NTNU, Norway invites online Application for number of PhD Positions at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Positions available at NTNU, Norway.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Geology/Geophysics – SO IV-31/24
The NTNU Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP) is looking for a highly motivated, independent geo-scientist for a full-time three-year PhD student position on the topic ‘ DEForming CONtinental margins (DEFCON): Post-Caledonides to breakup crustal evolution of the NE Atlantic – insights from deformable plate reconstructions ’.
These last two decades, our knowledge about extensional processes and rifting has evolved significantly, allowing improved assessment of frontier regions. However, uncertainties remain, notably regarding the crustal evolution through time. Although of primary importance for evaluating the deformation history, the crustal tectonic history remains poorly constrained for some specific time periods. On the Norwegian Continental Shelf, this is typically the case for the time period covering the post-orogenic collapse (mid-Devonian-Carboniferous), early rifting (Permo-Triassic) to crustal necking (Jurassic-early Cretaceous). New ways to model the temporal and spatial evolution of crustal thinning and basin formation across rift systems are needed.
The goal of this project is to build fragmented tectonic plate models for the margins of the northeastern North Atlantic and use them in deformable plate reconstructions. These models will better capture inherited structures and internal deformation – within and along each rift, margin segment and microcontinent – and will be used to generate more realistic crustal reconstructions that can be compared against present-day constraints.
Deadline : 1st July 2024
(02) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team
SUBPRO-Zero (SUstainable Bridge PROgram towards Zero emissions) is a research center that funds 10-12 PhD students and postdocs in the next 3-years. Its mission is to conduct fundamental and applied research to contribute to net-zero emissions in the offshore industry.
The goals of the centre are to:
- Conduct research that makes a difference and contribute to a sustainable future
- Work together with the industry partners to come up with new and innovative solutions that will contribute to net-zero emissions from the offshore industry
- Educate PhD candidates, Postdocs and master students who can help the industry speed up the energy transistion and contribute to the green shift
Deadline : Open until filled
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(03) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in Two-phase flow in confined geometries
We have a vacancy for a PhD position in Soft Matter Physics at PoreLab, Department of Physics, NTNU. This PhD position is financed via the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) FLUXIONIC. The candidate needs to fulfill the hiring policy of the MSCA-DN and will have to follow the programs doctoral training activities and fulfill the requirements of NTNU for obtaining a PhD. The appointment has a duration of 3 years. The PhD student should start no later than August 2024.
Deadline : Open until filled
(04) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in fire safety and fire development in buildings with wooden surfaces
Timber can be used as a structural and decorative material in both small and large buildings and has many advantages. Buildings with timber structures can contribute to fulfil some of the sustainable development goals set up by the United Nations. Wood is combustible and can contribute to the growth and spread of fires in buildings. More knowledge is needed to better understand the development of a fire, its interaction with ventilation and wood surfaces, and the possibilities of mitigation and suppression.
The results of the PhD-project shall lead to more fire safe use of wood in buildings. The project will build on experiences from previous work in this field, including previous FRIC projects.
The project work will have emphasis on computational work, i.e., investigations using CFD and development of submodels. It will include collaboration and participation in experimental work. Close collaboration and communication with relevant actors in the FRIC network are required to optimize the impact of the work in the relevant areas. The exact problem specification will be made in cooperation with the supervisors.
Deadline : 4th June 2024
(05) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Thermodynamics of ammonia-water mixtures
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.
The period of employment of this position is 3 years, with possible extension due to teaching.
The position will be in the Thermodynamics group at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU.
Ammonia (NH3) is deemed by many to be a promising energy carrier to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from transport and a viable solution for global H2 transport. A challenge is the consequences of possible spills of liquid ammonia into water when it is transported on ships.
Ammonia is often transported at a temperature well below the freezing point of water. A spill of ammonia in water will therefore rapidly evaporate. It will also react with water through a highly exothermic reaction. The interfacial dynamics and the thermo-physical properties will play a key role in how fast the ammonia spreads in both water and air, and where it ends up.
