Are you a PhD graduate eager to take the next leap in your academic journey? Look no further! Karolinska Institute, Sweden invites online applications for prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships across a wide range of research fields. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to propel your career forward.
Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (1) Early-onset type 2 diabetes, nationwide investigation of etiology and prognosis
The Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes (SRP Diabetes) at Karolinska Institutet is funding a prestigious fellowship programme for postdoctoral research fellows. The Programme is focused on research in diabetes and its comorbidities. With this postdoctoral programme SRP Diabetes aims to support the next generation of exceptional young scientists within the diabetes area, including both experimental and clinical research. As part of this programme, we are looking to recruit 6 outstanding postdoctoral research fellows. Full details on each project and contact information to the PIs can be found at:
Deadline : 31.08.2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (2) Local and systemic impact of adipose tissue on vascular function in cardiometabolic disease
The Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes (SRP Diabetes) at Karolinska Institutet is funding a prestigious fellowship programme for postdoctoral research fellows. The Programme is focused on research in diabetes and its comorbidities. With this postdoctoral programme SRP Diabetes aims to support the next generation of exceptional young scientists within the diabetes area, including both experimental and clinical research. As part of this programme, we are looking to recruit 6 outstanding postdoctoral research fellows. Full details on each project and contact information to the PIs can be found at:
Based at Karolinska Institutet, fellows will undertake a cutting-edge research project in a competitive lab and be part of the SRP Diabetes dynamic research environment where several events will be held throughout the year such as high-profile lectures, symposia, internal retreat, etc. which the fellows will attend.
Deadline : 31.08.2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (4) Dietary nitrate and physical exercise to prevent cardiovascular disease in diabetes
Deadline :31.08.2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral position in toxicology with focus on air pollution
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow who can work independently and develop their own ideas and visions. The successful applicant must have a Ph.D. from an appropriate discipline such as toxicology, cell- or molecular biology, health science with an in-depth understanding of air pollution studies.
Documented experience of working with cell culture and molecular biology techniques is required. Proven experience in using tissue culturing for studying cellular effects and mechanisms of environmental air pollution is a substantial merit. Basic or advanced understanding of analytical chemistry and atmospheric sciences are meriting. Documented experience of quantitative in vitro-to-in vivo extrapolation is considered as an asset.
The candidate must be able to work well in a team with researchers from different disciplines, have good collaboration and communication skills and must be able to communicate well in English, both orally and in writing. In addition, personal suitability will be a factor in the selection process
To be eligible for employment as a postdoctor a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.
Deadline : 31.08.2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher in
To be eligible for employment as a postdoctor a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a Swedish doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered as an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.
Deadline : 31.08.2024
(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (6) Signal transducers regulating glucose transport in type 2 diabetes
The Integrative Physiology research group at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery at Karolinska Institutet is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join the group of Professor Juleen R. Zierath. The research in the group is focused on translational studies on cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and the effects of physical activity on glucose and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle.
This project is designed to test the role of signal transducers to improve glucose homeostasis by targeting skeletal muscle glucose transport. The candidate will explore the molecular signal transducers involved in the regulation of glucose transport to restore glucose uptake in skeletal muscle from people with type 2 diabetes. The team has identified several candidates that may play a direct role in glucose transport. The postdoctoral fellow will validate the role of novel signal transducers in the regulation of glucose transport and insulin sensitivity using knock-down and over-expression approaches in primary human skeletal muscle cells. Promising candidates will be further validated in in vivo models of type 2 diabetes through electroporation approaches.
Deadline : 31.08.2024
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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (3) Long non-coding RNAs regulation of the insulin response in fat cells
Deadline : 31.08.2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– 1-2 Postdoctoral researchers in Epidemiology and Causal inference
To be eligible for employment as a postdoctor a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a Swedish doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered as an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.
