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16 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Uppsala University, Sweden

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Uppsala University, Sweden invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Uppsala University, Sweden.

Interested candidate may apply as soon as possible



(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Researcher position in Statistics/Pharmacometrics

The project involves establishing longitudinal models based on data from clinical trials and observational studies. Several applications concern data from patients with rare diseases and the project aims to develop powerful and robust methods to assess therapy effects in clinical studies with small patient populations. The investigations will include models and methods in the range between standard analyzes (e.g., mixed models for repeated measurements) to mechanistically based pharmacometric models (typically non-linear mixed effects models). Aspects such as causal inference and definition of estimates will be included in the project. The projects are run in collaboration with medical and statistical research groups in both academia and industry in Europe.

Deadline : 2023-11-15

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Computational Biochemistry

Current research projects involve mechanistic characterization of signal transduction through G-protein-coupled receptors and related computer-aided drug design programs, computational analysis of enzyme evolution and adaptation and software development. The work will involve molecular dynamics, free energy calculations, molecular docking, bioinformatics analysis and modelling of protein structure, as well as contribute to the programming of related computational pipelines.

Deadline : 2023-11-09

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:  Postdoctoral position in coupled climate and marine carbon cycle modeling

This postdoc project is focusing on the latter, namely how the marine carbon cycle responses feed back onto the global carbon cycle and modulate projected climate changes. The specific focus of the postdoc will be to use the coupled earth system model EC-Earth (v3 to begin with, perhaps transitioning to v4) and implement developments achieved in other work packages into the EC-Earth, and to perform global-scale sensitivity and future simulations. The work will be done in close collaboration with teammates from Aarhus University (working with EC-Earth on the terrestial carbon cycle) as well as GreenFeedBack partners at other organisations within the consortium.

Deadline : 2023-12-01

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Development of Hydrogel-Based Cancer Drug Screening

We are seeking a highly motivated and ambitious postdoctoral fellow to join our dynamic team, contributing to the development of screening strategies for context-dependent drug responses in biomimetic hydrogels. This opportunity centers around cutting-edge projects focused on increasing our understanding of how the extracellular matrix influences the diffusion, uptake and effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs. These projects involve the development of groundbreaking bioprinting technologies and innovative methods for the automated formulation, dispensing and analysis of high-throughput biomimetic hydrogel systems and downstream assessment of cellular responses. The project is multidisciplinary and involves collaborations with industrial partners. Central to this role is demonstrated expertise in cell culture and method development. The applicant should have a strong background and extensive technical proficiency in cell culture techniques, PCR, immunocytochemistry, advanced microscopy and image analysis.  Moreover, a genuine passion for method development is essential, with a preference for candidates with expertise in bioprinting, additive manufacturing or automation in research. We believe that the technologies emerging from this project have the potential to advance drug development, and lead to improved 3D in vitro assays for a multitude of research applications, and hold promise for future clinical bioprinting applications.

Deadline : 2023-11-23

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:  Postdoctoral position in computational chemistry and structure-based drug design

The project focuses on the identification of small molecule ligands of receptors and enzymes using structure-based drug design. One of the main goals of the project is to develop efficient strategies to screen large chemical libraries by combining molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations, and binding free energy calculations. The project also involves collaborations with experimental research groups, which are focused on identifying starting points for drug discovery using virtual screening.

Deadline : 2023-11-15

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Researcher in population genomics

Until recently tree breeding in Scandinavia had relied on two species, Scots pine and Norway spruce. There is today a strong will to increase the number of species that are genetically improved and birch is one of the main species of interest. Within the framework of a newly funded center of competence we are currently building the tools to implement genomic selection in birch. Within this framework we have now resequenced the full genome around 600 birch trees along two parallel lines in Sweden as well as in populations across Europe and in sibling species, mainly Betula pubescens. The candidate will help with the population genetic analysis of these data and focus more specifically on the Distribution of Fitness Effects and on the estimation of the deleterious mutations. While the project focuses on the diploid species Betula pendula, there will also be also possibility to extend the analyses to the polyploid species, Betula pubescens.

Deadline : 2023-11-14

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoc position in multiscale modeling methods for Li-ion battery materials

The main duties involved in a postdoctoral position is to conduct research. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The main focus of the current research project is modelling of battery materials where we will develop physical models for multi-scale modelling purposes and use a broad spectrum of advanced simulation techniques such as electron structure calculations and molecular dynamics for detailed studies of the transport processes. The research work also involves development and use of data analysis and data handling strategies, such as machine-learning, as well as a close collaboration with experimentalists within ÅABC.