Deadline : 2nd June 2024
(06) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in structural geology, field mapping, data integration and 3D modelling – SO IV 30/24
The announced PhD position is associated with an ongoing research project focusing on reconstructions of the structural architecture of long-lived zones of crustal weakness that have multiple deformation and reactivations phases in ductile and brittle structural regimes and the influence of these zones on sedimentary basins evolution and an impact on modern and ancient fluid flow.
The successful candidate will develop an individual approach to the PhD project. The overall aim is to integrate data from own field work with publicly available geological and geophysical data. The goal is to construct, a three-dimensional model of a long-lived zone of crustal weakness architecture that will allow to reconstruct and restore its structural evolution. The principal field areas are onshore and offshore in mainland Norway and Svalbard.
Deadline : 1st June 2024
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(07) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in STS: Collaboration, innovation and planning in regional energy transitions
The PhD candidate will work with Dr. Bradley Loewen, Associate Professor and Onsager Fellow in STS and sustainability transitions, in research linking energy transition, planning and notions of ‘desirable’ development, through the investigation of stakeholder networks and collaborations for innovation in the energy transition at socio-spatial scales, e.g. local-regional, urban-rural. According to the interests of the selected candidate, the PhD project may address one or more of the following:
- Power, agency and transformative capacities in transitions;
- Social innovation;
- Constructed local/regional/national capitalist and/or alternative economic relations;
- Conflicts and contestations, participation and democratic processes in planning energy transitions.
Deadline : 31st May 2024
(08) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Dark Taxon Science
The NTNU University Museum is currently in search of an enthusiastic and well qualified PhD candidate to specialise in the integrative study of a dark taxon. Dark taxa are hyperdiverse groups (>1000 species) that are poorly known (<10% described). They are often organisms with small body size and great taxonomic complexity. This project will employ advanced methodologies to the systematic investigation of a designated target dark taxon. The primary focus will be on refining our understanding of the target taxon’s systematics and ecology while contributing to the broader methodologies of Dark Taxon Science. We are seeking a candidate with a strong academic background and a keen interest in employing cutting-edge methodologies to explore the intricacies of their chosen group.
Deadline : 1st June 2024
(09) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Trustworthy AI
The adoption of AI has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, with AI systems and components now integrated into numerous critical tasks. As a result, trusting AI workflows has emerged as a vital prerequisite for the widespread acceptance of recent technological advancements in this domain. The operational paradigm of AI systems has evolved from centralized to fully distributed, with ownership of training data, model training, and model usage often attributed to disparate actors without established trust between them. This decentralization introduces vulnerabilities, as adversarial machine learning techniques can pose significant threats to the accuracy of AI systems, the integrity of associated data, and the privacy of entities involved in the training or inference phases. Consequently, there is an urgent need for methods and tooling to safeguard AI systems against these threats and enhance trust in their capabilities and reliability.
Deadline : 31st May 2024
(10) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Lithium Tantalate Integrated Photonics
The candidate aims are to design, manufacture, and study advanced photonic integrated waveguides and microresonators based on a thin-film periodically poled lithium tantalate nanowaveguide platform. The main focus will be the development of advanced nanofabrication technologies for optical waveguide fabrication with low optical loss and high optical nonlinearity to demonstrate breakthroughs in the efficiency and bandwidth of nonlinear optical amplification and frequency conversion. The research will be performed at the Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU, and supported by scientific partners in Switzerland and China.
Deadline : 31st May 2024
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(11) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Digital twin evolution in maritime life cycle
This PhD position will focus on novel approaches for generating test cases to evaluate the twin system, identifying and diagnosing twin system failures, e.g., failure of onboard support tools, and implementing mechanisms for automated debug and model update. As twin models evolve, the system configuration frequently changes, presenting new challenges. This involves integrating new module simulation models, replacing existing ones, and adjusting model parameters. Addressing the challenge of model evolution will render the digital twin ship more promising and powerful in advancing intelligent maritime operations. It is necessary to establish mechanisms to update models especially for these ML models regularly. Thus, the computational cost of ML models, such as the training time for the model, can be relatively low, and the model is able to adapt to operation/environmental changes.
