Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? Ghent University, Belgium, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student statistics/ machine learning
The BIOSTAT research group of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University is seeking for a highly motivated and talented PhD student working at the interface of mathematical statistics and machine learning. The group ( is part of the Department of Data analysis and Mathematical Modelling which has a long tradition in the development and application of statistics in the field of bioscience engineering.
The PhD student will work on the development of spatio-temporal data analysis techniques tailored to the challenges that can arise in environmental settings. The research is defined within the context of the Flanders AI (artificial intelligence) Project (FAIR2) and will be concerned with ways to compute optimal data collection strategies in space and time through e.g. the use of Bayesian methodologies. Besides, the study and occurrence of extremes can be of interest. Computational methods (e.g. resampling methods, Monte Carlo theory among others) will play an important role in this research next to Bayesian statistical modelling with e.g. hierarchical modelling, GAMMs or Gaussian processes.
Deadline : Sep 15, 2024
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student electrophoresis in advanced configurations
In the LCP group of Ghent University ( we have a long history of modelling and testing electrophoretic motion of particles in polar and nonpolar liquids. Our goals are to understand the underlying physical mechanisms and to develop or improve new technologies based on this knowledge, such as electronic ink displays, smart windows, manipulation of particles at the microscale and electrodeposition. In recent experiments and prototypes we noticed that phenomena occur that cannot be explained by the one-dimensional models that we developed and commonly use. The PhD candidate will continue our recent research in these new phenomena by designing and creating new microstructures that highlight the observed novel effects and that lead potentially to promising new applications. The experimental work is accompanied by theoretical and computer modelling. A performant model will allow a more realistic simulation of electrophoretic systems, widening our understanding of the phenomena and enabling the improvement of current designs and or development of new designs.
Deadline :Sep 30, 2024
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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
- The research group “Consumer Behavior” of the department Marketing, Innovation and Organization is looking for a motivated doctoral researcher to conduct research on the effects of the Nutri-Score on consumer choices. The project focuses on the Nutri-Score, the front-of-pack nutrition label considered as most promising to stimulate healthy food choices in the grocery store. We expect the Nutri-Score to work, but possibly in different ways for different people at different moments. The goal of this project is to develop research on whether, why and for whom the Nutri-Score works. You will be supervised for this project by the professors Iris Vermeir (UGent) and Maggie Geuens (UGent) and the post-doc Eva Heeremans (UGent). Your task largely consists of carrying out the above mentioned research, but you will also assist in teaching activities, supervision of master theses and service to the research group (e.g., activities concerning the consumer lab).
Deadline : Aug 15, 2024
(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
You will work closely together with the other PhD-researchers and with the PI, and later postdoc. Integration of research within the team will be ensured through a database which will be used for exploratory analysis. The work of the PI encompasses the different geographic locations and has a structural, top-down and comparative approach. Together with the PI’s expertise developed over nearly a decade of fieldwork in rural eastern Congo and Rwanda, and archival research on the longer histories of these two countries, the PhDs will be able to work in a supportive research environment. There is also an advisory board with experts for each of the case-studies who will be involved sporadically in supportive roles, and who might also come in as co-supervisors.
PhD students will be expected to combine ethnographic and oral history research with analysis of a wide array of archival sources, drawing on research in African history, colonial history, anthropology, police studies, post-colonial studies etc.
Deadline : Aug 15, 2024
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student Causal Machine Learning
The Causal Inference research lab at Ghent University is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD student to join its team. Ghent University has a long tradition of research in causal inference since the mid 90’s, and now has a vibrant causal inference community comprising over 20 statisticians dedicated to advancing this field.