Deadline : 23.08.2024
(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoktor i hälsovetenskap med fokus eHälsa för aktivt åldrande
Sökande ska förutom ovanstående kvalifikationer ha kunskap och erfarenhet av observations- samt interventionsstudier med fokus på kronisk eller progressiv sjukdom. Erfarenhet av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder är också meriterande. Den sökande bör ha en grundexamen inom hälsovetenskaper eller rörelsevetenskap och doktorsexamen i relevant område. Tidigare kunskap om eHälsa eller bedömning/ analys vid kronisk eller neurologisk sjukdom, såsom Parkinson sjukdom, samt erfarenhet av intervjustudier är också kvalificerande. Arbetet förutsätter att du har mycket goda färdigheter i svenska och engelska såväl muntligt som skriftligt.
Kandidaten för tjänsten förväntas ha ett starkt intresse för främjandet av aktivt åldrande och delaktighet hos äldre personer, samt vara organiserad, strukturerad och ambitiös. Forskargruppen samarbetar med flera forskargrupper och kliniker, och goda samarbets- och sociala färdigheter är nödvändiga. Mycket god förmåga att tala och skriva på engelska och svenska är ett krav. Personliga färdigheter kommer att värderas högt i rekryteringsprocessen.
Deadline : 19.08.2024
(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Post-doctoral position in cardiovascular epidemiology with focus on chronic pain
We are seeking one or two postdoctoral researchers with strong motivation to map new aspects of the interplay between chronic pain and the development of cardiovascular diseases. The position involves conducting research in Johan Ärnlöv’s research group at the division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, as well as collaborating with Swedish and international pain researchers. The project has two parts: one focused on traditional cardiovascular epidemiology, examining the relationship between different types of pain exposure and the development of cardiovascular diseases in large Swedish and international study materials, and another with a more molecular biological focus, using large-scale measurements of metabolites, proteins, genes, and microbiota to find new mechanisms behind the links between pain and cardiovascular disease.
Moreover, the successful candidate is expected to play a role in grant applications, doctoral students supervision, teaching to undergraduate and graduate students, and in the expansion of the current research line.
Deadline : 18.08.2024
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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychiatric/public health epidemiology
We are looking for a postdoc to the research group “EPiCSS” with an interest in and expertise in psychiatric epidemiology, to work within a FORTE-financed project focusing on how migration affects compulsory psychiatric care using regional and national registers.
The aim is to study why compulsory psychiatric care is more common amongst migrants than the Swedish-born population and examine possible explanations as to why it differs. This will be done using register based epidemiology.
The main task is the production of scientific articles for publication. The applicant is expected to plan and perform statistical analyzes, present at conferences and participate in writing research applications. Furthermore, the applicant is expected to conduct some teaching and supervision.
Deadline :15.08.2024
(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral studies in neuropeptide release and function (scholarship)
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in the fields of cell biology, molecular neuroscience, neuropharmacology or neuroendocrinology. Documented experience in working with cell cultures (primary cells, cell lines, iPS models), including their genetic manipulation and experience with the genetic analysis of protein function in mouse models will be required. Practical knowledge in measuring vesicle neuropeptide/hormone transport and release will be seen as necessary. Excellent communication skills in English (both written and oral), and an ability to interact socially and scientifically in a multinational environment will be required. Prior involvement in international consortia or collaborations will be deemed an advantage. A strong publication record will be considered as an important merit during the selection process.
Deadline : 15.08.2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral researcher in chromosome organization and dynamics
We are seeking an ambitious scientist with a background in molecular biology and/or biochemistry. Experience from the chromosome organization and stability field, genome-wide analyses of chromosome organization and/or bioinformatics is considered as an advantage.
To be eligible for employment as a postdoctor a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered as an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.
Deadline : 15.08.2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher in Geriatric Epidemiology with focus on the body-mind connection
An important task for the selected candidate will be to contribute conceptually and methodologically to the research within this VR-funded project under the supervision of associate professor Davide L Vetrano (main supervisor) and professor Bengt Winblad. In addition, the selected candidate will have the opportunity to initiate his/her own projects. Production of reports and publications for peer-reviewed journals as well as other ways of disseminating knowledge become central tasks. Please, note that no wet lab expertise is required for this position. No lab experiments will be carried out. All biomarkers involved are part of SNAC-K already collected material.
