Ghent University, Belgium invites online Application for number of PhD Positions at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Positions available at Ghent University, Belgium.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral fellow
This ERC-funded research project challenges the Vasarian concept of disegno as a framework for understanding architectural drawings and the practices of early modern architecture. Looking to models of epistemology developed in the history of science, the project advances the hypothesis that techniques of mechanical drawing, and more specifically, drawings that were produced by manual copying and direct tracing, served as a bedrock of architectural education in the period prior to the advent of formal schools of architecture. This proposition confronts history’s normative conceptions of “architecture” and artistic “drawing.” Within the standard histories of fifteenth and sixteenth century architecture, drawings of mechanical subject matter are categorically distinguished from those of ornamental or more “artistic” subjects. Concurrently, drawings that are demonstratively autograph or individual are celebrated as the embodiment of their creator’s singular genius. Copy-drawings, in turn, and those that employ the practice of lucidare or tracing on oiled, transparent paper (carta lucida), have long been considered corrupt or fraudulent. As early as the sixteenth century, theorists explicitly ridiculed copying practices, and particularly mechanical copying, as unbefitting the proper artist and detrimental to the essential practice of disegno. Tracing techniques were thought to provide low-skilled artisans and amateurs with an entrée into artistic practice, and in doing so subjugated art to their pedestrian skill.
Deadline : May 17, 2024
(02) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
Within the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the research group HRM and Organizational Behavior, Professor Greet Van Hoye is looking for a motivated PhD student to carry out a four-year research project on how non-diverse organizations can recruit qualified ethnic minority job seekers.
Despite increasing efforts from organizations to hire a more diverse workforce, ethnic minorities are still underrepresented in many industries and companies. Prior research on diversity recruitment showed positive effects of pro-diversity statements and showing diversity in pictures. However, if a company is currently not yet ethnically diverse, these diversity cues might come across as inconsistent and dishonest and might actually decrease attraction among ethnic minorities. In this project, we aim to resolve this counterfeit diversity paradox by investigating how diversity cue inconsistency is processed by qualified ethnic minority job seekers and how it can be overcome. To this end, multiple quantitative research methods will be applied (e.g., experiments, experience sampling study).
Deadline : Jun 02, 2024
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(03) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral fellow
The global and increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity constitutes a serious public health issue. This pandemic is the result of changes in lifestyle, dietary patterns, and physical activity. Due to the multifactorial nature of the condition, treatment is also complicated, as each patient requires a unique approach. Additionally, obesity has significant health consequences, with increased risks of serious conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain forms of cancer, as well as psychological and social implications for the child. Metabolomics plays an important role in obesity research, particularly in unraveling complex metabolic processes in the body. This scientific approach enables researchers to study changes in small molecules, known as metabolites, using advanced analytical techniques including mass spectrometry. By employing metabolomics, we can gain insight into metabolic changes in children with overweight or obesity. This not only aids in understanding the individual underlying mechanisms of obesity but also in identifying biomarkers that can help guide targeted interventions.
Deadline : May 31, 2024
(04) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
Deadline : Jun 01, 2024
(05) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral fellow
The history and theory of early modern architecture is replete with discussions of artistic genius and inimitable creation. This is reflected in the predominant focus given to disegno – a term that refers to both the practice and product of drawing – and more specifically to autograph drawings. In the second half of sixteenth century, a coherent theory of disegno was developed by Giorgio Vasari, in which artistic design was understood as an intellectual endeavour and categorically distinguished from processes of execution. This theoretical apparatus extended to the foundation of the first art academies, institutions in which the activities of artist-architect were programmatically distinguished from those of the technician-engineer, thus paving the way for disciplinary distinctions formally implemented in the eighteenth century.
