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21 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Duke University, North Carolina, USA

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Are you a PhD graduate eager to take the next leap in your academic journey? Look no further! Duke University, North Carolina, USA invites online applications for prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships across a wide range of research fields. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to propel your career forward. 

Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

We have recently discovered that antiviral innate immune signaling is regulated by the post-translational modification system of UFMylation (Snider et al., PMID: 35394863). UFMylation is the process by which the small ubiquitin-like modifier protein UFM1 is conjugated to target proteins by the E3 UFMylation ligase protein UFL1. Importantly, we found that UFL1 modifies the cellular trafficking protein 14-3-3-epsilon to promote RIG-I translocation to intracellular membranes for signaling activation.

The primary goal of this position will be to investigate how the small ubiquitin-like modifier protein UFM1 and its associated machinery regulate protein function to organize the antiviral response.

The postdoctoral fellow will implement cutting-edge technologies in cell biology, immunology, and virology. Additionally, the fellow will have the opportunity to pursue complementary interests in the lab at the intersection of RNA biology, immunity, and virology

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

We are looking for a postdoc in computational immunology to develop an in silico model of therapeutic interventions for prevention of congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) based on identified immune correlates of cCMV transmission and placental tissue models. The model will be calibrated from a uniquely large cohort of acutely CMV-infected pregnant women (n = 399) to predict the outcome of a CMV vaccine in protection against placental virus transmission, as well as the ability of maternal plasma antibodies to block virus spread at the maternal-fetal interface. Moreover, this model can be refined through the study of CMV replication in a placental organoid model, past and concurrent challenge models a non-human primate model. This work will build on an existing maternal/placental/fetal model developed by our group for CMV transmission in the Rhesus macaque model, and extend it by including specific immune responses, especially at the maternal-fetal interface, using neural differential equation approaches for model calibration.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–Postdoctoral Associate in the Varghese Lab

The candidate is expected to conduct independent and collaborative research activities under the guidance of

Prof. Shyni Varghese. The research activities will focus, but not limited to, on the development of in-vitro organs models to study neuroinflammation and neurodegenerationand to model cancer and immunotherapies. As a senior member of the lab, the postdoc is expected to work with graduate students, technicians, and postdoctoral fellows.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The postdoctoral fellow will lead a project focused on redox homeostasis, regulation of muscle protein synthesis/degradation, muscle contractile dysfunction, and exercise intolerance in rodents. The primary responsibilities include procedures for inducing disease, perform pharmaceutical and genetic interventions, measure muscle contractile function in intact muscles and single cells, assays for mitochondrial oxidants and respiration, echocardiography, quantify RNA and protein, cell culture experiments, and exercise tests in rodents. The postdoc will collect and analyze data, present results in individual and group meetings, prepare figures for reporting findings, and lead or assist with writing manuscripts. An important and critical responsibility is the maintenance of accurate records and updated electronic laboratory notebook. The candidate will have to complete training in responsible conduct of research and regulatory compliance, critical thinking and writing skills, data management and sharing, and laboratory management and leadership.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Postdoctoral Appointee holds a PhD. (or PhD. candidate) or Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities. University. research requirements or other equivalent doctorate Ph.D. in life science (e.g.biochemistry, biophysics, biology, or structural biology). Candidates with non-US degrees may be required to provide proof of degree equivalency.1. A candidate may be appointed to a postdoctoral position if the candidate has completed all of the requirements for a degree but the degree has not been formally conferred: in this case, the candidate may present evidence of completion of the degree requirements, together with a statement documenting the date on which the degree is to be conferred. If the degree is not conferred by this projected date, the postdoctoral appointment may be terminated.2. Note for international candidates: Generally, immigration classifications (e.g., H-1B, J-1, etc.)require that the requisite degree be conferred before a petition can be filed or a visa document issued to sponsor the individual. The term of the appointment is limited (see Section 5 of the Postdoc Policy for length of appointment). The appointment involves substantially full-time research or scholarship and may include teaching responsibilities. The appointment is generally preparatory for a full-time academic or research career. The appointment is not part of a clinical training program unless research training under the supervision of a senior mentor is the primary purpose of the appointment. The Postdoctoral Appointee functions under the supervision of a mentor or a department at Duke The Postdoctoral Appointee is expected to publish the results of his or her research or scholarship during the appointment period.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