Deadline : 31st May 2024
(12) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Interpretable Machine Learning (The LABDA Project)
LABDA (Learning Network for Advanced Behavioural Data Analysis) is an EU-funded MSCA Doctoral Network, that brings together leading researchers in advanced movement behaviour data analysis at the intersection of data science, method development, epidemiology, public health, and wearable technology to train a new generation of creative and innovative public health researchers via training-through-research. The main aim of LABDA is to establish novel methods for advanced 24/7 movement behaviour data analysis of sensor-based data, examine the added value of advanced behavioural data analysis and multi-modal data for predicting health risk and facilitate the use and interpretability of the advanced methods for application in science, policy, and society. Via training- through-research projects, 13 doctoral fellows will establish novel methods for advanced 24/7 movement behaviour data analysis and assess the added value of linking multimodal data. Together, they will develop a joint taxonomy to enable interoperability and data harmonisation. Results will be combined in an open source LABDA toolbox of advanced analysis methods, including a decision tree to guide researchers and other users to the optimal method for their (research) question. The open- source toolbox of advanced analysis methods will lead to optimised, tailored public health recommendations and improved personal wearable feedback concerning 24/7 movement behaviour. For more information, see the project’s website: labda-project.eu
Deadline : 29th May 2024
(13) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Ph.d. i lungeepidemiologi og helsetjenesteforskning
Stillingen er knyttet til et prosjekt om bruk av helsetjenester hos personer med kroniske luftveissykdommer, og vil inngå som en del av større prosjekt på obstruktive lungesykdommer (kols og astma). Stillingen er knyttet opp mot Helseundersøkelsen i Trøndelag (HUNT) gjennom den kliniske akademiske gruppen BREATHE CAG, i tett samarbeid med Registerforskning for helsetjenesten – Regforsk ved NTNU. I HUNT har befolkningen i Trøndelag deltatt i gjentatte helseundersøkelser siden 1980-tallet. I tillegg benytter vi store datasett som er hentet fra sentrale helse- og kvalitetsregistre. Målet for prosjektet er å framskaffe kunnskap om hvordan pasienter med kols og astma bruker helsetjenester i Norge, og om det er faktorer ved pasientreisen som påvirker utfall som sykelighet og dødelighet hos denne pasientgruppen. Målet er å bidra til å bedre forståelsen av mekanismer for strukturelle, organisatoriske og økonomiske betingelser i den norske helsetjenesten – ved hjelp av allerede innsamlede data. Det er en stor mangel på kunnskap om hvordan en av våre store pasientgrupper beveger seg i helsetjenestene, og slik kunnskap er viktig å fremskaffe for å kunne bedre behandlingen av disse pasientene.
Deadline : 31. mai 2024
(14) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Smart logistics for efficient fabrication of offshore wind farms
The offshore wind industry presents a significant opportunity for Norwegian shipyards to contribute to the green transition. To further strengthen offshore wind as a sustainable source of energy, efficient fabrication and assembly of massive wind turbine substructures will be crucial. However, the yards’ traditional one-of-a-kind production struggles to meet this demand. The challenge lies in balancing the unique engineering needs of each wind farm project with the need for cost-effective mass production. A critical knowledge gap exists in planning and controlling the fabrication of “engineer-to-order” substructures, culminating in the complete wind turbine assembly. This position will bridge this gap by exploring the application of logistics methods and digital technologies developed to improve synchronization and efficiency across the entire value chain.
Deadline : 27th May 2024
(15) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in organic synthesis for covalent photochemical modification of ski bases
The position is a PhD Candidate position and will be in the Organic chemistry group (https://www.ntnu.edu/chemistry/research/organic) at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU with a duration of 3 years with a possible extension of 1 year for teaching.
As part of the NRC IPN grant “FramSki – The future of responsible skiing” (FramSki), we have a vacancy for a 3-year PhD position at the Department of Chemistry within the Organic chemistry group. The transition to fluorine-free ski waxes in competitive and recreational skiing demands innovative solutions for reducing ski-snow friction. In the FramSki project, we tackle friction at the macro, micro and nano level in an interdisciplinary research project in collaboration with leading industry partners.
This specific PhD project focuses on the covalent modification of the ski base material. C-H activation through nitrene chemistry is envisioned as a starting point, but other approaches may be considered. The FramSki project also involves research on ski design and surface structuring and friction testing methodology. You will be part of an innovative and cross-disciplinary team and you will learn a lot about ski technology and innovation.