Deadline :2023-11-20

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Researcher

Lead research projects in immuno-oncology with a special focus on translational studies in immunotherapy in lymphoma. Aid in the automation of our approach, i.e., drafting the standard integrated reports and constructing natural language processing record search, based on literature research and the expertise of the research team. Duties include laboratory work in areas specified in areas listed as qualification requirements. Supervise master’s students Assist with the supervision of doctoral students. Participate in the daily management of the data collection. Be able to take up additional subtopics related to your project, depending on the progress of your work, and personal initiatives. Summarize research projects in scientific articles, disseminate your results at conferences and publish scientific reports
Write and apply for research grants.

Deadline : 2023-11-03

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in Machine Learning with applications in medicine

Research on fundamental models and methods in machine learning and their applications within medicine. The position is part of an ERC Advanced Grant focused on developing decision support for the emergency room. The work will be done in close collaboration with our medical partner Professor Johan Sundström who leads the Anders Wiklöf Institute for Heart Research. We already share offices and our groups have been collaborating for quite some time. The postdoctoral position will intensify our work on developing and analyzing methods in machine learning and their application within medicine. The methodological focus will be on deep learning and its combination with probabilistic models. The medical application involves work on extracting knowledge from large-scale ECG data sets and a possible collaboration with an existing postdoc working on large language models trained on large databases with electronic health records. The aim there is to be able to investigate the use of these models for decision support and the position can also include work on decision algorithms. Technical keywords for the position include: probabilistic models, deep learning, Bayesian inference, possibly also large language models and Bayesian inference and decision making algorithms. The position can include teaching up to 20% depending on availability and interest. You are expected to be able to teach in Swedish or English.

Deadline :  2023-11-30

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:  Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning with applications in biodiversity research

The postdoctoral position involves developing and analyzing methods in machine learning and their application within biodiversity research. The work carried out during the employment will form an important contribution towards implementing solutions for evaluating land for its biodiversity value and potential. This is a crucial step towards combatting the global biodiversity crisis, as it enables governments and the industry to make sustainable and long-term biodiversity-positive investments. The aim is to be able to investigate the use of these models for decision support and the position can also include work on decision algorithms. Technical keywords for the position include: probabilistic models, decision making algorithms (including reinforcement learning), deep learning, spatio-temporal processes, and causal modelling, possibly also Bayesian inference. The position can include teaching up to 20% depending on availability and interest. You are expected to be able to teach in Swedish or English.

Deadline : 2023-11-24

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoc position in developing zero-cobalt layered cathodes for sustainable lithium ion batteries in future electric automotive

More specific, the focus of the investigations will be on the assessment of electrochemical performance, sustainability and cost effectiveness of zero-Co cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. In practice, this means for example to cycle the batteries under specified conditions, and thereafter analyze the cell components with experimental methods. These will rely on electrochemistry, diffraction, and spectroscopy, but also other methods and experiments at synchrotron facilities may be applicable. We will also focus on the development of Co substitutes in the layered cathodes to obtain an understanding of the best usage strategy of the zero-Co layered oxides from the batteries while they are being charged and discharged in electric vehicles. The project will entail characterizing materials, electrode preparation, cell assembly, conducting electrochemical testing and measurements of structures, morphology and interfaces as well as thermal stability. The postdoc is expected to perform high quality research, with the aim of disseminating resulting works through high impact peer-reviewed journals or at national and international conferences. Strong collaboration with colleagues in academia and industry as well as other national and international project partners will be expected.

Deadline : 2023-11-13

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoctoral position on Impacts of Compound Climate Extremes

G. Messori’s research group hosts four H2020/Horizon Europe research projects and several national projects, focussing on multiple aspects of mid and high latitude climate extremes. More information on ongoing research can be found at The post-doc will work primarily on H2020/Horizon Europe projects and look at the impacts of weather extremes in North America and Europe. There is some freedom for the post-doc to independently select the analysis approaches to be used. The post-doc, if s/he so wishes, will also have the opportunity to engage in teaching/supervising duties.