This ERC-funded research project challenges the Vasarian concept of disegno as a framework for understanding architectural drawings and the practices of early modern architecture. Looking to models of epistemology developed in the history of science, the project advances the hypothesis that techniques of mechanical drawing, and more specifically, drawings that were produced by manual copying and direct tracing, served as a bedrock of architectural education in the period prior to the advent of formal schools of architecture. This proposition confronts history’s normative conceptions of “architecture” and artistic “drawing.” Within the standard histories of fifteenth and sixteenth century architecture, drawings of mechanical subject matter are categorically distinguished from those of ornamental or more “artistic” subjects. Concurrently, drawings that are demonstratively autograph or individual are celebrated as the embodiment of their creator’s singular genius. Copy-drawings, in turn, and those that employ the practice of lucidare or tracing on oiled, transparent paper (carta lucida), have long been considered corrupt or fraudulent. As early as the sixteenth century, theorists explicitly ridiculed copying practices, and particularly mechanical copying, as unbefitting the proper artist and detrimental to the essential practice of disegno. Tracing techniques were thought to provide low-skilled artisans and amateurs with an entrée into artistic practice, and in doing so subjugated art to their pedestrian skill.
Deadline : May 17, 2024
(06) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The current PhD position is available for a highly motivated candidate to work on an EU-funded ERC consolidator grant within the research group of Prof. An Hendrix. The main aim of the PhD project is to address the role of bacterial extracellular vesicles in cancer. In this regard, the PhD student will apply state-of-the-art technologies to analyze the composition of bacterial extracellular vesicles and clinically relevant and transgenic models systems to assess their function.
Extracellular vesicles are membrane-enclosed communicative particles released in body fluids that carry cell-type-specific molecular patterns including nucleic acids and proteins. Knowledge on their origin, fate and function in the human body is required to accelerate therapeutic and diagnostic applications but hampered by a plethora of technological pitfalls (Hendrix, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2021). The Hendrix lab created the EV-TRACK knowledgebase and launched the EV-TRACK coaching tool to stimulate transparency and steer reproducibility (Van Deun et al., Nat Methods, 2017). We designed recombinant extracellular vesicles, that are easily trackable and distinguishable from sample extracellular vesicles, to support instrument calibration and data normalization (Geeurickx et al., Nat Commun, 2019; Nat Protoc, 2021). We established reproducible protocols to separate extracellular vesicles from other particles in body fluids (Tulkens et al., Nat Protoc, 2020). This supporting ecosystem has steered the Hendrix lab towards the pioneering discovery of systemic bacterial extracellular vesicles in non-septicemic patients, including cancer patients (Tulkens et al., Gut, 2020).
Deadline : Jun 02, 2024
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(07) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
- This position is dedicated to research into pathophysiology of mitochondrial disorders. These are rare disease with a prevalence of 1/5000 individuals, but often carry a high disease burden. During the two last decades, diagnosing these disorders has become much more easy, partly due to progress of genetic diagnostic techniques. However, there is still much to unravel about pathophysiology and certainly about possible treatments for these diseases.
- The aim of this PhD project is to establish a zebrafish model for a specific subgroup of mitochondrial disorders, namely aARS2 deficiencies. This involves collaboration with the Zebrafish core facility, led by Professor Paul Coucke.
- It is expected that you can handle laboratory animals, in this case zebrafish, and that you have experience with CRISPR-Cas and genetic sequencing techniques. Behavioral observations as well as microscopic techniques will be applied to genetically modified zebrafish. On the other hand, biochemical analyzes (spectrophotometry, oxygen consumption, western blotting, BN-PAGE) will have to be carried out. Experience with these techniques is certainly of added value. If certain techniques are not yet known, we can certainly provide training in this area
Deadline : Jun 30, 2024
(08) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
Within the framework of an FWO/TBM-funded project, the candidate will perform research in the (pre-) clinical validation of the novel Nuclear Transfer (NT) technology in assisted reproductive technology for two specific indications, being (1) female-related infertility and (2) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diseases. The NT technology involves the transfer of the nuclear genome from a patient’s diseased or inferior quality oocyte or zygote to a healthy donor counterpart from which the nuclear genome was removed. The resulting NT embryos contain the nuclear DNA from both prospective parents and the cytoplasm, including the mtDNA, originating from the donor. More recently, NT technology has also been proposed to overcome specific female-related infertility indications that could be attributed to inferior oocyte quality, for which generally oocyte donation is advised. The candidate will focus on the safety considerations in using NT technology, by extensive -omics analyses (genomic, transcriptomics, epigenomics) of NT embryos, next to the detection of mutations responsible for infertility or mitochondrial diseases.
