PhD Nest

19 Fully Funded PhD Positions at Uppsala University, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? Uppsala University, Sweden, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. 


(01) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–PhD student in Materials Chemistry at the Program for Inorganic Chemistry

The PhD project involves research on new types of surface coatings for demanding environments, including nuclear fuel rods for use in nuclear power plants. The work is part of a larger research program with Uppsala University, Linköping University, and Chalmers University of Technology. Collaborations with other doctoral students and senior researchers are an important part of the research. The materials will mainly be produced using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The research project will involve fundamental materials science studies of thin films produced with CVD, as well as application-oriented studies in collaboration with industry partners.

Deadline : 15.Aug.2024

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(02) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–  PhD student in Molecular Pharmaceutics

The purpose of the doctoral project is to develop new molecules that can be used for more effective uptake of orally administered drugs, particularly therapeutic peptides. This will be done by using new methods within artificial intelligence for molecular design, in combination with physically-based modeling of interactions between model peptides and the intestinal environment, as well as in combination with cell profiling data from a related project.

There are several advantages to oral drug administration compared to the alternatives. Patients can manage their own medication, do not need assistance from healthcare professionals, and avoid various types of injections. Drugs in the form of therapeutic peptides also have advantages over traditional low-molecular-weight substances, and increasing their uptake when administered orally is desirable. However, in the body, there are numerous barriers of various kinds that have evolved to prevent the intrusion of foreign substances, which is a problem from a drug delivery perspective. One strategy that can be used is to add an additional molecule to the formulation, which enables the drug peptide to bypass some of these barriers. This strategy works in principle but is hindered by a lack of knowledge about which properties a molecule used for this purpose should have to optimally contribute to increased absorption.

The holder of a doctoral position should primarily focus on their research studies. Other tasks at the department, such as administration and teaching, may be included to a level not exceeding 20% of the working time.

Deadline : 31.07.2024

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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:–  PhD student in Molecular Pharmaceutics

The purpose of the doctoral project is to develop new molecules that can be used for more effective uptake of orally administered drugs, particularly therapeutic peptides. This will be achieved by using various types of cell profiling methods to examine how cells react in different ways to these so-called permeability enhancers and how permeability is affected by this. The data generated will be used in combination with artificial intelligence methods for molecular design in a related project to generate new molecules with tailored properties for increased absorption of therapeutic peptides.

There are several advantages to oral drug administration compared to the alternatives. Patients can manage their own medication, do not need assistance from healthcare professionals, and avoid various types of injections. Drugs in the form of therapeutic peptides also have advantages over traditional low-molecular-weight substances, and increasing their uptake when administered orally is desirable. However, in the body, there are numerous barriers of various kinds that have evolved to prevent the intrusion of foreign substances, which is a problem from a drug delivery perspective. One strategy that can be used is to add an additional molecule to the formulation, which enables the drug peptide to bypass some of these barriers. This strategy works in principle but is hindered by a lack of knowledge about which properties a molecule used for this purpose should have to optimally contribute to increased absorption.

The holder of a doctoral position should primarily focus on their research studies. Other tasks at the department, such as administration and teaching, may be included to a level not exceeding 20% of the working time.

Deadline : 31.07.2024

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(04) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD position in Evolutionary Genomics

Global estimates suggest that less than 5% of the true fungal diversity is currently described, largely because the majority of the up to 5 million fungal species on earth have no visible fruiting structures and cannot easily be cultured using established methods. Because the hidden majority of species defy established protocols for species recognition, we cannot effectively communicate about the majority of fungal species, many of which are frequently and abundantly detected in environmental samples. The proposed project uses species hypotheses built on environmental DNA (eDNA) data for targeted high-resolution microscopy and single cell genomics to infer evolutionary history and life cycle dynamics of hitherto undescribed fungal species and lineages.

We are looking for a PhD student who will study hidden fungal diversity. The project focuses on the Archaeorhizomycetes which, based on environmental DNA data, is a species rich and abundantly occurring class of soil and root associated fungi. The project aims to contribute important basic understanding of species diversity and genomics in this ubiquitous group of fungi. It is also conceptually important for developing protocols for modern fungal taxonomy with eDNA as an important source of data for species discovery and recognition.

