Are you a PhD graduate eager to take the next leap in your academic journey? Look no further! University of Oslo, Norway invites online applications for prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships across a wide range of research fields. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to propel your career forward.
Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Researcher in Paleo Climate
NORCLI is an interdisciplinary project jointly run by the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (Prof. Dominik Collet) and the Department of Geosciences, Section for Meteorology and Oceanography (Prof. Kirstin Krüger) and is financed by UiO: Energy and Environment. It investigates what happened when Nordic societies faced abrupt climate change in the past 1000 years, aiming to contribute to and broaden contemporary discussions. NORCLI progresses from reconnecting and integrating data from historical and natural archives as well as climate models to narrating the result to a wider societal audience. The project collaborates closely with several other current projects (VIKINGS, Force-VOL, CLIMCULT, NORLIA, CLIMCRIS,) in the field of paleo climate and climate history.
Deadline : 2nd July 2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Researcher in molecular gerontology/systems gerontology
For the project, the candidate is expected to compile a set of functionally relevant variants in DNA repair genes and design appropriate strategies for interrogating the variants in population level databases. The candidate will participate in applying access to relevant databases, determine associations with disease outcomes and utilize available multi-omic data in population level databases to determine signatures of DNA damage driven aging.
- Qualification requirements include a PhD or equivalent degree, appropriate postdoctoral training, experience with supervision and a track record of high-impact publications
- Deep knowledge about aging processes and how they contribute to disease
- Knowledge of the principles of DNA repair
- Experience in analyzing omics-level data related to aging biology
- Expert-level knowledge of how to convert complex “big data” into biological insights
- Broad experience in application of bioinformatic tools, interpretation and visualization of results
- Ability to discuss and apply different types of statistical models on biological data
- Experience with command-line interfaces and high-performance computing. Proficiency in at least Python or equivalent programming skills
Deadline : 11th July 2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Researcher in Cosmology
The CMB&CO research group at ITA plays an internationally leading role in research on the early universe with a particular emphasis on CMB and intensity mapping data analysis. The group is funded by several major grants, and consists of about 10-20 people at any given time, from Master students to professors.
This researcher position is funded by the ERC 2023 Advanced Grant called “Commander”, and in particular, the successful applicant will be serve as a scientific project manager for the OpenHFI effort, which aims to perform a Bayesian end-to-end reanalysis of the raw archival Planck HFI data, in a similar vein to what was done by the BeyondPlanck collaboration for the Planck LFI data and the Cosmoglobe collaboration for the WMAP data. The applicant will also participate in analysis of other legacy and future experiments, such as LiteBIRD, DIRBE, COMAP, SPIDER, and Simons Observatory.
Deadline : 1st July 2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Researcher/Senior researcher (SKO 1109/1183)
ARENA Centre for European Studies is an interdisciplinary research center at the University of Oslo. The center is a national focal point for research on political integration in Europe and one of the leading centers in this field internationally. ARENA coordinates and participates in several international research networks and projects financed by the Norwegian Research Council and the EU’s Horizon Europe program and is primarily externally funded.
The center is a basic unit under the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Oslo and has its own board, led by a center director. ARENA currently has a scientific staff of 26 people, including doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows, as well as four administrative staff. The staff is international, and English is used as the working language. ARENA is interdisciplinary, but with a clear emphasis on political science disciplines.
Deadline : 5th August 2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Researcher
The researcher position is associated with the research project “Preparedness for Society in Health Crises and Disasters” (PREPSHIELD), financed by the EU Horizon program. The researcher will work with task leader Professor Øyvind Ihlen on three tasks: 1) Conduct a literature review and expert interviews to deduce best practices for communication in health crises. 2) Conduct survey experiments on different communication strategies that will feed into a communication pilot for the improvement of health crisis communication strategies. 3) Develop recommendations for inclusive communication, based on the above and observation of tabletop exercises and crisis simulations conducted by other partners in the project.
Deadline : 15th August 2024
(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellowship – Reimagining AI
HumAIn is an interdisciplinary humanities hub and collaborative research project aimed at investigating the imaginaries and narratives surrounding and embedded within AI, with an explicit focus on creating and reimagining new AI stories. To stake out a new path for research on critical AI studies from a humanities perspective, HumAIn fosters a proactive and creative engagement with AI that includes but goes beyond critique.
The hub is designed to facilitate a dynamic interplay between interpretation and creativity, emphasizing both methodological and narrative innovation, and showcase the potential for humanities approaches to shape and reimagine what AI is and can be. HumAIn is organized into three interrelated collaboratories with team members from different disciplines and departments working together on exploring the textual, affective, and speculative aspects of AI.