Deadline : May 15, 2024
(09) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral fellow
Applications are invited for one full-time PhD research position of 4 years within the ERC Starting Grant project “Corpora in Greater Gandhāra: Tracing the Development of Buddhist Textuality and Gilgit/Bamiyan Manuscript Networks in the First Millennium of the Common Era” (Gandhāra Corpora) led by Professor Charles DiSimone at the Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University located in the center of the beautiful and historic city of Ghent, Belgium. In the Gandhāra Corpora project, the researcher will join an international team of scholars working on manuscript materials recently uncovered from the historic area of Greater Gandhāra and contribute to the study and preservation of this material. Within the department, the Pre-doctoral researcher will be a member of both the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies ( and the South Asia Research Network Ghent research groups ( All nationalities are welcome to apply.
Deadline :May 24, 2024
(10) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The Lung Research Lab within the Department of Respiratory Medicine at Ghent University Hospital is looking for a driven and passionate researcher to join the team. We are specifically seeking a dedicated PhD student who will be involved in translational research focused on unraveling the pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD affects over 300 million individuals worldwide and claims the lives of more than 3 million peo ple annually, ranking as the third leading cause of death globally. Despite its staggering impact, therapeutic options that effectively slow down disease progression remain elusive, largely due to gaps in our understanding of its underlying mechanisms.
Deadline : Jun 30, 2024
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(11) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
– The envisioned PhD focuses on the development of a reliable, though computationally efficient and fast scientific code to model and simulate 2D/3D Thermo-Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication (TEHL) in lubricated contacts, such as lubricated contacts in meshing gears or bearings. This requires the implementation of efficient and flexible discretization schemes and numerical algorithms for solving a coupled multi-physics problem of linear elastic deformation, fluid flow and heat transport, by reduced-order modelling strategies. The dual-use solver should allow standalone calculations as well as serve as a plug-in contact solver to other software. The computational efficiency should be maximal, aiming for a Parallel C/C++ implementation relying on existing scientific computing C++ libraries and potentially GPU acceleration.
Deadline : Jun 15, 2024
(12) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral fellow
The global and increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity constitutes a serious public health problem. This pandemic is the result of changes in lifestyle, dietary patterns, and physical activity. Due to the multifactorial nature of the condition, treatment is also complicated, as each patient requires a unique approach. Additionally, obesity has significant health consequences, with increased risks of serious conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain forms of cancer, as well as psychological and social implications for the child. Metabolomics plays an important role in obesity research, particularly in unraveling complex metabolic processes in the body. This scientific approach enables researchers to study changes in small molecules, known as metabolites, using advanced analytical techniques including mass spectrometry.
Despite the enormous potential of conventional metabolomics in understanding underlying disease processes, this technique, due to its complexity, appears less suitable as a point-of-care application in the treatment of obesity. This is where Laser-Assisted Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (LA-REIMS) comes into play as an excellent alternative. LA-REIMS enables rapid and accurate measurements of metabolic profiles, without the need for extensive sample preparation and data processing. Furthermore, the combination with our innovative MetaSAMP, a patented custom electrospun sampling membrane, not only provides a stabilizing substrate for the biofluid but also increases the richness and intensity of its metabolic fingerprints. This approach thus facilitates a rapid identification of the main causes and treatment options for the individual patient.
Deadline : May 31, 2024
(13) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The IDLab Ghent research group is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD student to join the Text-to-Knowledge (T2K) team. The team has worked for many years on natural language processing tasks (NLP), especially on advanced information extraction, but in recent years, also on other topics, such as conversational agents.