This PhD position is one of multiple positions being opened in connection to Advanced ERC Grant ACME ‘Assumption-lean (Causal) Modeling and Estimation’. In an era where the focus on causal inference is increasingly turning away from modeling towards quantifying population-level intervention effects, there is a risk of oversimplifying causal queries and of neglecting the rich history and efficacy of statistical modeling techniques. This ERC project aims to bridge this gap by leveraging the flexibility and power of statistical models to accurately represent intervention effects or facets of the causal data-generating mechanism, integrating it with recent insights from debiased machine learning and causal inference. Besides laying foundations for a novel paradigm for causal/statistical modeling, this project seeks to enhance the robustness and efficiency of debiased machine learning methods. This PhD project will primarily focus on this latter component, in interaction with fellow researchers on this project
Deadline : Sep 01, 2024
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
BioPort is a young and dynamic research group composed of 6 researchers at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Centre for Synthetic Biology of Ghent University focussing on the emerging research line of extracellular transport over biological membranes related to Industrial Biotechnology and SynBio. We work on several fundamental and applied aspects of microbial transport systems to promote compound membrane crossing in a synthetic biology context (check our website at and You will be hired on a project named “Waste oil to long-chain dicarboxylic acids (WODCA)”. The overall goal of WODCA is to create new, sustainable, fair-cost long-chain dicarboxylic acid (LCDA) fractions or monomers from lipid waste relevant to specific industrial applications. For this we will use a novel and adapted non-pathogenic yeasts in an optimized fermentation process relying on used cooking oils, followed by an innovative membrane-based purification to deliver LCDAs of high purity appropriate for several applications of interest to Flemish companies. The emphasis of your research will be on strain engineering and synthetic biology.
Deadline : Jul 28, 2024
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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student plant sensors and modelling for tomato
Ghent University is a world of its own. Employing more than 15.000 people, it is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. It is one of the largest, most exciting employers in the area and offers great career opportunities.
With its 11 faculties and more than 85 departments offering state-of-the-art study programmes grounded in research in a wide range of academic fields, Ghent University is a logical choice for its staff and students.
Deadline : Jul 31, 2024
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral fellow
The research group GASPAR ( is seeking a motivated and enthusiastic researcher to pursue a PhD based on a 4-year research project related to the topics of democratic commitment and political support. We encourage the PhD candidate to develop their own project within this broad topic. Below is a brief summary of the relevant topics:
A long tradition of literature emphasizes that the stability of democracies rests upon its citizens. According to scholars like Easton (1975) and Norris (2011), citizens’ support for the political system and their commitment to democracy is vital for its functioning and endurance. Though citizens overwhelmingly support democracy as the most desirable form of governance (Wike et al. 2017; Wuttke et al. 2022), they are often willing to condone undemocratic acts as long as they stand to gain from them politically (Krishnarajan 2023). Citizens are, for instance, inclined to vote for undemocratic candidates that align with their partisan preferences (Graham & Svolik 2020), and they are willing to accept flawed democratic processes as long as they are on the winning side (Werner et al. 2023). Another crucial part of citizens’ democratic commitments is losers’ consent (i.e. the consent of those who did not achieve their desired outcome in a political process), which seems to be increasingly under pressure following events in, for instance, the US and Brazil.
Combining these insights, scholars have raised concerns about the extent to which citizens can uphold democracy. Are citizens’ commitments to democratic principles strong enough to maintain the stability of democracy and defend it against, for instance, would-be authoritarians? And are citizens still willing to gracefully accept political losses?
Deadline : Aug 01, 2024
(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
Ghent University is a world of its own. Employing more than 15.000 people, it is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. It is one of the largest, most exciting employers in the area and offers great career opportunities.
With its 11 faculties and more than 85 departments offering state-of-the-art study programmes grounded in research in a wide range of academic fields, Ghent University is a logical choice for its staff and students.
For the Department of Green Chemistry and Technology, Particle and Interfacial Technology Group at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering we are looking for a m/f/x Doctoral fellow
Deadline : Jul 23, 2024
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
Hard X-ray ptychography is one of the most advanced microscopy techniques to visualize materials in structures in 3D at a spatial resolution better than 100 nm. However, the technique is currently only available at synchrotron facilities, with very limited availability. In this project, we aim to bring hard X-ray ptychography to laboratory facilities. This project is an international collaboration between Ghent University, University College London (UK) and the Diamond Light Source (UK) and brings together different expertise and possibilities for experiments.