Deadline : 30.08.2024

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(05) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in the Field of Diagnostics and Therapy for Neurodegenerative Diseases

The overall goal of the doctoral project is to identify and study proteins whose expression or distribution is altered in neurodegeneration and then generate brain-penetrating antibodies that bind to these proteins. These antibodies will then be used to develop new diagnostics, such as PET and SPECT radioligands, or for therapeutic applications to investigate whether the antibodies affect pathology in models of neurodegenerative diseases. The work thus involves both in vitro work, primarily immunological and histological methods, and in vivo studies in models of neurodegenerative diseases.

Deadline : 31.07.2024

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(06) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– MSCA PhD student in Biochemistry

The project is a part of a larger EU-funded doctoral network (SPIDoc’s, The purpose of the network is to advance virus-related structural biology, where a considerable challenge lies in that the proteins change between different conformations over their life time and that their dynamics are very important for the virus’s life cycle. Using mainly native mass spectrometry, ion mobility, imaging with X-ray free electron lasers, and molecular dynamics simulations, viral particles with be interrogated in the gas phase, that is, taken out of solution, which circumvents a number of difficulties faced in solution-based methods. The doctoral student will work in Erik Marklund’s research group, which uses computational biochemical methods to study the structure, dynamics, and interactions of biological macromolecules. A significant part of the group’s work concern native mass spectrometry and related techniques. The doctoral student’s research will revolve around how strong electric fields can be used to manipulate the proteins and how that can benefit the imaging experiments, as well as towards the network’s overarching goal to determine the structure and interactions of virus proteins. Because the position is connected to a larger network, collaboration with the other partners will be of great importance, with opportunities for experimental and theoretical work at their premises.

Deadline : 26.07.2024

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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy

The research conducted at the Department of Physics and Astronomy encompasses a wide range of physics topics, distributed over nine divisions. The department is located in the Ångström laboratory and employs nearly 400 people, 100 of whom are doctoral students. It offers a broad physics curriculum to undergraduate and graduate students, participation in nationally and internationally leading projects for researchers, and opportunities for partnership with industry and various outreach activities. Read more on

The research in the materials physics division focuses on metamaterials and functional materials with an emphasis on non-equilibrium and finite size effects in, amongst others, magnetic materials, metal hydrides and soft matter. Samples are synthesized as well as studied in-house with e.g. x-rays, ions, optical methods and transport measurements. These characterization tools are complemented by advanced x-ray and neutron scattering methods in the labs in Uppsala as well as at large scale facilities. The group also operates several accelerators for ion beam physics in the tandem laboratory as well as the neutron reflectometer SuperADAM at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble (France), bot as user facilities and national Swedish infrastructures.

Uppsala University hereby declares a PhD student position, at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, to be open for application. The PhD project will focus on studies of kinetic processes for hydrogen and other light chemical species in energy materials. The work will include both studying the fundamental thermodynamically aspects which govern, for example how hydrogen is absorbed and transported in materials on an atomic scale, but also improvement of analytical methods for detection of light chemical species with high resolution and sensitivity. An important aspect will be to develop methods for tracking processes in a specific environment in real-time, referred to as in-situ and in-operando techniques. The work will be of primarily experimental character.

Deadline :14.08.2024

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(08) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in vertebrate palaeontology

The work will consist of studying, interpreting, analysing and describing fossil material of Devonian tetrapods (early land vertebrates) from Greenland. The material will principally be studied using synchrotron microtomography (a kind of high-resolution 3D x-ray imaging). The PhD student will study these tomographic data, reconstruct and interpret the anatomy of the fossils, and on that basis analyse their interrelationships, probable lifestyles etc. The results will be presented in peer-reviewed scientific journals and at international scientific conferences. In addition to research, the PhD student is expected to do some teaching, usually as a lab assistant. There will be opportunities for fieldwork.  