In this PhD you will focus on designing new conversational AI models, based on recent foundation models, and in a multi-modal context, i.e., targeting use cases in human-robot interactions. The key research question is how state-of-the-art language models (including multi-modal versions) can be leveraged and adapted for specific knowledge-grounded tasks in human-robot communication. One of the target applications, is to support conversations with an educational goal, i.e., a robot as teaching assistant in interaction with students.
The PhD is part of the ambitious Flanders AI Research programme. Within this context, you will be able to interact with both fellow researchers across flemish universities and industry stakeholders throughout Flanders. As part of the IDLab text-to-knowledge team (T2K) you will benefit from input/feedback from other PhD students working on related topics. Beyond our own team, you will also work closely with researchers from other groups at UGent, in particular those working on social robots at AIRO and LT3 (at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication).
Deadline : Jun 30, 2024
(14) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
In 2009, research on axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machines started. Since then, a dozen of doctoral theses have been completed on this research, resulting in approximately 70 international conferences and in journal papers, and several patents. Meanwhile, four generations of prototypes have been developed, and there is a technology license with one of the key players in the axial flux motor technology.
For the fifth generation of axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machines, the goal is to enhance the sustainability of the axial flux motor by limiting critical materials in the design. Specifically, in the fifth generation, the copper winding will be replaced with an aluminum-based one, and the rotor design will be adjusted to reduce the use of rare earth permanent magnets.
As a PhD student, your task will be to modify the design of the electrical machine to achieve the predefined motor key performance indicators (torque density, efficiency, cost). The research will introduce and simulate new concepts and further improve and adapt existing design tools for axial flux motors. Additionally, a new prototype will be built to implement and validate these new concepts. You will take part in the daily operation of the research group and participate in collaborative research with industrial and academic partners. Furthermore, you will publish your research results at major international conferences and in journal papers, as part of meeting the requirements for your Ph.D
Deadline : Sep 30, 2024
(15) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:– Doctoral fellow
Vacancy for a PhD fellow on the BOF-GOA project “Restoring fertility by the 3R approach : rejuvenating, replacing or reconstructing the oocyte”
In this GOA project, the cause of reduced oocyte quality in women aged between 35 and 45 years will be investigated. Therefore animal models such as bovine, horse and mouse will be used, as well as human material, to identify the problem, and offer possible solutions in a later stage. To this end, there is intensive cooperation between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and Health Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Are you looking for a challenging job for the next 4 years? Are you fascinated by research and interested in genetic research related to animal and human infertility issues? We are specifically looking for someone for the GOA part “Genetic analyses of bovine, equine and mouse embryos, identification of small ncRNAs in extracellular vesicles of biological fluids and culture media.”
Would you like to work in an international team (all communication is in English) with other passionate researchers and postdocs? Then you might be the right candidate to apply for this job!
Deadline : Jun 01, 2024
(16) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–Doctoral fellow
We have an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated PhD student to optimize genome editing techniques and study carbon capture mechanisms in the green seaweed Ulva. The PhD project is part of an FWO ERC Runner-up project (Starting Grant) that has emerged from existing research lines in Phycology Research Group and Plant Genome Editing Group at Ghent University on Ulva functional biology. More specifically, we want to understand the cellular processes that allow Ulva compressa to control carbon fixation. To achieve this, we first need to expand our toolset: we are able to activate the expression of genes (gain-of-function), but are limited by the efficiency of technology enabling inhibition of gene function (loss-of-function). Ulva is currently the only macroalgae where gain- and loss-of-function mutants can be generated and an emerging model in molecular biology.
Deadline : May 15, 2024
(17) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
In the frame of a recently approved research project “Groundbreaking models for spectroscopy and charge transport in molecular dynamics simulations” by the principal investigators Prof. Dr. Ir. Toon Verstraelen and Dr. Jelle Vekeman, a Ph.D. position is available at the Center for Molecular Modeling of Ghent university.
