Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? University of Groningen, Netherlands, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position to work on the dark side of star formation (V24.0311)
The stratospheric balloon mission GUSTO has just completed its 55-day flight over Antarctica, making measurements of far-infrared C+ and N+ line emission which is unobservable from the ground. The galactic plane survey covers 50 square degrees and the LMC map 1.5 square degrees, including deep coverage of the 30 Dor region. The high-resolution GUSTO spectra are expected to provide new insights into the process of star formation in interstellar clouds, in particular the effect of feedback from young stars on their birth environment.
Funding is now available for a PhD candidate to analyze the GUSTO data at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands. The successful candidate will compare the GUSTO maps with observations in ground-based tracers of atomic and molecular clouds. The student will use state-of-the-art analysis tools, taking advantage of the high spectral resolution of the GUSTO data, to identify signatures of radiative and mechanical feedback in the gas clouds surrounding young stars. The position is co-supervised by Floris van der Tak (SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research) and Xander Tielens (University of Maryland).
Deadline : Open until filled
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position Reading the Female Body in the Early Modern Low Countries (1500-1800) (V24.0346)
This project aims to work towards a better understanding of the interplay between the discourses and cultural industries that produced imaginations and knowledge about female bodies in the Low Countries between roughly 1500 and 1800. It reconstructs the interconnection between various discourses about female and male anatomy and sexuality and contextualizes those discourses in the specific historical and cultural circumstances of the Low Countries. The project’s main research questions are: How were female bodies viewed, defined and represented in academic, literary, artistic, medical, legal and/ or philosophical early modern Dutch (and/ or Neo-Latin) discourses? How were views and representations of sex and gender changed and shaped by the specific historical conditions and developments in the Low Countries between 1500-1800?
Deadline : 1 October
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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position Chemical Origin of Primordial Cells in the First Ocean (1.0 FTE) (V24.0255)
We invite applications from outstanding candidates, for a PhD position aimed at advancing research on the chemical origins of life on Earth, with a specific focus on our recently funded Protocell Project.
The origin of life on Earth stands as one of the great mysteries of science. Researchers have long concluded that the chemical reactions that allowed life to emerge took place in microscopic compartments, called protocells. However, it is still not known how these protocells were formed. In the context of an NWO-Vici research program, we will explore the possibility that protocells were made of lipids, formed by solar irradiation of a primordial oil layer that covered the ocean. This explorative work will include studies of chemical reactivity, molecular self-assembly and the physico-chemical behavior of plausible lipids (primarily fatty acids).
Deadline : 1 September
(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD positions on Supramolecular Approaches to Improve RNA Stability (2.0 FTE) (V24.0254)
We are looking for two PhD candidates for a joint project between the groups of Prof. Tibor Kudernac, Prof. Wesley Browne, and Prof. Nathalie Katsonis, that will be carried out within the framework of the Growth Fund initiative “Big Chemistry” ( The program ‘Big Chemistry’ has received over 90 million euros from the National Growth Fund to position the Netherlands as a global leader in chemical robotics combined with artificial intelligence. In this context, it becomes possible to collect large datasets on properties of molecular systems.
Deadline : 1 September
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Medieval Studies (1.0 FTE) (V24.0350)
Fully funded PhD position in Medieval Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen (start date: February 2025) in the project “New Approaches to Medieval Travel: Cultural Interactions and Religions of the Fifteenth-Century in Textual and Material Sources”.
This PhD project offers a unique opportunity to work in an international, diverse environment and to acquire valuable research experience at a top-ranked European university. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop their academic writing skills, support outreach activities in the Netherlands and abroad, undertake archival work and gain teaching experience. The candidate will be embedded in the Chair Group of Medieval English Literature and Culture.
Deadline : 19 August
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position Place and Identity in Journalism in Former Yugoslavia (V24.0351)
Applications are invited for a fully-funded four-year PhD position at the intersection of the fields of Journalism Studies and Architecture, focusing on the role of material space and artifacts in the construction of journalistic identity and practice in former Yugoslavia.