Deadline : 26th May 2024
(16) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate within AI and Big Data
The research of this position will be performed in cooperation with industry partners in the NorwAI research center, within one of the following topics:
Topic A, dynamic graph analytics: For many important applications, data is represented as graphs, with dynamic relationships between nodes. Examples include the power grid, financial transaction relationships, social networks, and transportation networks. Interesting research challenges the PhD student might work on in this context include anomaly detection, scalable processing, and real-time processing of dynamic graphs.
Topic B, streaming data: Data streams arrives with high velocity, possibly from multiple and heterogeneous streaming data sources. Examples of data streams we are working with are sensor data and customer interaction data. Often, there are strict requirements for processing time and resource usage, and interesting challenges here include developing efficient methods for analysing data streams under such constraints. Stream data can often have varying accuracy and quality, or have varying degree of completeness, how to handle this in the data processing and analysis part are also very relevant research topics.
Topic C, efficient storage and processing of graph-based data: Data naturally modelled as graphs poses new challenges for efficient storage and querying. Relevant challenges for this topic include algorithms, indexes and systems for handling dynamic, streaming, or property graph data. Another relevant direction is to use AI to improve efficiency of graph database algorithms or database systems, for example using learned indexes.
Deadline : 26th May 2024
(17) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate within Mass Transfer in Gas Fermentation Bioreactors
The PhD position is part of a research-based innovation centre on industrial biotechnology (SFI-IB) which is constituted by universities, research organizations, and industry. This PhD project focuses on gas fermentation where gases with low solubility challenge economical and viable large-scale operation of the multiphase bioreactor. To realize new viable industrial-scale fermentation processes, the multiphase bioreactor must be designed and operated such that the mass transfer between bubbles and liquid is optimized. This project aims to use both experimental and computational techniques to understand the favorable operation window for gas fermentation processes. This project is in collaboration with an industrial partner who is developing a proprietary gas fermentation process to convert waste CO2 emissions into chemicals. The novel gas fermentation process by the SFI-IB industrial partner is a relevant case in this PhD project.
Deadline : 22nd May 2024
(18) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Mental Healthcare Provision
The Department of Public Health and Nursing has a temporary position available as a PhD candidate in health services research. The project, titled “Sustainable Local Mental Health Care” is an interdisciplinary collaborative project with participants from NTNU, St. Olav’s University Hospital, and various national and international partners.
We aim to enhance our understanding of effective mental health treatments, particularly in the context of general practice in Norway. The successful candidate will contribute to investigating the aftermath for patients facing rejected specialist care referrals, examining potential impacts and the role of GPs in such scenarios.Utilizing innovative quantitative approaches, the candidate will play a key role in our team of researchers (including other PhD candidates), GPs, psychologists, psychiatrists, user-representatives and decision-makers, with the overarching goal of improving mental healthcare delivery and resource optimization.
The aim of the PhD project is to provide evidence about management of adults with mental health problems at the intersect between municipal- and secondary healthcare. We will rely on rigorous quantitative methods applying novel analytical designs mirroring randomised experiments using observational data from relevant health and social security registries and databases.
Deadline : 20th May 2024
(19) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Timber Engineering
We have a vacancy for a Ph.D. Candidate within the timber structures’ group at the Department of Structural Engineering.
The timber structures group at NTNU has had a great development over the last years. The research interests of the group are focused on development of structural concepts for mid-rise timber buildings, timber bridges with long spans, development of high-performance connections based on threaded rods, static and dynamic testing of timber components and investigation of fracture and high-cycle fatigue. The research methods are based on both small-scale and full-scale experimental testing and on Finite Element Modelling.
Timber structures have gained increasing attention in the European construction field because of their sustainability, cost effectiveness, and reduced self-weight. The use of wood is particularly beneficial because of its low carbon footprint compared to other construction materials such as concrete and steel. Wood products can achieve high mechanical performance not only at the material level, but also at structural level, as it was proved by the recent efforts to design and construct high timber buildings in Europe. Such buildings require performant connections in terms of stiffness and resistance to achieve sufficient serviceability and safety. Performant moment-resisting connections can contribute to the lateral stiffness of the building, reducing the need for diagonal bracing or walls and allowing for more spacious buildings. An innovative moment-resisting beam-to-column connection has recently been developed at NTNU, based on friction, and utilizing threaded rods as fasteners.