Deadline : 15.08.2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher characterizing Progenitor Cell Niches from Development to Adult Epithelium (Scholarship)
We seek a curious, highly motivated, and creative postdoc with a strong background in stem cell biology. The ideal candidate should have experience working with mouse models and programming languages to analyze sequencing data. Experience with organoid cultures, molecular biology, next-generation sequencing, and large-scale bioinformatics analysis is a strength. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (in English written and verbal) is required. Emphasis will be also placed on personal suitability, fitting well into the current research group.
Deadline : 15.08.2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral studies in mechanistic and therapy development in CADASIL (scholarship)
We are seeking an ambitious postdoctoral fellow with great team-working and communication skills, who has a background in either vascular biology (preferably small vessel diseases/CADASIL), and/or neurodegenerative diseases. The successful applicant should have extensive experience and practical skills from research animal work, immunohistochemistry and regular protein and RNA analysis methods such as western blot, qPCR, ELISA, MSD and cell-and molecular biology techniques. Furthermore, it is a merit if the applicant has knowledge in Bioinformatic tools such as in R coding language, and data processing using different package such as the Seurat package, ClusterProfiler, Monocle3. Good ability to speak and write English is a requirement. A strong scientific drive is expected, documented with a publication record.
Scholarships for postdoctoral qualification can be established for foreign researchers who place their qualifications in Sweden. The purpose of scholarships for postdoctoral qualification is to promote internationalization and contribute to research qualification after a doctorate or equivalent.
A scholarship for carrying out postdoctoral research can be granted for a maximum of two years within a four year period following the receipt of a doctoral degree or equivalent.
To be eligible for a postdoctoral scholarship, the person must have obtained a doctorate or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctorate. Applicants who have not completed a doctorate at the end of the application period may also apply, provided that all requirements for a completed degree are met before the (intended) start date of the post doctoral education.
The head of the department determines whether their previous training and scholarly qualifications correspond to a Swedish doctorate or higher.
Deadline : 12.08.2024
(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroimaging
We are looking for a highly motivated, driven, and enthusiastic person sharing our interest in inter-disciplinary research and is ready to explore new avenues in science. The candidates should have a collaborative approach to science, a high degree of independence, but also being able to effectively work in an inter-disciplinary team. We value a postdoc that contributes to a good social environment.
- Candidates with a PhD degree from a wide spectrum of disciplines (e.g., neuroscience, psychology, computer science) are encouraged to apply.
- The applicant shall have expertise in data analytics (e.g., statistics, math, artificial intelligence, machine learning).
- Candidates with previous experience with neuroimaging analytics (e.g., EEG, MEG, MRI, PET) on humans or animals, and/or bioinformatics will be prioritized.
- Candidates with coding/programming expertise (e.g., MATLAB, Python, bash scripting, R) will be prioritized.
- Expertise with multivariate statistical methods and machine learning are significant merits.
- Fluency in English is a requirement.
We also attach great importance to personal suitability.
To be eligible for employment as a postdoctor a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a Swedish doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered as an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.
Deadline : 11.08.2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoktor inom arbetshälsa
Vi söker en mycket motiverad kandidat med erfarenhet av kvalitativ forskning inom fältet arbetsvetenskap med en genusteoretisk inriktning. För tjänsten ska du ha goda dokumenterade kunskaper inom kvalitativa metoder och arbetsvetenskapliga studier. Meriterande är dokumenterad erfarenhet av forskning med genusperspektiv men också forskning inom sjukfrånvaro och rehabilitering, samt erfarenhet av att arbeta med intersektionella perspektiv. I övrigt förutsätts att du är noggrann, lyhörd och självständig, liksom att du har god analytisk förmåga och god samarbetsförmåga. Den sökande ska behärska både svenska och engelska, då datainsamling i projektet sker genom kvalitativa intervjuer på svenska. Arbetsspråken är engelska och svenska. Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet.
För att anställas som postdoktor krävs avlagd doktorsexamen eller en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas. Det är meriterande om du har avlagt din doktorsexamen inom de tre senaste åren, om det finns särskilda skäl kan din examen ha avlagts tidigare.