Molecular dynamics is an exceptional simulation tool that connects fundamental physics with more applied research. It is the workhorse in our collaborations with experimental researchers to enrich their findings with computational predictions and insights. Such simulations rely on an interatomic force model, which is always a trade-off between computational efficiency, accuracy and the ability to describe all relevant physics. Recently, we proposed the electron Machine Learning Potential (eMLP), which reconciles these requirements in a unique way: it is not only fast and accurate, but also able to describe physical and chemical phenomena inaccessible to analogous models, such as spectra and charge transport.
The aim of your thesis is to develop new explicit electron models (mathematical framework, software implementation and parameter estimation) and to validate them with production simulations relevant to our collaborations with experimental research groups working on lubrication, batteries and porous materials. The central hypothesis is that explicit electron models offer a favourable balance between accuracy and computational cost for specific simulations of interest: ionic charge transport, vibrational spectroscopy (IR, Raman) and response properties of condensed phases (dielectric, piezoelectric and piezoionic properties).
Deadline : May 31, 2024
(18) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
UGent received an industry research and valorisation acceleration fund from Flanders Make to investigate the winding damage of the electric machines due to thermal and electric stresses. The trend towards higher DC bus voltages and faster switching power electronics by SiC/GaN results not only in high efficiency and compactness, but also in an increased probability of damage in electric motor windings due to partial discharges in the insulation layers. It is also shown that another cause for degradation, thermal cycling, accelerates the damage caused by electrical partial discharges. Currently, these two coupled degradation phenomena can only be studied empirically. The goal of this project is to develop a generic guideline and an assessment tool for damage and indicative lifetime by combined thermal cycling and partial discharge in electrical machine windings.
Deadline : Oct 31, 2024
(19) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
Hard X-ray ptychography is one of the most advanced microscopy techniques to visualize materials in structures in 3D at a spatial resolution better than 100 nm. However, the technique is currently only available at synchrotron facilities, with very limited availability. In this project, we aim to bring hard X-ray ptychography to laboratory facilities. This project is an international collaboration between Ghent University, University College London (UK) and the Diamond Light Source (UK) and brings together different expertise and possibilities for experiments.
We are looking for an enthusiastic student keen on working on developing both hardware and software aspects of this novel technique. As a PhD student working on this project, you will set up experiments at different types of state-of-the-art X-ray sources and detectors, in different facilities (synchrotron and laboratory) and you will develop methods to improve the acquisition and processing/analysis of the data.
Deadline : Aug 31, 2024
(20) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
Glioblastoma remains an aggressive, lethal, hard-to-cure brain tumor. Accumulating evidence points to extensive tumor heterogeneity, as well as plasticity in response to therapy, leading to therapy failure. At the single cell level, this presents with different cell states that can transition into one another upon specific environmental conditions or treatment. A comprehensive understanding of the molecular and regulatory mechanisms underlying therapy-induced plasticity in glioblastoma patients is indispensable for the development of novel, more effective and less toxic treatment modalities. This PhD project is embedded in the context of an interuniversity ‘Stichting Tegen Kanker’ project that aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms of radiation-induced tumor cell plasticity at single cell resolution.
Deadline : Jun 30, 2024
(21) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The Genome Research group at the Center for Medical Genetics has a longstanding expertise in the introduction of new technologies in the elucidation of genomic defects in children with congenital anomalies. Our research group is currently implementing third generation sequencing (long-read sequencing) for the detection of hidden structural variations in the genome of these patients, and we are looking for a talented and highly motivated PhD student to enforce our team.
Deadline : Jun 01, 2024
(22) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The FOODIMAR project aims to develop innovative, cost-effective, and climate-friendly methods to produce high-quality marine collagen, gelatin, and glycosaminoglycans to meet the needs of both industry and consumers.