Within our Duke Center for Global Mental Health, we highly value mentorship of Duke students and collaborative partnerships with our international colleagues, and seek an applicant who is passionate about engaging in these activities alongside their research. This postdoc would have the opportunity to engage in direct mentorship with undergraduate students, often Global Health majors; with graduate students in DGHI’s Master of Science in Global Health Program; and with doctoral students from across the university, school of nursing, and medical school. The postdoc would also have the opportunity to gain experience in university teaching through guest lectures or co-teaching opportunities with GMH faculty.

Applicants with an interest in academic research careers will receive mentorship in grant writing and pursuing extramural research funding, such as NIH F or K Awards.

Lastly, we seek an applicant who is interested in taking an active role in developing our growing Center for Global Mental Health, to participate in vision-setting and strategic planning as we continue to expand our GMH research and training efforts.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

Drs. Deborah Muoio and Paul Grimsrud invite applications fora postdoc toral fellowship position at the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute(DMP I) within the School of Medicine at Duke University (Durham, NC). The DM PIand Duke University are part of a broad and dynamic community of acade mic andindustry scientists in the Research Triangle Park (RTP) area of N orth Carolina.The DMPI occupies a place of national and international le adership in the fightagainst major diseases and is a multi- and inter-di sciplinary Instituteencompassing basic and translational investigators a cross a variety ofscientific disciplines. Our mission is to produce inte grated multi-omics andphysiologic profiles of chronic human diseases, an d to use such profiles todevelop new disease detection strategies, novel therapies, and insights intodisease mechanisms. The Postdoctoral Associ ate will utilizemass-spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics to i nvestigate roles ofprotein post-translational modifications (PTMs) in re gulating mitochondrialphysiology and metabolic flux in heart, skeletal m uscle, and liver. The idealcandidate will have strong training in basic sciences and research interests inmolecular mechanisms of chronic metabo lic disorders or conditions such as obesity,diabetes, cardiovascular dis ease, and aging. Although candidates with expertisein all areas of basic science research will be considered, strong preferencewill be given to those with experience in analytical chemistry, massspectrometry, quantitative proteomics and/or computational biology. Thisposition offers a vib rant and highly interactive academic setting in a newstate-of-the-art re search facility, along with NIH-sponsored funding, access tooutstanding resources and technology platforms, strong computational supportfrom the DMPI Computational Biology Core, and a friendly, collaborative, andinte rdisciplinary group of colleagues in both the clinical and basic science s.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Postdoctoral Appointee holds a PhD or equivalent doctorate (e.g. ScD, MD, DVM). Candidates with non-US degrees may be required to provide proof of degree equivalency.1. A candidate may also be appointed to a postdoctoral position if the candidate has completed all of the requirements for a degree but the degree has not been formally conferred: in this case, the candidate may present evidence of completion of the degree requirements, together with a statement documenting the date on which the degree is to be conferred. If the degree is not conferred by this projected date, the postdoctoral appointment may be terminated.2. Note for international candidates: Generally, immigration classifications (e.g., H-1B, J-1, etc.) require that the requisite degree be conferred before a petition can be filed or a visa document issued to sponsor the individual. The term of the appointment is limited (see Section 5of the Postdoc Policy for length of appointment).The appointment involves substantially full-time research or scholarship, and may include teaching responsibilities. The appointment is generally preparatory for a full time academic or research career. The appointment is not part of a clinical training program, unless research training under the supervision of a senior mentor is the primary purpose of the appointment. The Postdoctoral Appointee functions under the supervision of a mentor or a department at Duke University. The Postdoctoral Appointee is expected to publish the results of his or her research or scholarship during the period of the appointment. EXPECTATION: The conscientious discharge of research or scholarship responsibilities, which may include teaching responsibilities for Postdoctoral Associates Conformance to standards of responsible conduct in research Compliance with good scholarly and research practice Maintenance of a laboratory notebook and/or other comparable records of research activity, which remains the property of Duke University upon termination. Adherence to University standards regarding use of isotopes, chemicals, infectious agents, animals, human subjects, and the like Open and timely discussion with the mentor regarding all facets of the Postdoctoral Appointee’s research activities. Postdoctoral Appointees are encouraged to consult the AAMC Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors for suggested guidelines for the Postdoctoral Appointee-mentor relationship Prompt disclosure to the mentor regarding the possession and desire to distribute materials, reagents, software, copyrightable and potentially patentable discoveries derived from the Postdoctoral Appointee’s research. Collegial conduct towards members of the research group and others as described in the Duke University School of Medicine Honor Code of Professional Conduct and other relevant conduct policies pertaining to other schools at Duke University. Compliance with all applicable University and departmental policies and procedures.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Duke University School of Medicine isseeking applications for two Postdoctoral Fellow positions. Successful applicants are expected to join Professor Don Fox’s research group and participate in projects funded by NIH to study basic biological questions in developmental and cancer biology using the Drosophila model system ( For those who are interested please submit a CV and cover letter to Dr. Fox:

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Postdoctoral Appointee holds a PhD or equivalent doctorate (e.g. ScD, MD, DVM). Candidates with non-US degrees may be required to provide proof of degree equivalency. 1. A candidate may also be appointed to a postdoctoral position if the candidate has completed all of the requirements for a degree but the degree has not been formally conferred: in this case, the candidate may present evidence of completion of the degree requirements, together with a statement documenting the date on which the degree is to be conferred. If the degree is not conferred by this projected date, the postdoctoral appointment may be terminated. 2. Note for international candidates: Generally, immigration classifications (e.g., H-1B, J-1, etc.) require that the requisite degree be conferred before a petition can be filed or a visa document issued to sponsor the individual. The term of the appointment is limited (see Section 5 of the Postdoc Policy for length of appointment).The appointment involves substantially full-time research or scholarship, and may include teaching responsibilities. The appointment is generally preparatory for a full time academic or research career. The appointment is not part of a clinical training program, unless research training under the supervision of a senior mentor is the primary purpose of the appointment. The Postdoctoral Appointee functions under the supervision of a mentor or a department at Duke University. The Postdoctoral Appointee is expected to publish the results of his or her research or scholarship during the period of the appointment. EXPECTATION: The conscientious discharge of research or scholarship responsibilities, which may include teaching responsibilities for Postdoctoral Associates Conformance to standards of responsible conduct in research Compliance with good scholarly and research practice Maintenance of a laboratory notebook and/or other comparable records of research activity, which remains the property of Duke University upon termination. Adherence to University standards regarding use of isotopes, chemicals, infectious agents, animals, human subjects, and the like. Open and timely discussion with the mentor regarding all facets of the Postdoctoral Appointee’s research activities. Postdoctoral Appointees are encouraged to consult the AAMC Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors for suggested guidelines for the Postdoctoral Appointee-mentor relationship Prompt disclosure to the mentor regarding the possession and desire to distribute materials, reagents, software, copyrightable and potentially patentable discoveries derived from the Postdoctoral Appointee’s research. Collegial conduct towards members of the research group and others as described in the Duke University School of Medicine Honor Code of Professional Conduct and other relevant conduct policies pertaining to other schools at Duke University. Compliance with all applicable University and departmental policies and procedures.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The overall goal of this position is to develop new high-throughput technologies for studying combinatorial gene regulation in the human genome.   The position is funded through a recently awarded NHGRI Center of Excellence (CEGS) in Genome Science. The focus of the Duke CEGS is to develop new and high-throughput technologies to investigate how combinatorial gene regulation contributes to human health and disease. A multidisciplinary team of seven Duke principal investigators leads the project. The postdoctoral associate hired for this position will report directly to PI, Dr. Tim Reddy or PI, Dr. Charles Gersbach.

