University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg invites online Application for number of PhD Positions at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Positions available at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate in Smart European Electricity Markets
Successful candidates will join the young, vibrant, and interdisciplinary FINATRAX Research Group, which builds bridges between electricity markets and digital technologies in Luxembourg. Together with several of the EU’s main institutions and stakeholders we contribute to shaping our energy transition. Located at the heart of Europe, the group consists of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds (e.g., economics, business, technology), united in pursuit of sustainable solutions that positively impact and shape a low-carbon economy and society. For more information, please visit our website:
Successful candidates will carry out research in the area of Smart European Electricity Markets, making a contribution to a successful energy transition in Luxembourg and the EU. As such, the candidate will also be involved in various (inter-)national initiatives and engage with different (political) decision makers to shape future markets in Europe. Candidates will have the opportunity to investigate a broad range of research areas and design an individual research portfolio with high policy impact. As such, successful candidates will be able to align the skills that they learn pursuing a doctorate with their personal goals and interests.
Deadline : Open until filled
(02) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidates in Automatic Testing (via computational intelligence) in Continuous Integration Environments
The successful candidates will join the Serval research group and will contribute to its Software Testing research agenda. The subject of the thesis will be the automatic testing via computational intelligence techniques (targeting the test creation, test oracle and test assessment topics) with supervisor Dr. Mike Papadakis. Successful PhD candidates will extensively explore and develop software engineering techniques that include the feasibility, practicality and success evaluation of prototype implementations.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(03) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of Spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry
The GNSS-R Satellite Earth Observation (GLITTER) project harnesses the power of GNSS-R (Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry) for advanced Earth observation. This technique uses the reflections of GNSS signals off various surfaces—land, sea, and ice—to monitor environmental conditions. Our ambitious goal is to pioneer a new generation of experts capable of making significant advancements in this field through doctoral level education and research. At the heart of GLITTER is the development of a synchronized constellation of CubeSats, offering a cost-effective yet powerful approach to Earth observation. This innovative system allows for enhanced resolution and data accuracy through advanced beamforming techniques. Essential to our methodology are ground-truth data and calibration methods derived from near-field radar technology, which will enable comprehensive research across all facets of GNSS-R technology. This includes the launching and adjustment of CubeSat formations, RF synchronization, interferometry between moving platforms, and calibration of RF front-ends, alongside ground testing with drones and CubeSat systems, on-board processing, data transfer, and analysis. The project’s scope extends beyond GNSS-R technology to potentially revolutionize fields that use interferometry, like radio astronomy and phased-array-based communications. Moreover, GLITTER aims to support various industry sectors, including precision agriculture, forestry, and land and sea management, by providing accurate data essential for climate change.
Deadline : Open until filled
(04) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate for Deployment and Control of a Distributed Telescope as a Formation of Nanosatellites
This PhD project aims at the development of an improved distributed control of such formations of small satellites, also using a combination of solar and aerodynamic forces for propellant-less control. This will be ideal to deploy, maintain and reconfigure cost-efficiently a large formation of small satellites but requires the detailed modelling of the satellite dynamics, including the effects of aerodynamic forces (caused by the residual atmosphere in LEO) and the solar radiation pressure. After an analysis of optimal formation geometries for Earth observation, suitable orbital guidance and attitude control approaches will be developed and tested, using advanced simulation tools as well as formation flight experiments on a smaller scale with drones. These flight tests will also provide a better understanding of the level of control needed to achieve satisfactory beamforming.
Deadline : Open until filled
(05) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Engineering Science
A PhD position in engineering is available at the Chair for ‘Urban Water Management’ (Prof. Dr. Joachim Hansen), Department of Engineering. The successful candidate will be hired in the frame of the QUALISURE project funded by Interreg Greater Region (Principal Investigator: Dr. Silvia Venditti). The project aims to identify the emission hot spots in the catchment area of the Sûre reservoir (the largest drinking water source for Luxembourg), for which both Luxembourg and Belgium are liable. Existing wastewater treatment plants are expected to be optimized, and Nature-based solutions (NBS) intensified with innovative substrates will be installed (pilot scale) at the hot spots of emissions, both at wastewater treatment plants and Combined Sewer Overflows, so that their performance can be evaluated.