Deadline : 12.08.2024

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(09) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in lymphatic developmental biology

Lymphangiogenesis, the process of lymphatic vessels formation from pre-existing vessels, is marked by the onset of Prox1 expression. Recently we have discovered the induction of Prox1 is a progressive process. This is coupled with bipotential LEC progenitors undergoing a cell division before sprouting from the cardinal vein (CV). We have further teased out that Vegfc signalling is apical to this process and drives cell division and Prox1 expression in lymphatic daughter cells. This work posed a question of how Vegfc signalling and Prox1 transcriptional cascade together coordinate the lymphatic fate. This PhD project will involve dissecting this question using transcriptomics and imaging base approaches in zebrafish.

Main techniques and analysis required in this project: RNA sequencing, CRISPR-Cas9 gRNAs technology, generation and maintenance of zebrafish lines, confocal fluorescence microscopy, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridisation, objective quantification of imaging data, quality control, large data sets and statistical analysis, manuscripts preparation.

The student will receive a thorough education in molecular biology, zebrafish husbandry, fluorescence microscopy and handling of large datasets.

The successful candidate will devote most of the time towards his/her research-level education. Other service activities within the department, e.g. education and administrative work can be included within the framework of the employment (maximum 20%). The position will be extended with the time devoted to teaching to allow four years of full-time graduate studies.

Deadline : 01.08.2024

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(10) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in Machine Learning and Computer Vision

In this project, the selected candidate will join us in conducting fundamental machine learning research and developing principled foundations of vision-language models, with opportunities to validate the methods on challenging real-world problems involving computer vision. There will be a strong focus on deep learning, image analysis and neural language modeling within the project. Some topics of interest within the project scope include, but are not limited to, designing efficient algorithms for integration of visual and textual modalities, aligning visual and text embeddings into a cohesive embedding space and representation learning. We will consider various forms of data, including text, images and videos.

Technical keywords for the position include: deep learning, image analysis, representation learning and language modeling.

Deadline : 12.08.2024

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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– Research engineer in accelerator technology

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is looking for a research engineer who will work with particle accelerators and research instrumentation. The Department of Physics and Astronomy is one of the largest at Uppsala University with around 400 employees, and is located in the Ångström Laboratory in Uppsala. The department includes the FREIA laboratory, which works with research and development on particle accelerators and instrumentation. FREIA collaborates with large research facilities, such as the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund and CERN in Switzerland, and contributes to scientific discovery through the development of particle accelerators and its technology. FREIA is directly involved in the realization of new particle accelerators for research through the testing of superconducting magnets, cavities and cryomodules. Presently, we are at the starting point of a new large-scope project involving tests of superconducting radiofrequency cavities and cryomodules, which will later be installed in the new proton accelerator, MINERVA, in Belgium.

We are now looking to expand the team working with these tests, as well as with supporting other research activities in the FREIA laboratory. Applicants are offered the opportunity to work in an exciting, modern research environment and will have the possibility to collaborate with leading groups in experimental and theoretical physics both locally and globally.

Deadline :30.08.2024

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(12) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in Automatic Control focusing on Data- Driven Methods

As more data are collected by industries and utilities around the world, there is an increasing interest in methods that can use this data to optimize control systems, maintenance strategies, and decision-making. 

This project is dedicated to the development and analysis of data-driven methods for decision and control of dynamical systems. It will utilize tools from control theory, estimation theory, and statistical learning, with the aim of generating new ideas that can be applied to a broad range of dynamical systems. The theoretical development will be grounded in key application areas, ensuring the practical relevance of our research in real-world settings.

The exact research topic is decided in a dialogue between the doctoral student and the supervisor. The position is funded by the Swedish Research Council.

Deadline : 30.08.2024

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(13) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral (PhD) position in Solid Mechanics, with focus on dislocation dynamics of hydrogen embrittlement in steel

Hydrogen Embrittlement refers to the scenario where hydrogen enters metallic materials, interact with the microstructure and degrade the mechanical properties. It poses a significant threat to the safety of engineering structures for hydrogen transport and storage. However, the underlying mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement is still under debate.

