Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? ETH Zurich, Switzerland, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD candidate for developing physics-based loss models of advanced magnetic devices for future highly efficient drive and converter systems
We are looking for outstanding, highly motivated individuals interested in pursuing a PhD in the multidisciplinary and important research area of modelling and optimisation of magnetic components and electric machines. Highly efficient as well as compact transformers and chokes are critical elements in most power electronic systems, because these components drastically influence the overall efficiency and power density of converters. Similarly, in electric drive systems the overall efficiency and power density are significantly affected by the iron and winding losses in the machine. In order to pace with the rapid development of semiconductors (e.g. wide bandgap SiC MOSFETs/GaN HEMTs), advanced concepts for magnetic devices and in particular comprehensive models of the core losses should be developed by you. These models should be integrated in a computationally efficient way into optimisation procedures for power electronic converters and are essential for achieving outstanding system efficiencies and power densities as well as for gaining a competitive edge. For verifying the new concepts and the developed models, you will design and build novel core loss characterisation systems and evaluate the loss characteristics in detail by measurements. This project is part of an ongoing wider modelling framework development at HPE and also offers the opportunity to collaborate with other PhD candidates. A recent PhD thesis at HPE has also developed some physical loss models for ferrite core devices, which can be used as a basis for the project.
Deadline : Open until filled
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position: Machine Learning for Sustainable Chemicals and Processes
The current fossil-based chemical industry is unsustainable, being responsible for gigaton-scale greenhouse gas emissions and chemical pollution. Thus, a transition away from fossil feedstock to renewable energy and carbon sources is required. This transition needs to be carefully designed to avoid unwanted side effects, such as an increase in other environmental impacts. To produce sustainable chemicals, the industry needs to be redesigned from scratch–and we need to do so fast. However, currently, evaluating environmental impacts relies on slow, expert-dependent development.
In this project, we will, therefore, develop methods to speed up this development by focusing on machine learning techniques to address sustainability challenges in chemistry research. We will explore novel pathways to process design and sustainability assessment by combining our expertise in predictive thermodynamics, efficient unit operation models, systematic conceptual process design, and automated prospective LCA. Thus, we aim to predict the environmental performance of novel chemical synthesis routes and thereby identify the most promising processes for the transition towards a sustainable chemical industry.
Deadline : 29 June 2024
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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Drug resistance evolution and Pharmacodynamic data analysis
Deadline : Open until filled
(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Mathematical modelling of drug resistance evolution
The main objective of the project is to develop a polygenic model to investigate the mechanisms underlying drug resistance evolution, focusing in particular on ploidy, reproductive mode and lifestyle. The target organisms will be bacteria, fungi and parasitic worms. While the position is theoretical, the student is encouraged and expected to collaborate with our experimental collaborators. More information about the project can be found on the project website. The position is for 48 months.
Deadline : Open until filled
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position on sensitivity of past warm climates to CO2
In this PhD project, you will develop new records of atmospheric CO2 and of changes in the surface ocean temperature. CO2 records will be produced from carbon isotopic fractionation in alkenone biomarkers. New temperature records will be developed from the clumped isotopic composition of coccoliths, calcite plates produced by a family of phytoplankton. Within the project, the PhD student will conduct several short mobility research stays with our project partners at Purdue University in the USA, in order to develop and refine proxy system models and compare the new data with results from climate models, and become familiar with climate modeling. In addition to the research project, you will gain experience in teaching, broader science communication, and/or laboratory management by contributing to departmental teaching, outreach and laboratory tasks constituting up to 10% of the work time.
Deadline : Open until filled
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Practical Philosophy
The position is primarily dedicated to research on a PhD project. Academic exchange at the professorship and beyond is expected. Teaching might be possible and experience in organizing and conducting scientific conferences and other events can be acquired.
Deadline : July 31, 2024
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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Hybrid Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Ge semiconductor QDs and high impedance superconducting resonators
The successful candidate will join our experimental teams in advancing our capabilities in quantum information processing with quantum dots and hole spin qubits implemented in planar Germanium. Our project is a collaborative effort between the Quantum Device Lab at ETH Zurich and the Hybrid Quantum Circuit lab at EPFL. This collaboration is part of the NCCR SPIN, which aims to drive cutting-edge research in the field of quantum technology focusing on hole-spin qubits.