The PhD topic will aim to answer the questions related to the viability and optimization of NBS to reduce pollution by developing a novel concept. In addition to measuring micropollutants, nutrients and bacteriological contamination are also taken into account, especially for water reuse purposes. Laboratory tests will be performed before the pilot plant to characterize and select the most appropriate substrates respecting the principles of circularity and sustainability giving preference to local material. The results will be incorporated into a decision support tool developed by a project partner enabling the intelligent distribution of pollution in the catchment area. Finally, a cross-border master plan for maintaining the quality of the Sûre will be defined.
Deadline : Open until filled
(06) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in Geography
The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) brings together expertise from the humanities, linguistics, cognitive sciences, social and educational sciences. People from across 20 disciplines are working within the Faculty. Along with the disciplinary approach a very ambitious interdisciplinary research culture has been developed.
The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society. The FHSE offers six Bachelor and twenty Master degrees and a doctoral school providing students with the necessary knowledge and high-qualified skills to succeed in their future career.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(07) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate for Digital Twins of Large Spacecraft Formations
The Space System Engineering (SpaSys) research group at SnT is seeking to hire a highly motivated PhD candidate for investigations in the area of large spacecraft formation flight, that is, a swarm consisting of dozens of satellites flying in proximity. You will join the Space System Engineering (SpaSys) research group, led by Prof. Andreas Hein.
The PhD position will be conducted with the HEU Marie-Skłodowska-Curie funded project GLITTER aiming to develop a novel Earth Observation method based on the GNSS-reflectometry method using formations/swarms of CubeSats. The high-resolution bi-static radar remote sensing promises obtaining unparalleled data to better understand the planet and the impact of climate change. The project enables instantaneous international exposure with top-ranked European universities and with industry.
Deadline : Open until filled
(08) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate Advancing Space Weather Predictability
Space weather, similar to weather on Earth, has a significant effect on infrastructure in space and on Earth. For example, solar storms may obstruct radio communication on Earth and space. Severe space weather events may even lead to failures of the electric grid, causing significant economic damage and posing a threat to societal stability. As weather forecasts on Earth, space weather forecasts may help to mitigate and prepare for such space weather events. Recently, the use of machine learning for improved space weather forecasting has gained in importance.
The Luxembourg-based company Mission Space and SnT, University of Luxembourg are joining forces to develop a space weather center of excellence. The first building block is to improve the accuracy of space weather forecasting using a combination of existing space weather models and data collected in space. For the latter, Mission Space will soon launch a dedicated satellite constellation for acquiring space weather data in space.
Deadline : Open until filled
(09) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate in AI/Machine Learning for Medical Image Computing in collaboration with the Dept. of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences
The junior group in Imaging AI develops applied AI research focused on biomedical signal analysis and medical image computing. The general aim of the group is translating bleeding edge algorithms from fundamental AI and imaging research closer to a concrete biomedical application.
We are looking for highly motivated candidates who share our passion for research, are interested in acquiring new skills and wish to be part of an international and multi-interdisciplinary team. The specific project is a close collaboration with the Dept. of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences and revolves around multi-modal data fusing / joint embedding architectures for imaging and cognitive markers, in particular for pain assessment.
In our team, we follow a leadership concept of promoting independent work and autonomous collaboration of team members towards common goals. We expect doctoral candidates to actively contribute with their diverse experiences to the projects of their peers, in order to move forward together. In return, we offer individual mentorship, an always open door and support external trainings and personal development efforts tailored to the individual needs of candidates.
Deadline : Open until filled
(10) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of soft matter physics
Discovered only six years ago, the ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal (LC) phase has revolutionized soft matter physics and created an explosion of creativity and excitement in the field. Apart from the excitement from a fundamental physics point of view of a spontaneously polarized 3D liquid, the nascent research field is also driven by enormous application potential in, e.g., piezoelectric energy generators, supercapacitors, soft actuators and much more. The SHADOW project takes an innovative approach to studying ferroelectric nematics in a three-PI collaboration between Prof. Irena Drevensek-Olenik (experimental physics) and Prof. Miha Ravnik (theoretical physics) at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the ESMP group in Luxembourg, headed by Prof. Jan Lagerwall. You will be working closely together with post-docs in the two Ljubljana groups, connecting your research with the theoretical and experimental activities in Ljubljana.