Place and Identity in Journalism in Former Yugoslavia inquires into the role of architecture in journalism and its impact on the formation of journalistic identities and placemaking. Scholarship examining the role of place in journalism has found that buildings, their locations within urban spaces, as well as their interiors (layout, material artifacts etc.) can shape journalistic identity and work, and its relationship with and perceptions by the public. Redirecting our focus away from architectural styles and journalism in the West, this project explores place and identity in post-socialist regions, precisely former Yugoslavia, a former communist federation with a unique socio-cultural and political history intertwined with historical Ottoman and Byzantine heritage, twentieth-century modernist and brutalist-built environment, and the contemporary urban and architectural transformations. Drawing on concepts and theories from journalism studies and architecture and urbanism – in particular pertaining to place-making, nationalism and nation-building, and urban and socio-political identity as represented in the built environment – the project examines the role of place and identity in journalism in former Yugoslavia (1945-1995) and in various locations across the current post-Yugoslav nations (1995-now).
Deadline : 12 August
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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position Friction-switchable surfaces (1.0 FTE) (V24.0323)
In this PhD project we would like to study different alternatives to achieve switchable/controllable friction and develop wear-resistant smart-coatings with self-adaptive friction properties. The goal is to decouple the low friction WLG requirements and the high friction needed for the thermal load cases, with a greenfield investigation on options to make switchable friction coatings activated by different techniques.
Deadline : 31 July
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Theoretical quantum chemistry (1.0 FTE) (V24.0043)
We invite applications for one PhD position, with Dr Remco Havenith at the University of Groningen. We are looking for a talented and highly motivated candidate to work on a collaborative project between the RUG and the University of Twente (Prof. Claudia Filippi) on the combined development of advanced valence bond and quantum Monte Carlo methods for the study of excited-state processes in complex systems.
The project will focus on the development and implementation of non-orthogonal configuration interaction as well as quantum Monte Carlo methods for an accurate and chemically interpretable description of excited states. The resulting methods will be applied to potential upconversion materials.
Deadline : 14 July
(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Neural Control of Vocal Pitch: Exploring the Intersection between Speech and Language Processing (V24.0349)
The overarching goal of this project is to characterize the influence of linguistic context, tonal language experience, and pitch sensitivity on neural control of pitch. To elucidate the influence of linguistic context on neural pitch control, the first aim is to investigate the neural processes (via electroencephalography, EEG) that underlie pitch monitoring in linguistic (language) versus non-linguistic (acoustics) contexts. To determine the role of tonal languages in linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of pitch control, the neural processes underlying these contexts will be assessed in both tonal and non-tonal language speakers. We are open to additional and/or complimentary ideas from the candidates that can potentially expand the project.
Deadline : 9 July
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position Photopharmacology (1.0 FTE) (V24.0184)
Without biological membranes, there would be no life as we know it. Transport of molecules and information across these membranes is carried out by integral membrane protein channels, receptors, pumps and transporters. Living cells maintain chemical gradients and electrical potential differences across their membranes using proteins that represent the majority of all current drug targets. Therefore, membrane proteins have been the focus of intense efforts to obtain high resolution macromolecular structure information. However, the current lack of experimental methods to carry out time-resolved structural studies of membrane proteins at physiological temperatures and under physiological gradients leaves a gigantic blind spot is our mechanistic understanding.
Deadline : 7 July
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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Supramolecular Mechano-Chemistry in the Early Earth Replication of RNA (1.0 FTE) (V24.0256)
The origin of life on Earth stands as one of the great mysteries of science. We are excited to invite applications from outstanding candidates for a PhD position aimed at advancing research on the chemical origins of life on Earth, with a specific focus on our newly funded Protocell Project.
Researchers generally agree that basic RNA molecules likely appeared before proteins and other nucleic acids, and were thus present at the onset of life on Earth. The prevailing view is thus that life started with basic RNA molecules, enclosed in early cells (known as protocells), and capable of self-replication without assistance from other molecules. Multiple mechanisms have been proposed for this supramolecular replication, with a growing emphasis on those mechanisms that involve autocatalytic feedback. However, one key unknown remains: for multiple copying cycles to work, the template RNA molecule and the newly formed RNA strand have to separate mechanically after the first copy is made, and how this mechanical separation could have happened effectively remains unclear and heavily debated.