Within FOODIMAR, the aim is to assess the sustainability, including positive and negative environmental, economic, and social impacts, as well as the resource efficiency of the value chains under study. Several sub-objectives can be identified of which the PhD student participates in two or more of these aspects:
(1) The development of a specific methodological framework to go beyond the state-of-the-art by incorporating learning effects for different sustainability dimensions, such as LCA (life cycle assessment), LCC (life cycle costing), and S-LCA (social life cycle assessment).
(2) Compare the current valorization pathways of side-streams with the proposed FOODIMAR scenarios by applying the developed methodological framework.
(3) Conduct a resource efficiency study to quantify energy losses throughout the life cycle. Through the development of energy and mass balances, it will be possible to identify critical points for optimizing process in terms of thermodynamics and opportunities to enhance the environmental and economic performance.
(4) Perform a circularity analysis of the proposed case studies in the project. This analysis will encompass aspects such as circularity, resource availability, material value, and more.
Deadline : May 17, 2024
(23) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
In this PhD you will focus on designing new conversational AI models, based on recent foundation models, and in a multi-modal context, i.e., targeting use cases in human-robot interactions. The key research question is how state-of-the-art language models (including multi-modal versions) can be leveraged and adapted for specific knowledge-grounded tasks in human-robot communication. One of the target applications, is to support conversations with an educational goal, i.e., a robot as teaching assistant in interaction with students.
The PhD is part of the ambitious Flanders AI Research programme. Within this context, you will be able to interact with both fellow researchers across flemish universities and industry stakeholders throughout Flanders. As part of the IDLab text-to-knowledge team (T2K) you will benefit from input/feedback from other PhD students working on related topics. Beyond our own team, you will also work closely with researchers from other groups at UGent, in particular those working on social robots at AIRO and LT3 (at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication).
Deadline : Jun 30, 2024
(24) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The IDLab Ghent research group is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD student to join the Text-to-Knowledge (T2K) team. The team has worked for many years on natural language processing tasks (NLP), especially on advanced information extraction. Over the last few years, T2K research tracks have widened towards other subfields of AI, including neuro-symbolic (NeSy) AI, and with health as an important application domain.
In this PhD you will focus on the combination of neural networks based information extraction and probabilistic reasoning. For advanced and domain-specific information extraction tasks (e.g., based on clinical notes from the ICU), the classical independent extraction of entities and relations from text no longer suffices, even when augmented with the power of large language models. The joint extraction of facts as well as reasoning over them based on expert knowledge, can be expected to lead to improved extraction accuracy. Designing such models is the key goal of this PhD research position.
The PhD is part of the ambitious Flanders AI Research programme. Within this context, you will be able to interact with both fellow researchers across flemish universities and industry stakeholders throughout Flanders. As part of the IDLab text-to-knowledge team (T2K) you will also benefit from input/feedback from other PhD students working on related topics.
Deadline : Jun 30, 2024
(25) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The research group Materials Science and Technology-DyMaLab is looking for a PhD researcher to contribute to ongoing research on advanced materials used by the automotive and aeronautical industry. These materials include advanced high strength steels, lightweight alloys, polymer composites, nanocomposites, etc. which might be prone to impact or, more generally, high speed deformation processes. Main aim of the PhD is to obtain an enhanced understanding of the impact-dynamic mechanical properties of materials, including the microstructural factors lying at the origin of the observed behaviour. Understanding these properties will result in a better prediction of high speed forming processes, the crashworthiness of car components and impact incidents in the aeronautical industry.
MST-DyMaLab is a research group of the faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Ghent University, which is among the top 100 global universities according to several international rankings. To characterise the dynamic behaviour of materials, DyMaLab disposes of experimental facilities and measurement devices that are unique in the world (see The introduction of highly advanced measurement methodologies, including high-speed full-field deformation measurements, has opened a world of new opportunities. It even allows for a paradigm shift in material testing. Indeed, by combining large measurement datasets with numerical simulations, Material Testing 2.0 methodologies allow to completely discard traditional test restrictions and assumptions. In the framework of present PhD, we would like to further explore Materials Testing 2.0 for advanced automotive and aeronautical materials. The ultimate objective is to develop significantly more efficient testing methodologies, optimizing both time and human resources, to yield comprehensive data on material properties. The aim is to enhance the depth of information obtained through testing schemes, thereby advancing our understanding of material characteristics.