Deadline : 15th August 2024
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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Conservation Science – Two Positions
Two positions for Postdoctoral Research Fellows (SKO 1352) in Conservation Science are available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH), University of Oslo.
Both positions are for a fixed term of four years within the scope of the project POLYCHROME ‒ “The Survival of Damaged Medieval Polychromed Heritage in the Nordics”. POLYCHROME is funded by the European Research Council between 2024 and 2029 (Grant Agreement number 101125383). Webpage link to come.
Successful candidates will join a multi-disciplinary research team, with primary responsibilities related to imaging and examination of medieval polychromed objects in museums and churches across Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Duties include extensive travel in a mobile laboratory, especially in the first two years of the project, as well as data treatment, data interpretation and publication. Data gathering must adhere to the strict timeframe for POLYCHROME that has been agreed between the European Research Council and the University of Oslo.
Deadline : 16th August 2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellow Materials Science and Solid State Ionics
We seek a Postdoctoral fellow with qualifications and interest in materials science and renewable energy conversion technologies. The Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) comprises UiO’s focus on renewable energy, materials science, and nanotechnology. The Centre is an interdisciplinary collaboration between five research groups in physics and chemistry, and spearheads the MN Faculty’s efforts for sustainable energy solutions. The position is part of the interdisciplinary SOLARIS initiative which addresses solar energy harvesting and storage, including electrochemical energy conversion.
The Postdoctoral fellowship is part of the research project Combinatorial Materials Science for Protonic Electrochemical Energy Conversion (Comicon) funded by the Research Council of Norway. The project also employs a PhD research fellow which gives excellent opportunity for collaboration, in addition to working in teams across SMN and SOLARIS. The postdoctoral fellow will also be able develop experience in project participation and management, and take part in collaboration with international research partners and exchange visits.
Deadline : 15th August 2024
(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Post-doctoral Research Fellowship affiliated to the research initiative Eco-Emotions
The main aim of the project is to discuss how humans affectively deal with environmental change, as represented in and through literature, from the past and today, in the North and globally. The current environmental crisis has made us aware of the pressing need for new insight, pertaining to the deeper emotive structures of humanity and the cognitive mechanisms that condition our relationship to the environment. The two main research questions of the project are: (1) How does literature represent and describe affective responses to environmental change? (2) What effect does literature have on our emotions and thoughts, and how can it contribute to sustainability in times of environmental transformations? By discussing these research questions, the project will harvest the yet unexploited potential of powerful, large-scale narratives from the past and today, which have the potential to activate new ways of thinking about and relating to our environment.
Deadline : 15th August 2024
(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Planetary Sciences
The Vision of the Centre for Planetary Habitability: Earth is the only planet on which life is known to have originated. Earth has abundant surface water, a large moon, a long-lived magnetic field, and plate tectonics. Yet, which of these and other characteristics are essential for long-term habitability? How have Earth’s physical and chemical attributes, and thus our planet’s proclivity for life, evolved? How can we recognize distant worlds around other stars that have been or could be habitable?
Water is defined as a crucial ingredient for habitable environments because it is a solvent and facilitates geological processes, chemical reactions and it could modulate climate conditions. On Earth it is present ubiquitously on the surface, while Mars shows clear morphological and mineralogical evidence that once liquid surface water existed. Even for the Earth’s moon recent observations indicate the presence of hydration and water features.
In this project we want to address: What is the origin of Earth’s water? What made Earth keep its water, while Mars lost lots of its water? What is the source of lunar hydration features?
A successful candidate wants to explore source, evidence and/or fate of water on terrestrial planetary objects by means of remote sensing of planetary surfaces, experiments of water-rock interaction, or based on planet-formation models.
The main purpose of a postdoctoral fellowship is to provide the candidates with enhanced skills to pursue a scientific top position within or beyond academia. To promote a strategic career path, all postdoctoral research fellows are required to submit a professional development plan no later than one month after commencement of the postdoctoral period.
Deadline : 15th August 2024
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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Modelling of Economic Consequences of Climate Change
The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to further develop and apply a modelling framework designed to simulate the global economic consequences of climate change under different assumptions, scenarios, and climate policy decision. The framework consists of the Norwegian Earth System Model NorESM2, coupled with an economic model, the Disaggregated Integrated Assessment Model (DIAM).