Deadline :  2023-10-31

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Data-driven experiment design for the robotic battery lab

The successful candidate will work with the research groups of Jens Sjölund (IT Dept.) and Erik Berg (Chemistry Dept.), intensifying our efforts in realizing an autonomous battery laboratory that combines robotics and AI into a closed-loop system for rapid experimentation and exploration. We already have a robotic setup for battery assembly and testing in place. The main task of the candidate will be to close the feedback loop by enhancing the system with data-driven decision-making capabilities. The long-term goal is to turn it into a fully autonomous system. The main duties of the candidate will be to perform research on, first, fundamental models and methods for data-efficient experiment design such as Bayesian optimization and, second, the implementation of these in our robotic system.

Deadline : 2023-11-08

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoctoral position at ALMEDA

The ALMEDA (African Literary Metadata) project is a five-year research project, funded by a European Research Council. ALMEDA is recruiting a postdoctor with expertise in East and/or Central African literature. Literary circulation across sub-Saharan African is dominated by informal, ephemeral and not-for-profit literary and oratory cultural forms, such as spoken-word poetry, street theatre, self-published writing and a variety of online genres. These informal African literatures are rarely catalogued and therefore exist outside of any structured metadata system. The consequence is that formally published English and French African novels are hyper-visible globally, while the rich literary and oratory cultures of the continent itself are caught in a perpetual state of structural ephemerality. The ALMEDA project addresses this problem in three ways. First, by providing a history of literary metadata on the African continent, the project will provide a diachronic understanding of how colonial cataloguing systems came to construct the idea of the ‘literary work’ as book-based and thus dismissive of Africa’s oral cultures. Secondly, ALMEDA aims to develop a metadata scheme specifically aimed at rethinking the very idea of the literary from a history of oral culture. This scheme, which is predominantly aimed at accurately creating metadata for contemporary informal literary materials, will be multilingual, which will enable a unique descriptive model that allows African-language genres to inhabit their own categories, rather than having to be forced into European literary ontologies. Thirdly, the project will develop a linked open metadata database to make these literatures searchable and their records enduring. The ALMEDA research team includes experts in African literature, African library science and digital humanities/information science. A number of case-study researchers and fellows will also be attached to the project. As such, the project operates as a team-based research environment in which scholars and experts will be addressing the key questions of the research project together. Contact project PI Ashleigh Harris for more detailed information on ALMEDA.

Deadline : 2023-10-31

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Molecular Systems Biology

As a postdoctoral fellow in molecular systems biology, you will develop a new method for mapping basic processes in bacteria using DNA microscopy (Weinstein et al. Cell 2019). With this method, intracellular structures can be visualized through hybridization with unique nucleotide probes, concatenation, sequencing, and finally image reconstruction based on molecular proximity. The imaging is optics-free but analytically demanding; the project thus includes some computational science and possibly AI-based analysis methods. The fellowship is a full-time research position with teaching opportunities if you are interested. You are expected to run your project independently and you have the freedom to develop your ideas within the overall scope of the research plan. We offer a stimulating interdisciplinary environment where you will work closely with experts in microbiology, biophysics, microscopy, image analysis, and molecular biology.

Deadline :  2023-10-30

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About Uppsala University, Sweden –Official Website

Uppsala University  is a research university in Uppsala, Sweden. Founded in 1477, it is the oldest university in Sweden and all of the Nordic countries still in operation. It has ranked among the world’s 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings during recent years. The university uses “Gratiae veritas naturae” as its motto and embraces natural sciences.

The university rose to pronounced significance during the rise of Sweden as a great power at the end of the 16th century and was then given a relative financial stability with the large donation of King Gustavus Adolphus in the early 17th century. Uppsala also has an important historical place in Swedish national culture, identity and for the Swedish establishment: in historiography, literature, politics, and music. Many aspects of Swedish academic culture in general, such as the white student cap, originated in Uppsala. It shares some peculiarities, such as the student nation system, with Lund University and the University of Helsinki.

Uppsala belongs to the Coimbra Group of European universities and to the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. The university has nine faculties distributed over three “disciplinary domains”. It has about 44,000 registered students and 2,300 doctoral students. It has a teaching staff of roughly 1,800 (part-time and full-time) out of a total of 6,900 employees. Twenty-eight per cent of the 716 professors at the university are women. Of its turnover of SEK 6.6 billion (approx. USD 775 million) in 2016, 29% was spent on education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, while 70% was spent on research and research programs.

Architecturally, Uppsala University has traditionally had a strong presence in Fjärdingen, the neighbourhood around the cathedral on the western side of the River Fyris. Despite some more contemporary building developments further away from the centre, Uppsala’s historic centre continues to be dominated by the presence of the university.



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