Deadline : 16th May 2024
(20) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Hybrid Manufacturing Processes Enabled by Metal Solid-State AM
We are looking for a 3-year PhD candidate within the cutting-edge field of “Hybrid Manufacturing Processes”.
In this position, new hybrid processes (chains) enabled by solid-state additive manufacturing, formative and subtractive processing methods will be investigated to enable high-performance manufacturing of components using recycled aluminum alloys. In addition, you will investigate the process behaviors, mechanisms, models, and smart control strategies in the hybrid processes.
The strategic PhD position is linked to NTNU Aluminium Product Innovation Center (NAPIC) and MANULAB – Norwegian manufacturing research infrastructure, where advanced processes such as aluminium forming, welding, additive manufacturing (AM), subtractive processing, hybrid processing, etc., are focused to develop competitive and sustainable manufacturing technologies.
Deadline : 15th May 2024
(21) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in neuroecology of insect navigation
We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD candidate in the Department of Biology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to join the group of Basil el Jundi (http://www.insectnaviation.com). The candidate should have a solid background in sensory ecology, neuroethology, and/or neuroscience. A strong interest in insect navigation, an excellent track record and experience with performing behavioral experiments and electrophysiological recordings in insects is required. In addition, a background in programming is desirable. The group aims to create an international work environment and therefore encourages international applicants to apply.
Deadline : 15th May 2024
(22) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Edge Intelligence
The PhD candidate will investigate fundamental issues on edge intelligence, with focusing on distributed learning and inference of foundation models in the IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum. Results of this research will lead significant scientific, industry and social impact. The PhD candidate will collaborate with researchers from University of Helsinki, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Aarhus University under Nordforsk University cooperation on Edge Intelligence (NUEI). In addition, the PhD candidate has opportunities to participate in summer schools and PhD courses in NUEI.
Deadline : 16th May 2024
(23) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Candidate in Circumventing avian collision risk, an aerodynamic approach
This PhD position is part of the WP5 Sustainable wind development and related to avian collision risks which is one of the main environmental impacts of onshore and offshore wind turbines on birds. In an offshore setting, many seabird populations are in sharp decline due to climate change and anthropogenic marine activities. There exists yet little knowledge on the extent of collision mortality internationally, due to the difficulty in recording such collision events offshore. Also, existing collision risk models are simplistic in nature and heavily rely on accurate knowledge of avoidance. The PhD will develop an aerodynamic bird collision avoidance model, combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of the flow around wind turbines with the aerodynamic characteristics of flying birds to predict collision risk. This model will be fed by existing empirical data on bird flight behavioral responses to wind turbines from various avian radar studies. This model will allow simulation of birds flying within the turbulent airspace of a wind farm, and prediction of the probability of collision at wind turbines. This will be integrated into a Digital Twin (DT) framework to realize augmented reality to inform stakeholders of future environmental impacts of the planned wind farms.
Deadline : 15th May 2024
About NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway- Official Website
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a public research university in Norway with the main campus in Trondheim and smaller campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The largest university in Norway, NTNU has over 8,000 employees and over 40,000 students. NTNU in its current form was established by the King-in-Council in 1996 by the merger of the former University of Trondheim and other university-level institutions, with roots dating back to 1760, and has later also incorporated some former university colleges. NTNU is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually in the 101–500 range depending on ranking.
NTNU has the main national responsibility for education and research in engineering and technology, and is the successor of Norway’s preeminent engineering university, the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), established by Parliament in 1910 as Norway’s national engineering university. In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the university offers higher education in other academic disciplines ranging from medicine, psychology, social sciences, the arts, teacher education, architecture and fine art. NTNU is well known for its close collaboration with industry, and particularly with its R&D partner SINTEF, which provided it with the biggest industrial link among all the technical universities in the world. The university’s academics include three Nobel laureates in medicine, Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O’Keefe.
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