Deadline : Jun 30, 2024
(26) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
We are looking for an enthusiastic young engineer to complete a PhD degree under WHEATWATCHER EC funded project. The aim of the WHEATWATCHER is to develop and implement an integrated soil and crop monitoring system to assess soil nutrients status and chemical and biological stressors affecting and/or contaminating wheat grains from at-field growing stage to flour production in various regions across Europe, which will provide a management and decision tool for the farmers, mill owners and policy makers to guarantee quality and safe food production. Ghent University (UGent) is the coordination partner of the project, with Prof. Abdul Mouazen named as the project coordinator.
The successful candidate should answer research questions related to monitoring of different sources of contaminants in agricultural soils and wheat. He/she will need to contribute to the design, optimization and implementation of soil and crop sensing platforms for the collection of data on soil, crop and wheat grains to enable precision agriculture decision making for contaminants removal and mitigation. You will also support the delivery of the tasks assigned to UGent in WHEATWATCHER project.
Deadline : May 26, 2024
(27) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
The Maritime Institute, embedded within the Department of European, Public and International Law of the Faculty of Law and Criminology of Ghent University, is looking for a full-time PhD student who will work on the topic “Gentle wave or tsunami? The impact of unmanned and autonomous shipping on the law of the sea” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Klaas Willaert.
Deadline : Jun 14, 2024
(28) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
In the LCP group of Ghent University ( we have a long history of modelling and testing electrophoretic motion of particles in polar and nonpolar liquids. Our goals are to understand the underlying physical mechanisms and to develop or improve new technologies based on this knowledge, such as electronic ink displays, smart windows, manipulation of particles at the microscale and electrodeposition. In recent experiments and prototypes we noticed that phenomena occur that cannot be explained by the one-dimensional models that we developed and commonly use. The PhD candidate will continue our recent research in these new phenomena by designing and creating new microstructures that highlight the observed novel effects and that lead potentially to promising new applications. The experimental work is accompanied by theoretical and computer modelling. A performant model will allow a more realistic simulation of electrophoretic systems, widening our understanding of the phenomena and enabling the improvement of current designs and or development of new designs.
Deadline : Sep 30, 2024
(29) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:–PhD Student
This PhD research aims to investigate beyond state-of-the art technology enablers for the next-generation cellular paradigm, called 6G. The main focus will be on Radio Access Network (RAN) optimisation mechanisms within the Open-RAN (O-RAN) framework to meet strict and diverse requirements of emerging use cases in the 6G era, such as mission-critical communication in crisis situations, smart industry and autonomous vehicles.
The research objectives include (but are not limited to): O-RAN based architectural integration of 5G/6G and Wi-Fi, development of advanced algorithms and optimisation techniques to enhance the performance and efficiency of the integrated RAN, spectrum management strategies for efficient utilisation of wireless resources and methods for optimal unicast and multicast/broadcast transmissions.
Deadline : Oct 30, 2024
About Ghent University, Belgium –Official Website
Ghent University is a public research university located in Ghent, Belgium. It was established in 1817 by King William I of the Netherlands. After the Belgian revolution of 1830, the newly formed Belgian state began to administer the university. In 1930, the university became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium, whereas French had previously been the standard academic language in what was Université de Gand. In 1991, it was granted major autonomy and changed its name accordingly from State University of Ghent (Dutch: Rijksuniversiteit Gent, abbreviated as RUG) to its current designation.
In contrast to the Catholic University of Leuven or the Free University of Brussels, UGent considers itself a pluralist university in a special sense, i.e. not connected to any particular religion or political ideology. Its motto Inter Utrumque (‘In Between Both Extremes’), on the coat of arms, suggests the acquisition of wisdom and science comes only in an atmosphere of peace, when the institution is fully supported by the monarchy and fatherland.
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