The main purpose of a postdoctoral fellowship is to provide the candidates with enhanced skills to pursue a scientific top position within or beyond academia. To promote a strategic career path, all postdoctoral research fellows are required to submit a professional development plan no later than one month after commencement of the postdoctoral period.
Deadline : 1st July 2024
(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Experimental Particle Physics
The Particle Physics section of the Norwegian Centre for CERN research (NorCC) has an opening for a motivated postdoctoral fellow to join the University of Oslo team involved in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
The present ATLAS involvements of the Oslo research group, which are relevant for the postdoctoral position, include searches for new physics, such as dark matter, supersymmetry and other exotic phenomena (new gauge bosons, scalars, heavy neutrinos, excited gravitons). The group is heavily involved in distributed computing, software development and in the ATLAS detector upgrade.
The successful candidate is expected to lead the efforts to expand and enhance searches for new physics. This includes the development of novel AI and other techniques and use of unconventional signatures of new physics processes. They will also be expected to play an important role in the exploitation of Run 3 LHC data, as well as in the computing and software R&D preparation for the High Luminosity period which will begin in the late 2020s. A strong involvement in an ATLAS Combined Performance group is required, especially dealing with muons and missing transverse energy. The share between physics analysis and CP on one hand, and software and computing duties on the other hand, is expected to be roughly 50%-50%.
Deadline : 31st July 2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Marine Plankton Ecology
The project aims at unveiling the dynamics and contribution of small (pico and nano) eukaryotic phago-mixotrophic phytoplankton to the biological carbon pump. Traditionally, marine plankton surveys report and classify plankton using a relatively simple dichotomic view of the marine food web structure, distinguishing between the photo-autotrophic “phytoplankton” and their heterotrophic grazers, the “zooplankton.” However, it is now recognized that many of the protists classified as “phytoplankton” and “zooplankton” are capable of both photo-autotrophy and phago-heterotrophy which is suggested to promote nutrient transfer to higher trophic levels, especially under nutrient limitating conditions. However very few studies have shown phago-mixotrophic in natural protist populations and their gene expression dynamics between photosynthesis and phagotrophy during the natural light-dark cycle and across seasons remains poorly known.
Deadline : 1st July 2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the intersection of artificial intelligence and biology
The AUTORHYTHM Convergence Environment aims to build a strong interdisciplinary research environment to explore complex biological problems. The first goal is to decipher the spatiotemporal nature of autophagy and make predictions for improving a healthy lifespan. To reach this goal, we will use machine learning, sonification strategies, mathematical modelling, and experimental systems of cell biology and aging. AUTORHYTHM builds on the expertise of the seven research groups involved, using a combination of experiments in cellular and animal model systems, mathematical modelling, machine learning and music technology. One PhD student or postdoctoral fellow will be recruited to each of these four fields and this group will work together on the AUTORHYTHM project in close contact with the respective research group that each candidate is embedded in.
The candidate will be employed through the Department of Biosciences at the University of Oslo and work in the interdisciplinary AUTORHYTHM team. The workplace will be in the Cell Stress and Cancer group (headed by Dr. Knævelsrud) at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO. One of the main research aims of the group is to better understand the regulation of autophagy.
Deadline : 31st July 2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applications are invited for a 3-year position as postdoctoral fellow at the Section for Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (CCN), Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. The appointment is a fulltime position for a period of three years. The employment period can be considered to be up to 4 years given addition of teaching and administrative duties (up to 25 %), depending on the competence of the successful applicant and the needs of the department.
The successful applicant will join the MICC-Lab, led by Prof. René Huster. The MICC-Lab studies the neural foundations of cognitive control using EEG, MRI, EMG, pupillometry etc. in various combinations, and also applies methods for the neuromodulation of cognitive processes (e.g., transcranial stimulation or brain-computer interfaces).
Deadline : 5th August 2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Fellow -Political Science (3-4 years)
The Department of Political Science is recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow (SKO 1352) with specialisation in European Energy Studies. The successful applicant will be part of the research project” Energy turbulence, the political response”, which is funded by the “Academia agreement” between the University of Oslo and Equinor. The person appointed may be given either a three year-appointment with no teaching requirement, or an appointment for a period of four years with a 25 per cent teaching requirement, depending on how the candidate’s competence fits in with the Department’s teaching portfolio.