Deadline : 1 July
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Moving out of the brain: changing the course of depression and anxiety (1.0 FTE) (V24.0344)
In this PhD-project we take a mixed-methods approach. First, the PhD student will explore the role of agency and affordances in the development of anxiety and depression through a scoping review and a qualitative study with individuals with a history of anxiety/depression. Next, we investigate the possibilities of recovering from depression/anxiety by increasing agency through movement and social interaction in our stress-lab. We use ecologically valid experiments to gather rich, highly detailed information of individuals over time, measuring movement behaviour (kinematic/kinetic time series), psychological experience (interviews/questionnaires) and physiological stress-response (heart rate variability).
Deadline : 30 June
(13) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Het stimuleren van de creativiteit van jonge begaafde kinderen (0,8-1,0 fte) (V24.0338)
Veel begaafde kinderen hebben, ondanks hun grote potentieel, momenteel moeite in ons onderwijssysteem. In de literatuur wordt begaafdheid gedefinieerd op het snijvlak van uitzonderlijke intellectuele capaciteiten, motivatie voor leren en creatieve vermogens. De relatie tussen intellectuele begaafdheid en creativiteit is echter verre van vanzelfsprekend. Leraren geven aan behoefte te hebben aan professionele ontwikkeling gericht op het lesgeven aan begaafde leerlingen. Mogelijk biedt het stimuleren van creatieve vaardigheden van deze leerlingen aanknopingspunten voor hun verdere ontwikkeling en het verbeteren van de interacties tussen leerlingen en leerkrachten.
Deadline : Open until filled
(14) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position Dynamic analysis and human vibration perception of hand held (V24.0307)
We are looking for a candidate to undertake research in the field of dynamics and vibration, with a particular focus on dynamic analysis and modelling of in hand vibrations of consumer products. This project is in collaboration with Philips.
The aim of this project is to analyse the vibrations transmitted by consumer products to their hands in order to improve their perception. An accurate model of the product dynamics coupled to hand can provide us with predictions on how the vibrations are perceived by the consumers. These predictions from the models can be made at an early stage before any prototypes are made. If unpleasant human perception being predicted, then the vibration levels can be reduced by design modification for healthy products.
Deadline : 30 June
(15) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD on Motives for Statistical Reporting Practices (1.0 FTE) (V24.0329)
Statistical results of empirical studies in the behavioral and social sciences have repeatedly been shown to be reported in a suboptimal way. This PhD project seeks to understand why applied researchers interpret and report p-values, confidence and credible intervals, and Bayes factors the way they do, and what its consequences can be. The proposed methodology features both quantitative and qualitative elements.
Deadline : 27 June
(16) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Het belang van voorpret voor de mentale gezondheid van jongeren (1.0 fte) (V24.0327)
Voorpret is het enthousiasme of positieve gevoel dat je krijgt wanneer je naar iets prettigs uitkijkt, voordat de gebeurtenis plaatsvindt (‘reward anticipation’). In EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment) studies wordt dit gemeten door deelnemers regelmatig in real-time – meestal via smartphones – te vragen naar hun verwachte positieve emoties met betrekking tot aankomende gebeurtenissen. Voorpret speelt een sleutelrol in de veerkracht en mentale gezondheid van jongeren, omdat het als buffer kan dienen tegen negatieve emoties en sombere gedachten. Het is daarom van cruciaal belang om de onderliggende mechanismen van voorpret beter te begrijpen, zodat het gericht kan worden ingezet in interventies.
Deadline : 1 July
(17) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage (V24.0281)
We are looking for a highly motivated and qualified PhD student/researcher who will work towards developing new (machine learning and deep learning-based) algorithms and procedures that exploit human labelling and machine-based clustering efficiently. Human labelling (from Dutch cultural heritage partners) will address not only text but also other multimodal attributes of scanned text images (layout, graphics). The ultimate goal is to realize AI systems with a deep understanding of what a document is about.