We are looking for an enthusiastic student keen on working on developing both hardware and software aspects of this novel technique. As a PhD student working on this project, you will set up experiments at different types of state-of-the-art X-ray sources and detectors, in different facilities (synchrotron and laboratory) and you will develop methods to improve the acquisition and processing/analysis of the data.
The selected candidate will be offered a 4-year employment, with an intermediate evaluation after the first year (1+3 years). The salary is competitive and will be determined by the university salary scales. In addition, staff members can count on several benefits, such as a broad range of training and educational opportunities, 36 days of vacation leave, bicycle allowance, and more. The finality of the position is to obtain a doctoral degree.
Deadline : Aug 31, 2024
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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral fellow
You will conduct academic research in the field of Sport Policy and Sport Management and in particular on ethical challenges in sport, such as fraud in sport, good governance, diversity and integrity management. Research may involve both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques. You will participate in international academic conferences and publish scientific articles in high-quality academic journals.
You will collaborate with the other researchers in the Sport Management team and researchers outside the collaborating team. You will therefore join the Sport Management research group at the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences of UGent.
This research group’s mission is to excel in research, education and service amplifying professionalism and integrity of sports organizations.
Deadline : Jul 29, 2024
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral fellow
The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to Prof. Dr. Wim Hardyns from the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law, and Social Law (Ghent University). ERC projects are known as the most prestigious research projects in Europe. The BIGDATPOL project will conduct research on big data and crime. As part of this project, we are looking for a full-time (100%) doctoral researcher (m/f/x) with prior knowledge in statistics or data science.
Deadline : Aug 16, 2024
(13) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
UGent received an industry research and valorisation acceleration fund from Flanders Make to investigate the winding damage of the electric machines due to thermal and electric stresses. The trend towards higher DC bus voltages and faster switching power electronics by SiC/GaN results not only in high efficiency and compactness, but also in an increased probability of damage in electric motor windings due to partial discharges in the insulation layers. It is also shown that another cause for degradation, thermal cycling, accelerates the damage caused by electrical partial discharges. Currently, these two coupled degradation phenomena can only be studied empirically. The goal of this project is to develop a generic guideline and an assessment tool for damage and indicative lifetime by combined thermal cycling and partial discharge in electrical machine windings.
As a PhD researcher, you are responsible for discovering winding degradation due to partial discharge and thermal cycling and developing an assessment tool for coupled thermo-electric winding degradation. During the PhD research, you will have a strong collaboration with industry partners involved in the project, and together theoretically and practically, you will be very active.
*Flanders Make is the strategic research centre for the manufacturing industry.
Deadline : Oct 31, 2024
(14) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
The Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES) is looking for a motivated researcher to examine the interests of the Belgian offshore wind energy industry in the context of existing and emerging industrial policy measures in Europe, such as direct state aid, non-price criteria in auctions, and trade defense instruments and to write a PhD dissertation on the broader topic of green industrial policy.
This position is part of the Energy Transition Fund project BE-Wise, which aims to develop policy recommendations for Belgian policies towards the offshore wind industry to stimulate economic competitiveness, decarbonization, and supply security.
Deadline :Sep 01, 2024
(15) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
The Centre for Synthetic Biology (CSB, is part of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University, a top 100 university in most rankings. CSB has a long tradition in in the application of synthetic biology for industrial biotechnology, particularly directed towards the biocatalytic synthesis of chemicals through either microbial fermentation or the use of isolated enzymes. The area of expertise includes the screening for novel biocatalysts (enzymes and micro-organisms), the optimisation of fermentation strains through metabolic engineering, the engineering of enzymes through rational design and directed evolution, as well as process development, up-scaling, and downstream processing. Prof. De Mey leads a group of 8 PhD students and 5 postdocs and has a strong track-record in translating her basic research into real-life applications, including patents and spin-offs.