Deadline : 10th September 2024
(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Researcher in Evolutionary Genomics
The postdoctoral fellow will work in association with the “ICEFISH” project funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by Associate Professor Michael Matschiner (PI). This project investigates the adaptive radiation of notothenioid fishes in Antarctic waters, with a focus on the role of introgression (genetic exchange between species through hybridization) in their diversification. Introgression has been linked to some of the most explosive adaptive radiations such as African cichlid fishes, where hybridization between divergent lineages was considered the initial trigger of the radiation. Like these famous model systems, Antarctic notothenioid fishes have produced a vast number of species – around 100 – within a confined environment, and dominate the fauna in their habitat. However, the genomes of Antarctic icefishes seem to be far more dynamic than in other adaptive radiations, and thus hybridization may have had even stronger consequences for them.
Deadline : 16th August 2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Fellow on academic resilience in mathematics and science education (ARISE)
Applicants are invited to apply for a three-year position as a Postdoctoral Fellow (SKO 1352) in educational equity to be based at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo. The intended starting date is 1 October 2024.
The postdoctoral fellowship is an important part of the ARISE project, “Rising to the challenge: Academic resilience in mathematics and science among disadvantaged students.” This project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council through the Researcher Project for Young Talents from 2024 to 2027 (Project leader: Nani Teig). The candidate is expected to develop a research project closely connected to the ARISE project and contribute to its significant mission.
Deadline : 1st August 2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Fellow in Political Science
The Department of Political Science is recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow (SKO 1352) with specialisation in public policy and administration or comparative politics. The successful applicant will be part of the research project “Systemic Effects of Crises on Policy-Making in Modern Democracies” (CRISPOL), which is funded by the European Research Council. Depending on how the candidate’s competence fits in with the Department’s teaching portfolio, the person appointed may be given either a three-year appointment with no teaching requirement or a four-year appointment with a 25 percent teaching requirement.
The primary aim of CRISPOL is to investigate how crises create systemic trade-offs that affect policy adaptation across various sectors. CRISPOL seeks to understand the complex dynamics of policy-making in times of crisis and beyond by exploring the following key questions:
- How do crisis events affect the government’s policy-making activities in different policy areas? Are there shifts in policy-making activities from one policy area to the other?
- Which political systems exhibit stronger capabilities to manage crises without neglecting policy issues in other areas, and what factors contribute to this resilience?
Deadline : September 10th, 2024
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Cell Biology
The postdoctoral researcher will combine biochemical and molecular biological methods to study mechanisms of autophagosome biogenesis. Central methodology involves generation of recombinant and knock-out cell lines, western blotting, protein purification, and advanced light microscopy. The candidate will collaborate with experts in electron microscopy, mathematical modelling, and biophysics.
Deadline : 8th July 2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Fellow in Cosmology
Applicants are invited for a 3-year position as Postdoctoral Fellow in cosmology to be based at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics,. Starting date is flexible, but at least partial availability from September 1st 2024 is preferable, so that the selected candidate can participate in the two-week AST9240 course and the Cosmoglobe 2024 meeting
Deadline : 2nd July 2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Fellow /Researcher in cancer biology and gene regulation
Deadline : 11th August 2024
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Applications are invited for a 2- to 3-year Postdoctoral Fellowship/ Researcher for an interdisciplinary project combining Cell Biology and Systems Neuroscience to study the interplay between sleep and autophagy from a phylogenetic perspective. The selected candidate will join two ERC-funded laboratories at the University of Oslo: Helene Knævelsrud´s group Cell Stress and Cancer at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences and Charlotte Boccara’s group Systems Neuroscience and Sleep at the Norwegian Centre for Molecular Medicine.
Deadline : 2nd July 2024
About The University of Oslo, Norway – Official Website
The University of Oslo, until 1939 named the Royal Frederick University is the oldest university in Norway, located in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. Until 1 January 2016 it was the largest Norwegian institution of higher education in terms of size, now surpassed only by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The Academic Ranking of World Universities has ranked it the 58th best university in the world and the third best in the Nordic countries. In 2015, the Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked it the 135th best university in the world and the seventh best in the Nordics. While in its 2016, Top 200 Rankings of European universities, the Times Higher Education listed the University of Oslo at 63rd, making it the highest ranked Norwegian university.
The university has approximately 27,700 students and employs around 6,000 people. Its faculties include (Lutheran) theology (with the Lutheran Church of Norway having been Norway’s state church since 1536), law, medicine, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, dentistry, and education. The university’s original neoclassical campus is located in the centre of Oslo; it is currently occupied by the Faculty of Law. Most of the university’s other faculties are located at the newer Blindern campus in the suburban West End. The Faculty of Medicine is split between several university hospitals in the Oslo area. The university also includes some formally independent, affiliated institutes such as the Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO), NKVTS and the Frisch Centre.
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