Deadline : 27 June 2024,
(18) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position Recipes for local and regional economic development across Europe (V24.0339)
Reducing regional economic disparities is one of the European Union’s core foundational aims, yet inequality persists. This project investigates the reasons for these regional disparities and seeks to offer recommendations on how the EU’s core regional policy can be structured to address these issues. This relates to themes such as cross-regional collaboration, interregional alliances, and smart specialization. To illustrate, although regions’ specialization strategies aim to identify their core strengths and focus policy towards them, they currently lead to mimicry of Europe’s core regions. A more contextually sensitive approach that prioritizes growth paths has the power to unlock growth and develop regional opportunity ‘recipes’ in both the core, and periphery of the EU.
The PhD position is embedded in the research programme Innovation & Organization of FEB’s Research Institute. We offer a truly international environment (our working language is English and we currently employ more than 15 different nationalities). The project will be supervised by Prof. Florian Noseleit, Dr Daniël Speldekamp, and Dr Benito Giordano. The supervisory team has a track record of publishing in leading academic journals.
Deadline : 26 June
(19) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD on Substance Use and Risk Taking Among At-Risk Youth (0.8 FTE for 5 years) (V24.0305)
We are looking for a highly motivated and qualified PhD candidate for the project “Substance Use and Risk Taking among At-Risk Youth”. This project is a collaboration between the Department of Sociology and the Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences (GION).
Adolescence is a formative period of life in which adolescents face various developmental tasks related to autonomy, identity formation, and the formation of social relationships. Although these tasks affect all adolescents, there are individual differences in the extent to which adolescents accomplish these tasks (Crone & Dahl, 2012). Specifically, marginalized adolescents, or those at risk of being marginalized within their peer group, may be more likely to develop problem behaviors related to substance use, risk-taking, and mental health problems. In the context of this project, (risk of) marginalization includes any way in which people or groups of people are placed outside of a social group, e.g., through social rejection/exclusion, neglect, or victimization. Marginalized adolescents, including sexually and gender minority adolescents, have higher rates of mental health issues and substance use (Fish et al., 2020; Mereish, 2019).
Deadline : 26 June
(20) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Social tipping points and individual consumer choices (1.0 FTE) (V24.0328)
The project is part of the Horizon TealHelix consortium. The goal of the consortium’s overarching project is studying how the consumption of sustainable and safe food products can be stimulated. The specific PhD project is designed to examine the influence of the perception that a tipping point has been reached regarding the consumption of such products. Does this affect consumers’ motivation to change their behavior accordingly? And if so, when, why and how will people change their consumption choices to more sustainable alternatives? And can public policy perhaps leverage insights from this research to further promote the transition to sustainable consumption? These questions will feature prominently in this project.
Deadline : 25 June
(21) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD in Intelligent Information & Incentive Design for Cyber-Physical Systems (V24.0341)
A fully funded PhD position is available at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. The PhD project focuses on utilizing control theory, optimization, and learning algorithms to design intelligent system operators that guide user behavior toward socially desirable outcomes. By integrating theory with practical applications, the research aims to transform how we navigate cyber-physical systems in the digital age, with applications in power systems and traffic networks, where user interactions with the system operator are essential.
Deadline : Open until filled
About The University of Groningen, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Groningen is a public research university in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. The university was founded in 1614 and is the second-oldest university in the Netherlands. In 2014, the university celebrated its 400th anniversary. Currently, RUG is placed in the top 100 universities worldwide according to three international ranking tables.
The university was ranked 65th in the world, according to Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) in 2019. In April 2013, according to the results of the International Student Barometer, the University of Groningen, for the third time in a row, was voted the best university of the Netherlands.
The University of Groningen has eleven faculties, nine graduate schools, 27 research centres and institutes, and more than 175-degree programmes. The university’s alumni and faculty include Johann Bernoulli, Aletta Jacobs, four Nobel Prize winners, nine Spinoza Prize winners, one Stevin Prize winner, royalty, multiple mayors, the first president of the European Central Bank, and a secretary general of NATO.
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