For the research group The Centre for Synthetic Biology we are looking for a m/f/x Doctoral fellow
Deadline : Oct 01, 2024
(16) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
The Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES) is looking for a motivated researcher to pursue a four-year PhD project on European green industrial policy. You will develop a project that examines new policy initiatives in this domain through a political-economic or geopolitical lens.
We offer a full-time position for initially one year. Upon positive evaluation, the position can be extended for three additional years to allow the researcher to complete a PhD on the topic of the project within four years. You will work under the joint supervision of Prof. Thijs Van de Graaf and Prof. Ferdi De Ville (GIES). You will have the opportunity to follow trainings (including through Doctoral Schools), attend international conferences and spend a research stay abroad.
Below, we briefly introduce the problem statement of European green industrial policy and propose some possible research questions.
With the Green Deal Industrial Plan, the Net Zero Industry Act, and the Critical Raw Materials Act, the European Union (EU) has recently embarked upon green industrial policy, following other major powers such as China and the United States. Through green industrial policy, governments try to actively intervene in the structure of the economy to ensure that decarbonization goals go hand in hand with maintaining and strengthening industrial production and employment, and with greater energy security and strategic autonomy. This green industrial policy can be pursued through various types of instruments such as regulations, production subsidies, consumption incentives, public procurement, or trade instruments. Within the multi-level structure of the EU, these instruments can be deployed nationally or supranationally. The choice of instruments and the level at which they are implemented have different consequences for, among other things, the speed of decarbonization, the distribution of economic gains and losses between societal groups and member states and regions, public finances, the unity of the European single market, and the interests of third countries and their relations with the EU.
The doctoral project could, for example, map and explain which instruments at which levels the EU mainly employs in its green industrial policy, and what differences we observe between various green technologies (e.g., wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries). You could investigate the consequences of European green industrial policy for the speed of the energy transition, for growth and employment, and for energy security and strategic autonomy, and what trade-offs and contradictions arise. Alternatively, the project could focus on the external dimension of green industrial policy and investigate the impact on (relations with) other countries, and how the European Union tries to manage these external effects.
We invite candidates for this position to explore these questions or related topics. You will be encouraged to focus on the societal relevance of the project and to involve societal stakeholders in the research.
Deadline : Sep 01, 2024
(17) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
Ghent University is a world of its own. Employing more than 15.000 people, it is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. It is one of the largest, most exciting employers in the area and offers great career opportunities.
With its 11 faculties and more than 85 departments offering state-of-the-art study programmes grounded in research in a wide range of academic fields, Ghent University is a logical choice for its staff and students.
Deadline : Sep 30, 2024
(18) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
Within the framework of a newly funded ERC Consolidator Grant (PASTIME project), we are seeking several motivated PhD students in biophysical modeling. The students will perform theoretical and computational research using simulations at the molecular scale.
In the PASTIME project, we will search for methodologies to study the kinetics of drug transport. Since experiments often are too expensive or lack sufficient detail, molecular simulations can give insight in the dynamics of drug binding to proteins, or the permeation kinetics of those drug molecules through membranes. While such computational methodologies exist, new fundamental developments are needed to understand the ‘time’ aspects and to make the computations feasible with present-day computer power.
Deadline : Jul 31, 2024
(19) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral fellow
In this specific PhD project, the main objective is to optimize the growth and production conditions of different selected strains to have maximum pigment production. Furthermore, emphasis will go on extraction of the pigments, and upscaling the optimized processes. If yields remain too low with natural microorganisms, synthetic biology tools will be used to increase the pigment production.
The work will be carried out mainly at the research unit VEG-i-TEC, Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health (Ghent University – Campus Kortrijk), while some work will be done at MEMO research group at CSB, Department of Biotechnology (Ghent University – Campus Coupure).