The successful applicant will lead projects on engineering new and improved CRISPR systems for facile and highly multiplexed genome editing, and deploying those systems to identify gene regulatory mechanisms contributing to a diverse range of human diseases. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in genome and epigenome editing; CRISPR-based disease modeling; protein engineering; and/or high-throughput genetics, genomics, or epigenetics studies.The candidate will work with a team of faculty, clinicians, postdoctoral associates, graduate students, and undergraduates conducting research and training on human gene regulation.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

This Postdoctoral Associate position in the Petes lab does research related to the genetic regulation of genome stability using both genetic and molecular biological approaches to examine how mitotic recombination events and mutations are controlled by features of chromosome structure and sequence in S. cerevisiae. For example, we recently showed that mutations in the yeast gene MET18 leads to a very elevated rate of genomic deletions, particularly in GC-rich sequences (Kiktev et al., 2021; We also demonstrated that the mutagenic effect of met18 is a consequence of a reduced levels of iron-sulfur clusters within the catalytic sub-unit of DNA polymerase delta.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Duke University School of Medicine is seeking applications for two Postdoctoral Fellow positions. Successful applicants are expected to join Professor Don Fox’s research group and participate in projects funded by NIH to study basic biological questions in developmental and cancer biology using the Drosophila model system ( For those who are interested please submit a CV an dcover letter to Dr. Fox:

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–Postdoctoral Associate in the Chakkalakal Lab

The Postdoctoral Appointee holds a PhD or equivalent doctorate (e.g.ScD, MD, DVM). 

· Candidates with non-US degrees may be required to provide proof of degree equivalency. 

· A candidate may also be appointed to a postdoctoral position if the candidate has completed all of the requirements for a degree but the degree has not been formally conferred: in this case, the candidate may present evidence of completion of the degree requirements, together with a statement documenting the date on which the degree is to be conferred.If the degree is not conferred by this projected date, the postdoctoral appointment may be terminated. 

· Note for international candidates: Generally, immigration classifications (e.g., H-1B, J-1, etc.) require that the requisite degree be conferred before a petition can be filed or a visa document issued to sponsor the individual. 

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The San Roman Lab at the Duke University School of Medicine has an opening for a full-time postdoctoral fellow in our new laboratory opening in January 2024! Our scientific goal is to define the molecular mechanisms driving sex differences in human biology to advance healthcare across the spectrum of sex. The successful applicant will work with Dr. San Roman to develop research projects shaped by their skills and interests. Human cell culture is our main model system, and projects will involve a mix of approaches in molecular genetics, biochemistry, genomics, epigenetics, and computational biology. We strive to cultivate a laboratory that values collaboration, open communication, personal and scientific integrity, and respect for diverse individuals and ideas. 

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

A unique opportunity to partner with an academic orthopaedic trauma surgeon to plan,organize, and conduct cutting-edge translational research designed to improvebone heal ing and mitigate infection in traumatically injured patients. Through invivo and in vitro investigation, the research partner will perf orm variouscomplex and independent activities to make meaningful contrib utions toscientific discovery and innovation. This exciting position wil l fosteropportunities for professional growth and personal enrichment as a lead rolewithin a team of students, researchers, and clinicians. Ther e will beopportunities to collaborate with various publicly funded inves tigatorsthroughout the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and industry pa rtners.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Scaglione lab in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology is looking for a postdoctoral researcher interested in investigating Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Our goal is to understand how disruptions in protein homeostasis of contribute to AD and to use this knowledge to develop therapies. The Scaglione lab utilizes a wide range of approaches to address our questions. This includes biochemical and genetic techniques utilized in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, human cell culture, and genetically modified mouse models. The initial positions will be for one year with the possibility to renew.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–Postdoctoral Associate in the Varghese Lab

