applied ecology, from viruses and individual cells to evolutionary biology and global biodiversity. Taking on research studies at the Department of Biology generally means focusing on a delimited part of the research area of biology and may include field studies, experiments, theoretical studies, or a combination of these.
Deadline : 10.May.2024
(12) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral Student in Automatic Control with focus on Robotics
We are hiring a doctoral student within a project on Robotic Manipulation with Extrinsic Dexterity. This PhD project is dedicated to enhancing autonomous robots’ ability to interact with their environment and manipulate objects, despite the limited dexterity of their grippers, through refined hand-arm coordination and external contacts (extrinsic dexterity). It focuses on developing adaptive robot motion/force control strategies for object manipulation in case of frictional contacts, capable of learning from and adjusting to environmental uncertainties, utilizing nonlinear control and machine learning techniques.
Deadline : 09.May.2024
(13) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral Students in Automatic Control
We are hiring two doctoral students for two different projects:
1) “Synthesizing Second-Life Batteries: A Heterogeneous Control Approach” funded by the Swedish government COMPEL – COMPetence for the ELectrification of the transport system.
Background: Batteries are central to supporting the renewable energy transition. However, there is a significant environmental and financial cost associated with the production of new batteries. The potential of repurposing retired batteries from various applications, such as electric vehicles, for use in areas like grid support, presents a unique and sustainable avenue to reduce these impacts and accelerate the use of batteries. This project aims to explore the feasibility of assembling used batteries, no longer fit for their original purpose, to create ‘new’ batteries that can provide robust grid support. The basic idea is to connect many smaller, retired batteries to create a larger, heterogeneous battery. By exploiting advanced control theoretic techniques developed for interconnected heterogeneous systems, methods will be developed to quantify the capabilities and capacities of this hybrid battery, optimizing them for the new application domain.
2) “Scalable Optimization for Learning in Control” funded by ELLIIT, a strategic research area for IT and mobile communication.
Background: Large-scale engineering applications put new demands on control theory, as most existing methods for analysis, design and verification do not scale well with increasing complexity. Furthermore, new powerful algorithms for machine learning are increasingly being used for control engineering purposes, further adding to the complexity of analysis and verification. To counteract this, there is a strong demand for scalable algorithms and corresponding information interfaces. Important applications areas are networks for energy, transportation and communications. The purpose of the proposed project is to address the complexity challenges by developing and exploiting new algorithms suitable for distributed implementation.
Deadline : 09.May.2024
(14) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral student in Analytical Chemistry with focus on cell-based miniaturized electroanalytical systems
Analytical chemistry is one of the fundamental chemistry subjects that aims at developing new analytical techniques and methods to identify, quantify and study the structure and function of molecules within a range of fields such as food science, environmental science, biotechnology/bioenergy, medical, and pharmaceutical science.
The PhD student will be placed within the Centre for Analysis and Synthesis (CAS) at the Department of Chemistry, which is a highly international unit that strives for fair treatment and gender equality. The position is funded by a Swedish Research Council project and is linked to the highly cross-disciplinary EU project OpenMIND (, funded by the EIC Pathfinder program. This means that it involves close collaboration with researchers at Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology at Wallenberg Neuroscience Centre (, Division of Applied Microbiology (, and the Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Technical University of Denmark in Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark ( The position is a great opportunity to conduct groundbreaking research with international authorities in the different fields and with the opportunity for international research stays and visits.
The purpose of the PhD project is to develop cell-based miniaturized electroanalytical systems in close collaboration with PhD students and postdocs in the OpenMIND project with the aim to study how gut microorganisms and their metabolites may influence the gut-brain axis with focus on Parkinson´s disease (PD).
Deadline : 03.May.2024
(15) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral student in Biology
Ecology and evolution of phenotypic plasticity in Trinidadian guppies.
The overall goal of the PhD project is to better understand how the environment affects genetic and phenotypic variation, and how these insights can be used to improve predictions of evolution.
Evolutionary change happens constantly all around us. This contemporary evolution can allow populations to adapt and persist, or contribute to their decline and extinction. Which of the two it will be is often unclear because current methods to predict microevolution work poorly in natural populations. Considering the global environmental crisis, this is particularly alarming. A key cause of the predictive inaccuracy is environmental variation.
This PhD project will investigate environmental effects on additive genetic (co)variances, narrow-sense heritabilities, and evolvabilities. Additionally, as resource availability is a crucial aspect of the environment in many species, it will evaluate to what extent including information on individual resource accrual can reduce environmental bias. The project will combine quantitative genetic experiments in a newly established, state-of-the-art fish research laboratory with analyses of long-term field data, using the well-known Trinidadian guppy system. The successful candidate will have a keen interest in evolutionary biology, quantitative genetics, or related fields. A curious mind, a sense of responsibility, and excellent organisational skills are strong additional merits for the position.
Deadline : 03.May.2024
(16) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral student in Biology
Biology is the broad subject about all living things. It encompasses everything from processes at the molecular and cellular level to global processes at ecosystem level. The subject is divided into a range of sub-disciplines and specialisations. The PhD programme at the Department of Biology includes many of these specialisations, from molecular biology to applied ecology, from viruses and individual cells to evolutionary biology and global biodiversity. Taking on research studies at the Department of Biology generally means focusing on a delimited part of the research area of biology and may include field studies, experiments, theoretical studies, or a combination of these.
Deadline : 03.May.2024
About Lund University, Scania, Sweden – Official Website
Lund University is a prestigious university in Sweden and one of northern Europe’s oldest universities. The university is located in the city of Lund in the province of Scania, Sweden. It traces its roots back to 1425, when a Franciscan studium generale was founded in Lund. After Sweden won Scania from Denmark in the 1658 Treaty of Roskilde, the university was officially founded in 1666 on the location of the old studium generale next to Lund Cathedral.
Lund University has nine faculties, with additional campuses in the cities of Malmö and Helsingborg, with 40,000 students in 270 different programmes and 1,300 freestanding courses. The university has some 600 partner universities in nearly 70 countries and it belongs to the League of European Research Universities as well as the global Universitas 21 network. Lund University is consistently ranked among the world’s top 100 universities.
Two major facilities for materials research are in Lund University: MAX IV, a synchrotron radiation laboratory – inaugurated in June 2016, and European Spallation Source (ESS), a new European facility that will provide up to 100 times brighter neutron beams than existing facilities today, to be opened in 2023.
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