The project is funded by Swedish Research Council and entitled “Interplay between hydrogen, precipitates and dislocation substructures in pipeline steel”. The project aims to improve the safety of hydrogen transport via pipelines, by gaining a solid mechanistic understanding of hydrogen embrittlement in pipeline steels.

By employing advanced experimental and numerical tools, we contribute to mapping the interplay between hydrogen, precipitates, and dislocation substructures, and elucidating how the dislocation substructures trigger premature fracture.

Deadline :  12.08.2024

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(14) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in Cancer Precision Medicine

We are looking for a doctoral student with a special interest in the area of cancer precision medicine with a focus on hematological tumors and epigenetic regulation of gene expression.  The candidate will devote most of the time towards his/her research level education. Within this research level education the candidate will mainly focus on studies on epigenetic mechanism and the impact of these for tumor transformation and progression of the tumor clone in two hematopoietic tumors, multiple myeloma and acute leukemia in infants. Mapping of tumor specific genes regulated by modifications on DNA and histons will be identified, validated and functionally tested in patient material as well as in cell lines. The research project includes bioinformatic analysis, mapping by sequencing of DNA and RNA also at a single cell level will be performed for the identification of tumor specific epigenetic signatures. Furthermore functional validation including studies using selective and clinically relevant inhibitors to candidate target genes in vitro and in vivo will be part of the work.

Methods applied in the research project are for the analyses of growth, apoptosis and survival in in vitro and in vivo models of multiple myeloma and iALL and primary patient material, established molecular- and cellbiological strategies (ChIPseq, CUT&Tag, DNA methylation, and RNAseq) to map epigenetic signatures as a result of aberrant modifications on histon and DNA levels and gene expression at a population- and single cell level.

Deadline :  15.08.2024

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(15) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– MSCA PhD students in Chemistry with specialization Organic Chemistry

The main duties of PhD students are to devote themselves to their research studies, which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (not more than 20 % of full time).

Deadline : 12.08.2024

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(16) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in psychology

The research work will primarily include design, administration, and analysis of cognitive psychological studies, for example surveys and field experiments, plus presentation of the results in scientific journals and at conferences. The PhD student will also take part in the multidisciplinary work in the project, including regular meetings with the other project members. In addition to the research work, the PhD-program includes courses of 60 course credits. Teaching and other department duties can also be part of the work, up to a maximum of 20% of the total work hours.

Deadline : 12.08.2024

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(17) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral (PhD) student with focus on multimodal characterization of magnetic nanomaterials with X-ray and ferromagnetic resonance (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)

PRISMAS – PhD Research and Innovation in Synchrotron Methods and Applications in Sweden – is a new doctoral network training the next generation of 40 leading synchrotron experts and is co-funded by the Horizon Europe MSCA COFUND Programme.

As a PRISMAS PhD student, you will have the chance to conduct cutting-edge research in your field, taking advantage of state of the art tools that will lead to attractive future job opportunities in academia or industry. Moreover, you are part of designing the future of synchrotron technology and instrumentation and using these to tackle some of the most significant global challenges the world faces today while acquiring interdisciplinary and intersectoral knowledge. Being part of the PRISMAS programme gives you the one-of-a-kind experience in form of a secondment at the world´s first 4th generation synchrotron, MAX IV in Lund, Sweden.

With a tailored training programme, including courses to build scientific and technical competence as well as strengthen transferrable skills, PRISMAS provides you with the skills, knowledge and competence needed to successfully achieve your doctoral degree.