As the successful candidate, you will become an essential member of our experimental teams, contributing to the advancement of quantum information processing using hybrid superconducting-semiconductor quantum devices, particularly spin qubits in electrostatically defined quantum dots. Your research will have an emphasis on developing novel readout techniques for spin quantum dot-based qubits, hybrid QD-cavity systems, and flip-chip technology integration.
Deadline : Open until filled
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–2 PhD positions in immersive architectural design and spatialized sound
We offer two PhD positions for developing design-based research on immersive modeling and the integration of auralization tools into the design process. The full-time positions span four years and are funded according to standard SNSF regulations. Upon completing the doctorate, the two fellows will be awarded the title Dr. sc. ETH Zurich from the Department of Architecture (D-ARCH).
The two candidates will be integrating spatial and acoustic simulation software from the first stages of their personal design processes in respectively architecture and sound arts. They will lead comparative studies between on site and modelized experiences focusing on distinguished representative spaces, situations, and goals.
Deadline : Open until filled
(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–2 PhD Positions: Designing intelligence in battery-less micromechanical structures
Project 1: Mechanical harvesting of ambient vibrations. The student will design micro-mechanical systems that can harvest stochastic (random) ambient vibrations and convert the resulting energy in the oscillation of a resonator or in the deformation of an elastic structure.
Project 2: Reprogrammable micromechanical computers. The student will design micro-mechanical structures capable of processing information by using nonlinear phenomena such as buckling and instabilities.
The outcome of the two projects leads building blocks that, when combined, can perform logical operations solely relying on mechanical energy.
For both projects the work will be mostly theoretical and numerical. State-of-the art modeling and reduction techniques will serve the design process. The concepts will be validated in laser-cut or 3D printed prototypes. The resulting designs will be micro-fabricated in a cleanroom by an additional team member later. The project is a collaboration between ETH Zürich and the AMOLF Institute in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Dr. Marc Serra Garcia). Students will be based at ETH, and will make several visits to AMOLF to conduct experiments.
Deadline : Open until filled
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position on combustion instabilities of hydrogen flames
This research work will combine experiments and modeling. The experimental research will be performed on a lab-scale, high-pressure test facility. Experimental techniques for fluid mechanics, combustion and acoustics will be used, including laser-based optical diagnostics. The modeling work will consist in the development of analytical low-order models of the combustion instabilities, and in large eddy simulations of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in dynamics of quantum materials under pressure
The aim of this project is to investigate ultrafast dynamics of quantum materials under pressure. Pressure is a crucial parameter in setting the ground state of the material in thermodynamic equilibrium. Our goal is to investigate the dynamical response of the system once it is brought out of equilibrium following excitation by an ultrashort pulse of light. The knowledge acquired from this study will enable a better control of the properties of quantum materials and will inform theory developments that seek to model ultrafast material responses.
Deadline : Open until filled
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) Student Positions in Control for Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing is central to sustainable automation with high-impact opportunities in both research and society. It involves complex physical and chemical processes that need to be executed with high precision and minimal interruptions throughout a life cycle. Incorporating predictive models and advanced control using data opens up exciting new possibilities in this domain. Our research aims to develop novel methods at the intersection of advanced control, optimization, manufacturing science, and machine learning, to create the next generation of sustainable automation solutions for modern manufacturing systems and supply chains.
Deadline : Open until filled
(13) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Position in Self-assembled Colloidal Micromachines
Artificial intelligence enables robotic machines to autonomously adapt to their surroundings and perform complex tasks. Unlike large machines, micro- and nanomachines cannot host bulky computational units to generate intelligence. The intelligence of small-scale machines, including sensing, control and adaptation, can only stem from their physical bodies through various responsive mechanisms. Despite growing efforts in this field, encoding diverse types of intelligence into micromachines is still essentially unexplored.
In this project, we aim to develop a toolbox-like assembly strategy to build intelligent micromachines with multiple responsiveness. The expected output of this project will address fundamental questions in robotics as well as advance the development of intelligent micromachines for complex biomedical and environmental applications.
This project will be conducted under Dr. Minghan Hu’s supervision and based in the laboratory of Prof. Bradley Nelson and Prof. Salvador Pane at ETH Zurich. The biomedical application of micromachines will be conducted in close collaboration with Prof. David Mooney’s lab at Harvard University.