Deadline : 07.08.2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral researcher in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
We are looking for highly skilled and motivated candidate who is interested in applying new technologies and tools for understanding the mechanisms underlying autoimmune diseases.
- The applicant should hold a PhD in medicine, immunology, biotechnology, or other relevant area.
- Experience in cellular and serological immune assays, flow cytometry and molecular biology.
- Previous research of translational nature within immunology and mice handling is strongly meritorious.
- Fluent oral and written communication in English, and ability to communicate in Swedish at basic level.
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills are of utmost importance, as the successful candidate will work closely with fellow researchers and partners from the clinic and patient organizations.
To be eligible for employment as a postdoctor a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a Swedish doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered as an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.
Deadline :07.08.2024
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Epidemiology
We are looking for a postdoc who will work in different projects about sickness absence in different life situations, ages, and occupations. The position involves participating in, planning, and conducting studies based on register data. Your duties will primarily involve analysing data, some data management, and writing manuscripts and grant applications.
Deadline : 06.08.2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral studies in tumor immunology/Immunotherapy (scholarship)
We invite applications from outstanding Ph.D., MD, or MD/Ph.D., candidates with a strong background and profound knowledge in oncology-immunology, immunology, or immunotherapy. We are interested in individuals with a good track-record in the mentioned fields. The candidate should be creative, highly motivated, and aims to establish world-leading research with a clear focus on the field of immunotherapy against cancer impacting potential clinical values and patient outcomes.
A successful applicant will preferably start during the fall of 2024 but the timing and details of the position are open for discussion. The scholarship as a postdoc is limited to 1 year with a possibility for extension for one year.
Deadline : 05.08.2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher in Chromatin Biology and Transcriptional Regulation (scholarship)
We are looking for a highly motivated, driven, enthusiastic person interested in our area of research, and ready to explore new avenues in science. The candidate should have a strong collaborative approach to research, be a team player as well as capable of performing independently and contribute to a good social environment in the laboratory. The candidate must have a PhD in medical sciences, biochemistry, molecular biology or equivalent.
Deadline : 05.08.2024
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral studies in Vascular Biology/Neuroscience/Developmental Biology at Karolinska Institutet(scholarship)
We seek a highly motivated, creative, and scientifically curious team player with a keen eye for biological intricacies. The ideal candidate should hold, or soon obtain, a doctorate in molecular/developmental biology acquired within the last two years outside of Sweden. Prior engagement in developmental and vascular biology, along with experience in confocal microscopy, image analysis, in vivo experimentation, tissue culture, cell signaling, cloning, and bioinformatics, would be advantageous. Strong communication skills and proficiency in English, both spoken and written, are essential.
Deadline : 05.08.2024
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:– Postdoctoral Researcher in Cellular Cancer Therapy
To be eligible for employment as a postdoctoral fellow, a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered as an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.
The applicant must have a strong scientific background with relevant expertise, e.g. in molecular biology, cell culture, modification, and differentiation as well as advanced analyses methods. Interests in programming, computational biology, and statistics as well as experience in high-throughput sequence and gene expression data analysis is considered a merit.
Deadline : 03.08.2024
About The Karolinska Institute, Sweden – Official Website
The Karolinska Institute sometimes known as the (Royal) Caroline Institute in English is a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The assembly consists of fifty professors from various medical disciplines at the university. The current rector of Karolinska Institute is Ole Petter Ottersen, who took office in August 2017.
The Karolinska Institute was founded in 1810 on the island of Kungsholmen on the west side of Stockholm; the main campus was relocated decades later to Solna, just outside Stockholm. A second campus was established more recently in Flemingsberg, Huddinge, south of Stockholm.
The Karolinska Institute is Sweden’s third oldest medical school, after Uppsala University (founded in 1477) and Lund University (founded in 1666). It is one of Sweden’s largest centres for training and research, accounting for 30% of the medical training and more than 40% of all academic medical and life science research conducted in Sweden.
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