Deadline : 30.08.2024

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(18) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in Molecular Pharmaceutics

In this project advanced small scale models (micro- to millilitre scale) of the gastrointestinal tract will be devekoped with the aim to establish methods and technologies that enable absorption profiling of orally administered drugs. A number of starting points have been established in previous 3R directed projects. These are based on microfluidics, 3D printed prototypes for automated assays and technologies where several processes are measured simultaneously to better estimate absorption. In the latter, processes related to dissolution, release, digestion and permeation are explored. The PhD student will develop new methods and make use of these to study drug delivery, diagnostics and theranostics. The project will include to  i) develop systems with physiologically relevant surface area to volume ratio and hydrodynamics for the respective gastrointestinal tract where an artificial membrane is used to mimic the epithelium;  ii) establish similar systems using humanized cells to better represent the epithelium of each segment also considering expression of transporters and mucus secretion; and iii) include the microbiome in the segment mimicking colon. The obtained data will be used for in silico modelling and the systems will be validated with formulations and diagnostic tools where human in vivo data are available.

Deadline : 15.08.2024

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(19) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title:– PhD student in the Ullenhag research group

A PhD student position is open for a highly motivated candidate interested in cancer immunology and immunotherapy in the research group of Gustav Ullenhag, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University. The PhD position will be part of the National ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product) research school. The PhD project will be performed in close collaboration with the research group of Angelica Loskog. These two research groups have a shared interest in the development of cancer immunotherapies based on immunomodulatory adenoviral vectors. These adenoviral vectors usually carry immunomodulatory transgenes to induce anti-tumoral immune responses and may also have the ability of selective lysis of tumor cells, so called oncolysis. Together the research groups cover all the steps of developing an immunotherapy from scratch to bringing it into the clinic. Thus, the research is highly translational working from the bench to the bed side and back again. The groups are presently involved in several ongoing and recently finished clinical trials with the adenoviral vector LOAd703 being tested in pancreatic, ovarian, colorectal, biliary cancers as well as in malignant melanoma, in combination with various chemotherapy drugs and also checkpoint blockade.

One project for the PhD student will be to, in pre-clinical cancer models, evaluate the combination of LOAd703 with a large panel of small molecular drugs including but not limited to new targeted cancer therapies. The aim is to search for synergistic/additive effects between the virus and these drugs. Another focus will be to develop new adenoviral vectors with other transgenes and to evaluate these in in vitro and in vivo cancer models. Finally, a third project will be to develop an in vitro model to study the effect and mechanisms of adenoviral vectors in a human ex vivo model containing all factors and cells normally present in the tumor microenvironment, including infiltrating immune cells. This in vitro system will be based on malignant ascites from ovarian cancer patients and the read-out will be detailed multiplex analysis of soluble and intracellular proteins as well as RNA analysis on the single cell level.

The successful candidate will focus mainly on research but teaching and administrative work within the department can be included in the employment (maximum 20%). The time of the PhD education will be extended with the time spent on such tasks to achieve four years of full-time graduate studies. During the PhD studies the student will also attend courses of which some are mandatory courses from the Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University and some are mandatory courses from the National ATMP research school. The National ATMP research school will also organize other teaching events.

Deadline :16.08.2024

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About Uppsala University, Sweden –Official Website

Uppsala University  is a research university in Uppsala, Sweden. Founded in 1477, it is the oldest university in Sweden and all of the Nordic countries still in operation. It has ranked among the world’s 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings during recent years. The university uses “Gratiae veritas naturae” as its motto and embraces natural sciences.

The university rose to pronounced significance during the rise of Sweden as a great power at the end of the 16th century and was then given a relative financial stability with the large donation of King Gustavus Adolphus in the early 17th century. Uppsala also has an important historical place in Swedish national culture, identity and for the Swedish establishment: in historiography, literature, politics, and music. Many aspects of Swedish academic culture in general, such as the white student cap, originated in Uppsala. It shares some peculiarities, such as the student nation system, with Lund University and the University of Helsinki.

Uppsala belongs to the Coimbra Group of European universities and to the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. The university has nine faculties distributed over three “disciplinary domains”. It has about 44,000 registered students and 2,300 doctoral students. It has a teaching staff of roughly 1,800 (part-time and full-time) out of a total of 6,900 employees. Twenty-eight per cent of the 716 professors at the university are women. Of its turnover of SEK 6.6 billion (approx. USD 775 million) in 2016, 29% was spent on education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, while 70% was spent on research and research programs.



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