Deadline : Open until filled
(14) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Researcher in Labour Economics
The successful candidate(s) will conduct academic research within the project “Firms, Workers, and Collective Bargaining in Switzerland” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The project is jointly led by Prof. Dr. Dina Pomeranz (University of Zurich) and Dr. Michael Siegenthaler (KOF). Using large-scale linked register and survey data and self-collected data on collective bargaining agreements in Switzerland, the primary research goals of this project are the following:
- What are the effects of minimum wages set in collective bargaining agreements on workers’ wages, employment, and job mobility? Are there wage spillovers to uncovered firms? What are the effects of collective bargaining on wage inequality overall?
- What is the effect of collective bargaining agreements on firms’ profitability, productivity, and prices. Does it affect their flexibility in response to large shocks?
- Do firms comply with the wage regulations in collective bargaining agreements? What is the effect of controlling wage and working conditions on the enforcement of collective bargaining agreements?
Deadline : July 31, 2024
(15) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Position in Mechanical Rock Preconditioning
You will develop a new methodology for the mechanical preconditioning of rock for underground energy storage and recovery applications. You will be working in the Rock Physics and Mechanics Lab within the Department of Earth Sciences to design and develop a mechanical rock pre-conditioning method. Using the new method, you will conduct laboratory pre-conditioning experiments under in-situ stress and temperature conditions relevant to applications such as Enhanced Geothermal Systems.
Deadline : July 31, 2024.
(16) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in computer-aided catalyst design
Catalysts are needed to produce the large amounts and types of chemicals that we use in modern life. Development of new catalysts and improvement of existing ones enable us to, for example, synthesize new types of medicines or increase the efficiency of industrial processes. New catalyst will also be needed for the transition to chemical production from sustainable feedstocks and chemical recycling. Computer-aided catalyst design aims to accelerate the currently slow process of catalyst development. This project focuses on development of new methods for computer-aided molecular design using a combination of quantum-chemical simulations and machine learning. Initially, focus will be on catalysis for generation of small organic molecules by simple catalysts such as Lewis acids, and the scope will later be widened to more complicated systems. The project is highly interdisciplinary and will be carried out in collaboration with groups in theoretical chemistry, computer science and applied mathematics.
Deadline : June 15 2024
(17) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD in Decision support methods to foster regenerative construction solutions and increase resilience of vulnerable and underserved communities
The objective of the PhD is to develop a framework allowing to implement placed based solutions that can improve the resilience of local communities and regenerate both environment and local economy. Such framework serves as base for co-designing solutions with the community, considering on one side local resource availability (material and immaterial), legal and social constraints, natural threats due to climate change and on the other side technical and sustainability performance of various design options. The PhD works more specifically in Colombia, but framework is intended to be transferrable to other contexts.
Deadline : Open until filled
(18) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Researcher in Identification for Circular Construction
- Conduct research on digital inventory methods for building stock in circular construction, focusing on methods to capture relevant parameters to assess buildings condition, safety, quality, and environmental sustainability.
- Collaborate with interdisciplinary team members to develop and implement digital solutions for large-scale reuse of building materials.
- Use surveying, reality capture (photogrammetry, LiDAR, etc.), computer vision, and machine learning techniques to identify and catalog building components during demolition processes.
- Analyze data collected from construction sites to predict material reuse potential, optimize reuse strategies and minimize waste.
- Contribute to the development of scientific publications based on research findings and participate in conferences and site visits.
- Work closely with industry partners and stakeholders to ensure the practical application of research outcomes in real-world construction projects.
Deadline : Open until filled
(19) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral (PhD) student in Integrated planning and operation of energy systems
In the framework of the NCCR Automation, we are looking for a motivated doctoral student to investigate and develop methods which target energy system design and operation jointly. To date, the traditional methods of planning and operating energy systems have been mostly separated. A particular focus of our novel approach lies on investigating bi-level optimization and/or diffusing timescale methods which serve as candidates for energy system related applications. Challenges encompass – among others – harmonizing the differing design and control objectives, bridge the differing timescales of interest and comparing and contrasting candidate approaches. We plan to utilize historical data in the Empa’s NEST demonstrator and its multi-energy backbone to design and test novel electrical and thermal energy management systems. Later in the doctorate we envision real-life deployment of the resulting methods to the design of the energy system of a district in Switzerland.
