PhD Nest

05 Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Basel, Switzerland

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Are you a PhD graduate eager to take the next leap in your academic journey? Look no further! University of Basel, Switzerland invites online applications for prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships across a wide range of research fields. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to propel your career forward. 

Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–Postdoctoral Position in Development of Clusters of Compartments for Bio-applications 100%

The overall aim of this project is the development of interconnected compartments loaded with smaller assemblies and molecules (enzymes, growing factors, proteins, contrast agents) to serve as a platform for bio-applications (e.g. regenerative medicine, bio-sensing). A microfluidics technology will be used to generate synthetic compartments, load them with desired cargos and finally decorated them with single strands DNA. Compartments will self-assemble in clusters via DNA hybridization. A particularly important part of the project will intend to decrease the size of the compartments by modification of the microfluidic chips and increase their composition to support cascade reactions for an overall production of specific molecules (drugs, signals) and interaction with cell lines. In addition, structural characterization and functionality assays of the cargos encapsulated in the compartments represent a prerequisite for development of specific bio-applications.

This is an interdisciplinary project within the National Center of Competence in Research “Molecular Systems Engineering” from which you will gain valuable experience in the domain of nanoscience, physical chemistry, biochemistry and regenerative medicine. Your role will be to self-assembly the compartments, load them with biomolecules and assemblies and control them to form stable clusters that specifically interact with cells. More information on the topics of the group in which you will be working can be found at

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoc position: Global History/Material Culture/Violence Studies/Human-Animal Studies

We seek researchers interested in: 1) daily practices in the field, manual skills and techniques of capturing, shooting, skinning, and preserving animals, 2) the men and women, indigenous and intruder alike, involved in the business of collecting animals-turned-specimens, and/or 3) the specimens, trophies, and marketable commodities they produced. Our goal is to account for the complexities of human curiosity and the the many different and culturally specific histories of violence against nonhuman and human life within the broader framework of colonial subjugation and its politics of difference.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Research Associate in Inertial Measurement Unit Based Motion Capture for Orthosis Fitting and Clinical Applications 70–100%

The project will involve motion capture experiments on patients with orthopaedic conditions affecting joint function, such as patients requiring ankle foot orthoses, and healthy control participants. You will review the literature on clinically relevant motion capture parameters, adapt, combine, and refine established motion capture systems including inertial sensor based wearable sensors, assess their reliability and construct and clinical validity, and evaluate the minimum required sensor sets. You will collaborate with clinicians, orthotists, and biomedical and software engineers to recruit and assess participants, collect motion and electromyographic data, and refine data processing and analysis algorithms. You will also be involved in proposal writing and in teaching or supervising undergraduate and graduate student projects.

Deadline : 31 July 2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoc in Computational Structural Biology – Evolutionary-scale interpretation of protein functions in human gut microbiome (80-100%)

  • PhD in structural bioinformatics, computational chemistry, computational biology, or related disciplines with a strong publication record
  • You can strengthen our team in at least one of the following areas: protein bioinformatics, protein evolution, metagenomics, data science
  • Experience and interest in modern data analytics techniques and AI / ML would be highly appreciated
  • Good communication skills in English
  • Self-motivation, drive and ability to define new research directions

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoctoral Research position in Optical Spectroscopy of Tunable van der Waals Quantum Materials

The successful candidate will become an essential member of our fast-growing research team exploring collective many-body phenomena in magneto-opto-electronic experiments that will be conducted under extreme conditions: at temperatures down to ~10 mK and magnetic fields up to ~10 T. The candidate will be involved in all aspects of research, from engineering and fabricating electrically-tunable vdW devices, through preparing experimental setups and performing optical measurements, to implementing custom-based software for automated data acquisition and analysis. They will have access to state-of-the-art apparatus, including dry low-temperature magneto-optical cryostats, dilution refrigerator units with fiber or free-space optical access, pulsed laser systems, and clean-room device fabrication facilities. They will also benefit from excellent mechanical/electronic workshop support.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoc in Atmospheric Sciences 80-100%

Our group develops novel instruments to measure continuously oxidising properties of aerosol particles in the ambient atmosphere and in laboratory experiments (e.g., Utinger et al., Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2023, 2641–2654). The postdoc project will focus on lab and field measurements to characterise oxidative particle properties (with our novel instrument and other techniques) from a wide range of particle sources. A special focus of the project will be to elucidate interactions between metals and organic particle components using real-world aerosol sources, as well effects of atmospheric aging processes on particle toxicity.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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About The University of Basel, Switzerland – Official Website

The University of Basel  is a university in Basel, Switzerland. Founded on 4 April 1460, it is Switzerland’s oldest university and among the world’s oldest surviving universities. The university is traditionally counted among the leading institutions of higher learning in the country

The associated Basel University Library is the largest and among the most important libraries in the country. The university hosts the faculties of theology, law, medicine, humanities and social sciences, science, psychology, and business and economics, as well as numerous cross-disciplinary subjects and institutes, such as the Biozentrum for biomedical research and the Institute for European Global Studies. In 2020, the University had 13,139 students and 378 professors. International students accounted for 27 percent of the student body.



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