PhD Nest

04 Postdoctoral Fellowship at European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany

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Are you a PhD graduate eager to take the next leap in your academic journey? Look no further! European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany invites online applications for prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships across a wide range of research fields. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to propel your career forward. 

Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:–Postdoctoral Organic/Medicinal Chemist

We seek a motivated person with relevant scientific and technical expertise ready to learn and take ownership and responsibility for the tasks. The ideal candidate would have:

  • A degree in organic chemistry, chemical biology or medicinal chemistry. Postdoctoral experience would be preferred.
  • Profound experience in organic syntheses and analytical techniques.
  • Experience in the design and synthesis of biologically active molecules
  • Ability to work productively in an interdisciplinary team environment.
  • Excellent presentation skills and ability to communicate effectively in cross-functional teams.
  • Experience with standard software packages, search engines and scientific databases is expected.

The successful candidate is a motivated self-starter with a proven ability to work within a multidisciplinary team environment and ready to travel regularly to Grenoble and within Europe. The candidate needs to have strong communication and organizational skills. A high standard of written and spoken English is

Deadline :  8 September 2024

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– Postdoctoral Programme Officer – ARISE2

Managing the ARISE2 fellowship programme under the direction of the Fellowship Programmes Lead and the ARISE2 Programme Director and collaborate with the ARISE2 Scientific Director. This includes organizing the programme selection rounds and programme related meetings.
• Maintain close communication with the ARISE Directors, ARISE Executive and Advisory Committee, and the rest of ARISE2 team as well as internal and external stakeholders, e.g. fellows, EMBL group leaders, partner organizations, industry
• Organise and minute meetings, preparation of programme related materials including presentations, keeping records and collecting feedback
• Liaising with RICapacity, the programme’s implementing partner for training and partner relations, including support with logistics of on-site courses and webinars
• Develop and maintain the ARISE2 programme website
• Supporting ARISE2 fellows and supervisors in all programme-related matters (e.g. secondments, training, supervision, monitoring progress)
• Promoting the programme at events and meetings
• Reporting to the EC according to the ARISE2 grant agreement (e.g. on project deliverables)
• Contributing to other postdoctoral programme activities as needed

Deadline :27 September 2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– AMBER Postdoctoral Fellowship: A novel optical microscopy platform for cross scale imaging of mammalian and human fertility

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are becoming increasingly important for reproductive choices in our societies due to advancing age and increasing lifestyle diversity of new parents. Our understanding of the processes that limit fertility has advanced tremendously, driven by new optical imaging technologies such as light sheet fluorescence microscopy that can visualize such processes in oocytes and early embryos in mammalian laboratory models at the molecular and cellular scale. However, translating this progress to the fertility clinic to better understand, diagnose and treat the causes of human infertility has been precluded by the lack of technologies that would allow to cross from the molecular and cellular scale that is offered by advanced fluorescence technologies available in research infrastructures, to the physiological scale in the clinic, which must employ label-free imaging methods that do not perturb the fragile biological development at the beginning of life.

Our project aims to bridge the length scales of biology and medicine by developing a novel hybrid microscopy platform that uses the molecular specificity of fluorescence microscopy to computationally revolutionize the information content of label-free approaches. In an interdisciplinary collaboration with the EMBL Imaging Centre and research group of Robert Prevedel, as well as the University Hospital of Heidelberg, we will combine high-resolution fluorescence lightsheet with label-free optical coherence and Brillouin microscopies, which provide advanced morphological and mechanical features of the embryos, respectively. This multimodal data can then be used to train artificial intelligence (AI)-based models to recognize molecular and cellular changes from label-free images only. In this way, we will create a high-resolution cross scale imaging platform that has the potential to close the gap between basic and clinical research by bringing the molecular insights from the research laboratory to the fertility clinic and visualize the currently hidden processes associated with infertility.

Deadline : 29 September 2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title:– EMBL-EBI–Sanger Postdoctoral (ESPOD) Fellowship Programme

Projects may be selected from pre-defined areas or proposed by the applicant. In the case of self-defined projects, the area of work must have been agreed with both EMBL-EBI and Sanger-based group leaders. The postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded in 2025, to start as soon as possible. Fellowships typically begin before the end of the year, but the start date may be delayed with the agreement of the group leaders. All ESPOD fellowships must be undertaken within 12 months of the fellowship being awarded.

Deadline : 29 September 2024

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About The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany – Official Website

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is a molecular biology research institution supported by 27 member states, two prospect states, and one associate member state. EMBL was created in 1974 and is an intergovernmental organization funded by public research money from its member states. Research at EMBL is conducted by approximately 85 independent groups covering the spectrum of molecular biology. The list of independent groups at EMBL can be found at The Laboratory operates from six sites: the main laboratory in Heidelberg, and sites in Hinxton (the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), in England), Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Rome (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain). EMBL groups and laboratories perform basic research in molecular biology and molecular medicine as well as train scientists, students, and visitors. The organization aids in the development of services, new instruments and methods, and technology in its member states. Israel is the only full member state located outside Europe.




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