Deadline : Open until filled
(20) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Position in Machine Learning Seismology
The PhD student will focus on constructing and training advanced machine learning models tailored to characterize induced earthquakes recorded by various instruments, including distributed acoustic sensing, acoustic emission sensors, and geophones. With these efforts, the PhD candidate will improve the current state-of-the-art of real-time seismic monitoring and induced earthquake forecasting by implementing advanced machine-learning techniques and integrating physical understandings of rupture dynamics. The PhD candidate will apply the developed methodologies and models to various geological test sites to extract high-resolution earthquake catalogs, analyze rock rupture mechanisms, and benchmark different induced earthquake forecasting models.
Deadline : June 30th, 2024
(21) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student in Physiological Sensing/BioEng
We will work on novel sensing prototypes for physiological signals, embedded systems, signal processing, and physiological modeling related to our previous work.
Deadline : Open until filled
(22) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Computer Science for Circular Construction
The selected candidate will be involved in developing a new service for circular information management for construction elements and reality capture in existing buildings using computer vision and machine learning. It operates at the intersection of computer science, civil engineering, and architecture.
Your responsibilities will include the development of both theoretical concepts and practical tools for the construction sector. Additionally, you are responsible for the development of theoretical concepts, automated workflows and algorithms, together with industry and research consortium partners in Switzerland. The exploration of implementation possibilities, validation and testing of proposed and developed solutions in pilot projects are also part of your expertise. As well as the engagement and collaboration with stakeholders such as construction companies, standardization bodies, consultants, and other industry partners to promote the adoption of the developed tools. Furthermore, the active participation in research activities, including publishing scientific papers and presenting findings at conferences and workshops, and the supervision of Master, and/or Bachelor students are your responsibility.
Deadline : 15.07.2024
(23) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in experimental fluid dynamics, shock-wave physics and X-ray imaging for biomedical applications
Cavitation is a violent rupture of a fluid medium and often presents itself in medical treatments that apply high-intensity sound waves inside the body, such as shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of kidney stones. It can be harmful if uncontrolled, yet beneficial for established and emerging ablation therapies such as lithotripsy and histotripsy. However, the exact contribution of cavitation and the physical mechanisms that allow precise control and optimisation of these therapies are currently unknown. Studying these phenomena experimentally presents a challenge due to the complex and dense bubble cloud physics and prohibitive spatio-temporal resolutions needed due to the ultrafast dynamics spanning orders of magnitude in scale down to the micro level.
This project aims at critically advancing our understanding of the medical cavitation ablation mechanisms actuated through different acoustic drivers, in particular with lithotripter shock waves, through cutting-edge experiments vastly beyond the state of the art. Building on our recent and planned technological developments at the associated spatio-temporal scales using a synchrotron X-ray source for ultrafast X-ray phase contrast imaging and X-ray microtomography, and on our expertise in cavitation physics, the aims are to quantify damage on objects and tissue specifically caused by cavitation activity and to achieve improved control of cavitation activity in medical therapies. By combining advanced interface-resolving imaging and advanced pressure- and stress-field measurements, this research will bridge the acoustic control and the final damage outcome by uncovering the mechanistic relations in-between. The ultimate goal is to help optimise medical technologies in lithotripsy and histotripsy and new cavitation therapies to make them more precise, more efficacious and safer.
Deadline : Open until filled
About ETH Zurich, Switzerland- Official Website
ETH Zürich is a public research university in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. Founded by the Swiss Federal Government in 1854 with the stated mission to educate engineers and scientists, the school focuses exclusively on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Like its sister institution EPFL, it is part of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Domain, part of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.
In the 2021 edition of QS World University Rankings, ETH Zurich was ranked 6th in the world, placing it as the second-best European university after the University of Oxford. In the 2020 QS World University Rankings by subject, it ranked 4th in the world for engineering and technology (2nd in Europe) and 1st for earth & marine science. Also, ETH was rated 8th in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2020.
The university is an attractive destination for international students thanks to low tuition fees of 809 CHF per semester, PhD and graduate salaries that are amongst the world’s highest, and a world-class reputation in academia and industry. There are currently 22,200 students from over 120 countries, of which 4,180 are pursuing doctoral degrees.
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