You will be preparing and studying spherical shells in which the ferroelectric nematic LC is suspended in and surrounds immiscible isotropic liquids. With tangential boundary conditions, the spherical topology requires positive-signed topological defects to form, but the typical configuration seen with conventional nematics, with four half-integer defects dominated by splay deformation, is not expected, as the ferroelectric nematic forbids half-integer defects and splay is shunned by the phase because it causes divergence in the polarisation field, with consequent bound electric charges. We will also study the behavior with normal boundary conditions, where a uniform shell would have enormous boundary charge, hence a break-up in domains is expected. Interestingly, the unequal areas of out- and inside would require a splayed configuration, which the LC avoids, hence an intriguing state of frustration should arise. Finally, we will also study chiral versions of the ferroelectric nematic LC in shell geometry, which develops structural color that can be tuned by electric field application.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(11) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in ultra-reliable and energy-efficient intra-avionic wireless communication systems
The SIGCOM group within the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) has an open Ph.D. position as part of the recently EU granted project AVATAR (digitAl twin for transformatiVe Air vehicle with ioT sensors towards sAfeR skies).
AVATAR project has the goal to create a Digital Twin by continuously monitoring the operation of transformative air vehicles (TAV) through an innovative smart IoT sensing skin, informed by accurate physical models and advanced analytics, resulting in reduced direct operative costs, extended service life and safer skies. In this context, one of the main project axes that will be investigated is the ultra-reliable intra-avionic wireless communication systems. These latter have been hardly adopted in aviation where most intra-avionic connectivity relies on wired technologies. The raison is that current wireless technologies are not able to support the diversified requirements (e.g. reliability, energy efficiency, resilience to interference) for various air vehicle applications.
Deadline : Open until filled
(12) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of soft matter physics applied in robotics
The project is about a new generation of fiducial markers (as those used in robotics and Augmented Reality to encode information about objects on which they are applied) designed to carry encrypted messages interpretable only by authorized parties. The markers are made using polymerized Cholesteric liquid crystal Spherical selective Retroreflectors (CSRs), allowing them to be invisible to humans while easy to detect by machine vision. This is a strongly multidisciplinary project, carried out in collaboration with Prof. Holger Voos, head of the Automation & Robotics Group (ARG), and Prof. Gabriele Lenzini, head of the Interdisciplinary Research group in Sociotechnical Cybersecurity (IRiSC), both at the UL Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). You will be a member of the ESMP group at DPhyMS, FSTM, working under the supervision of the group leader Prof. Jan Lagerwall, and you will be working closely together with PhD candidates of the ARG and IRiSC groups who are being recruited simultaneously. While being rooted in soft matter physics/chemistry and photonics, the teamwork will expose you to challenges within computer science, encryption, and robotics engineering.
Deadline : Open until filled
(13) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position on computational spectroscopy of 2D materials
A PhD student position in Theoretical/Computational Solid-State Physics is available in the group of Prof. Ludger Wirtz at the Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg. The group uses and develops electronic structure methods for the description of electronic excitations in novel materials. A special focus lies on 2D materials and their application for light-harvesting and light emission. The research project will be on the role of electron-phonon coupling in spectroscopy. It will focus on the development of new methodologies and their applications to phonon-assisted luminescence and Raman spectroscopy. The project takes place in collaboration with partner groups of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility ( Dr. Fulvio Paleari (Modena), Dr. Claudio Attaccalite (Marseille), Dr. Sven Reichardt (Luxembourg).
Deadline : Open until filled
(14) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidates – Spontaneous Applications for Next Generation Radar Sensing Networks
The group has been working on next generation radar sensors in different applications, including automotive, autonomous vehicles, in-cabin monitoring, occupancy sensing, drones, multi-copters, gesture recognition, smart buildings, smart street lighting, smart factories, healthcare and robotics. The emerging radar sensors that are in use by the group, are using multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology and can be connected to build distributed and co-operative sensing networks. SPARC group has further expanded its research to integrated sensing and communications, weather radar systems and metacognitive radars,. To develop the signal processing techniques, the group researchers are using real data captured by the available radar modules at the lab, or the custom built MIMO radar with flexibility of changing the transmit waveform and signal processing units on the fly. Its members have been involved in a number of seminal papers in the area of waveform optimization, vital signs monitoring, joint radar and communications, sparse arrays, interference modeling, 4D radar imaging, distributed sensing, and tracking. SPARC has also collaborating with long term industry partner IEE S.A ( , University of Naples Federico II, US Airforce Laboratories, TU Berlin and TU Munich among others.