Deadline :Aug 10, 2024
(20) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
Ghent University is a world of its own. Employing more than 15,000 people, it is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. It is one of the largest, most exciting employers in the area and offers great career opportunities. With its 11 faculties and more than 80 departments offering state-of-the-art study programs grounded in research in a wide range of academic fields, Ghent University is a logical choice for its staff and students.
The Centre for Synthetic Biology (CSB, is part of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University, a top 100 university in most rankings. CSB has a long tradition in in the application of synthetic biology for industrial biotechnology, particularly directed towards the biocatalytic synthesis of chemicals through either microbial fermentation or the use of isolated enzymes. The area of expertise includes the screening for novel biocatalysts (enzymes and micro-organisms), the optimization of fermentation strains through metabolic engineering, the engineering of enzymes through rational design and directed evolution, as well as process development, up-scaling, and downstream processing. Prof. De Mey leads a group of 8 PhD students and 5 postdocs and has a strong track-record in translating her basic research into real-life applications, including patents and spin-offs.
Deadline : Aug 24, 2024
(21) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
Engineered and controlled in-vitro cell cultures will become key in future production of biologics, drug tests, tissue engineering, and even food production (e.g. artificial meat). The behaviour of those cells not only depends on their genetics; they also respond to changes of chemical signals, to their organization and embedding, and to bio-physical cues such as forces. Computational models to predict experimental outcomes have the potential to speed up our knowledge and reduce the costs of development. For example, Individual-Based Models (IBMs) can reproduce complex emergent behaviours of many species systems as a consequence of the interactions between the individual species (agents). Currently, these methods are more and more combined with machine learning techniques.
Deadline : Aug 15, 2024
(22) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD student Causal Machine Learning
The Causal Inference research lab at Ghent University is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD student to join its team. Ghent University has a long tradition of research in causal inference since the mid 90’s, and now has a vibrant causal inference community comprising over 20 statisticians dedicated to advancing this field.
This PhD position is one of multiple positions being opened in connection to Advanced ERC Grant ACME ‘Assumption-lean (Causal) Modeling and Estimation’. In an era where the focus on causal inference is increasingly turning away from modeling towards quantifying population-level intervention effects, there is a risk of oversimplifying causal queries and of neglecting the rich history and efficacy of statistical modeling techniques. This ERC project aims to bridge this gap by leveraging the flexibility and power of statistical models to accurately represent intervention effects or facets of the causal data-generating mechanism, integrating it with recent insights from debiased machine learning and causal inference. Besides laying foundations for a novel paradigm for causal/statistical modeling, this project seeks to enhance the robustness and efficiency of debiased machine learning methods. This PhD project will primarily focus on the foundations of an assumption-lean modeling paradigm, with a strong focus on the analysis of repeated measures outcomes, in interaction with fellow researchers on this project.
Deadline : Sep 01, 2024
(23) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:– PhD Student
Ghent University is a world of its own. Employing more than 15.000 people, it is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. It is one of the largest, most exciting employers in the area and offers great career opportunities.
Deadline : Feb 15, 2025
About Ghent University, Belgium –Official Website
Ghent University is a public research university located in Ghent, Belgium. It was established in 1817 by King William I of the Netherlands. After the Belgian revolution of 1830, the newly formed Belgian state began to administer the university. In 1930, the university became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium, whereas French had previously been the standard academic language in what was Université de Gand. In 1991, it was granted major autonomy and changed its name accordingly from State University of Ghent (Dutch: Rijksuniversiteit Gent, abbreviated as RUG) to its current designation.
In contrast to the Catholic University of Leuven or the Free University of Brussels, UGent considers itself a pluralist university in a special sense, i.e. not connected to any particular religion or political ideology. Its motto Inter Utrumque (‘In Between Both Extremes’), on the coat of arms, suggests the acquisition of wisdom and science comes only in an atmosphere of peace, when the institution is fully supported by the monarchy and fatherland.
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