Conduct independent research activities under the guidance of Prof. Shyni Varghese, faculty mentor in preparation for a full time academic or research career. • As a Postdoctoral Associate you will be responsible for the studies involving therapeutic interventions to address osteoarthritis. You will be responsible for designing and executing the experiments including the animal studies. You will also be responsible for joint tissue analyses, biomarker and genetic analyses. • The conscientious discharge of research or scholarship responsibilities, which may include teaching responsibilities for Postdoctoral Associates • Conformance to standards of responsible conduct in research • Compliance with good scholarly and research practice • Maintenance of a laboratory notebook and/or other comparable records of research activity, which remains the property of Duke University upon termination • Adherence to University standards regarding use of isotopes, chemicals, infectious agents, animals, human subjects, and the like • Open and timely discussion with the mentor regarding all facets of the Postdoctoral Appointee’s research activities. Postdoctoral Appointees are encouraged to consult the AAMC Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors for suggested guidelines for the Postdoctoral Appointee-mentor relationship • Prompt disclosure to the mentor regarding the possession and desire to distribute materials, reagents, software, copyrightable and potentially patentable discoveries derived from the Postdoctoral Appointee’s research. • Publish the results of your research or scholarship during the period of the appointment. • Collegial conduct towards members of the research group and others as described in the Duke University School of Medicine Honor Code of Professional Conduct and other relevant conduct policies pertaining to other schools at Duke University. • Compliance with all applicable University and departmental policies and procedures.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–Postdoctoral Associate, Immuno-Oncology

A postdoctoral position is available in the Conejo-Garcia laboratory at Duke Medical School.  We are seeking a highly motivated and collaborative postdoctoral fellow who has a background in Immuno-Oncology, and/or KRAS targeting, with a strong interest in Immunology research. The postdoc will work on how inhibiting oncogenic signals in different human tumors, using complementary interventions, influences the tumor immuno-environment and synergizes with anti-cancer immunotherapies. These approaches will be complemented with the generation of novel recombinant antibodies targeting specific intracellular antigens, based on recent articles published by the lab (PMID: 33536615, 37909039, 34949671).

Established in 1930, Duke University School of Medicine is the youngest of the nation’s top medical schools. Ranked sixth among medical schools in the nation, the School takes pride in being an inclusive community of outstanding learners, investigators, clinicians, and staff where interdisciplinary collaboration is embraced and great ideas accelerate translation of fundamental scientific discoveries to improve human health locally and around the globe. Composed of more than 2,500 faculty physicians and researchers, more than 1,300 students, and more than 6,000 staff, the Duke University School of Medicine along with the Duke University School of Nursing, Duke University Health System and the Private Diagnostic Clinic (PDC) comprise Duke Health. a world-class academic medical center. The Health System encompasses Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital, Duke Primary Care, Duke Home and Hospice, Duke Health and Wellness, and multiple affiliations.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Postdoctoral Appointee holds a PhD or equivalent doctorate (e.g. ScD, MD, DVM). Candidates with non-US degrees may be required to provide proof of degree equivalency.

  1. A candidate may also be appointed to a postdoctoral position if the candidate has completed all of the requirements for a degree but the degree has not been formally conferred: in this case, the candidate may present evidence of completion of the degree requirements, together with a statement documenting the date on which the degree is to be conferred. If the degree is not conferred by this projected date, the postdoctoral appointment may be terminated.
  2. Note for international candidates: Generally, immigration classifications (e.g., H-1B, J-1, etc.) require that the requisite degree be conferred before a petition can be filed or a visa document issued to sponsor the individual.The term of the appointment is limited (see Section 5 of the Postdoc Policy for length of appointment).

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE

The Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at Duke University Medical Center is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral associate to study stress adaptation in the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus. The position entails a 3-year commitment, contract renewed annually, contingent on performance, availability of funding and needs of the lab.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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About Duke University, North Carolina, USA – Official Website

Duke University is a private research university in Durham, North Carolina. Founded by Methodists and Quakers in the present-day town of Trinity in 1838, the school moved to Durham in 1892. In 1924, tobacco and electric power industrialist James Buchanan Duke established The Duke Endowment and the institution changed its name to honor his deceased father, Washington Duke.

Duke’s campus spans over 8,600 acres (3,500 hectares) on three contiguous sub-campuses in Durham as well as a marine lab in Beaufort. The West Campus—designed largely by architect Julian Abele, an African American architect who graduated first in his class at University of Pennsylvania School of Design—incorporates Gothic architecture with the 210-foot (64-meter) Duke Chapel at the campus’ center and highest point of elevation, is adjacent to the Medical Center. East Campus, 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) away, home to all first-years, contains Georgian-style architecture.The university administers two concurrent schools in Asia, Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore (established in 2005) and Duke Kunshan University in Kunshan, China (established in 2013).



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