Deadline : Open until filled
(15) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral candidates in Statistics and Probability
The successful candidates will be expected to conduct research under the guidance of professors (names and areas of expertise listed above), with the aim of obtaining a PhD in mathematics. They will also be expected to contribute to the department’s many activities, including seminars, teaching, outreach and various other research related events.
Our departments offer an outstanding and dynamic environments for PhD candidates, with multiple seminars, working groups, colloquia, and doctoral schools which also grant access to multiple training opportunities, including some not only focused on mathematics.
Deadline : Open until filled
(16) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidates in Computer Vision
The successful candidates will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada in order to pursue a PhD in the general area of Computer Vision. Multiple positions are open. They will carry out research in predefined topics contributing to CVI2’s activities in computer vision and pattern recognition. CVI2 offers the opportunity to work on industrial projects (with industrial partners such as Lift-Me Off, ARTEC 3D and DataThings) or national and international academic projects. CVI2 is a young group composed of highly motivated and active members. Their work focuses on innovative research topics such as 3D shape modelling, 6DOF object pose estimation, human behavior understating, and deep learning and is disseminated in top-tiers venues.
Deadline : Open until filled
(17) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidates / Spontaneous Applications
The SigCom research group at the SnT carries out research activities in the areas of signal processing for wireless communication systems including satellite communications and radar systems, and is rapidly expanding its research areas to various enabling technologies for beyond 5G/6G wireless networks. For details, you may refer to the following:
We’re looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
Deadline : Open until filled
(18) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral Researcher in Sociology of stratification and inequalities
The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) brings together expertise from the humanities, linguistics, cognitive sciences, social and educational sciences. People from across 20 disciplines are working within the Faculty. Along with the disciplinary approach a very ambitious interdisciplinary research culture has been developed.
The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society. The FHSE offers six Bachelor and twenty Master degrees and a doctoral school providing students with the necessary knowledge and high-qualified skills to succeed in their future career.
The doctoral candidate will undertake research closely linked to the objectives of the Institute IRSEI and will work under the supervision of Professor Louis Chauvel
Deadline : Open until filled
(20) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD en Droit constitutionnel luxembourgeois
Tout candidat/e est invité/e à soumettre un projet de thèse étayé portant sur un sujet librement choisi de droit constitutionnel luxembourgeois ancien ou actuel (organisation de l’Etat et/ou droits fondamentaux). Le projet peut être focalisé sur un aspect du passé du droit luxembourgeois ou, à l’inverse, se focaliser sur une thématique de dogmatique juridique actuelle. Quel que soit le sujet, ancien ou actuel, celui-ci doit être contextualisé et peut/voire doit être éclairé sous un angle comparatif, en lien avec le/les systèmes juridiques étrangers pertinents. Le sujet de thèse peut également porter sur l’interaction entre le système juridique luxembourgeois et les systèmes juridiques plus larges dont faisait partie ou fait partie le Luxembourg depuis sa naissance jusqu’à aujourd’hui (Deutscher Bund, Zollverein, droits européens, droit international, etc.). La thèse peut porter sur des sous-disciplines comme le droit parlementaire, le droit électoral, le contentieux constitutionnel, etc. ou encore se situer au croisement avec d’autres disciplines juridiques comme le droit administratif luxembourgeois, le droit privé, etc.
Deadline : Open until filled
(21) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral Candidate in Economic Geography
The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) brings together expertise from the humanities, linguistics, cognitive sciences, social and educational sciences. People from across 20 disciplines are working within the Faculty. Along with the disciplinary approach a very ambitious interdisciplinary research culture has been developed.
The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society. The FHSE offers six Bachelor and twenty Master degrees and a doctoral school providing students with the necessary knowledge and high-qualified skills to succeed in their future career.
Deadline : Open until filled
About University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg –Official Website
The University of Luxembourg is a public research university in Luxembourg.
The University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003, by combining four existing education and research institutes.
The university offers fourteen bachelor’s degrees, forty-two master’s degrees, and doctorates. Students at the university getting a bachelor’s degree are required to spend one semester abroad. The university also offers sixteen vocational training and lifelong learning training courses.
The university is multilingual. Courses are generally taught in two languages, being French and English or French and German. Some courses are taught in three languages and some courses are taught entirely in English.
The university has three faculties, the Faculty of Science, Technology, and Medicine; the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Finance; and the Faculty of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, and three interdisciplinary centers, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust; the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine; and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. All the faculties offer baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and vocational programs.
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