PhD Nest

Lineweaver–Burk Plot

Lineweaver–Burk Plot

Lineweaver–Burk Plot Because Vmax is attained at endless substrate concentration, estimating Vmax and thus Km from a hyperbolic plot is impossible. Due to this issue, Lineweaver and Burk modified the Michaelis–Menten equation into a straight line equation.  The Lineweaver–Burk plot (also known as the double reciprocal plot) is a pictorial depiction of the Lineweaver–Burk equation … Read more

Cilia and Flagella: Definition, Structure, Functions and Diagram

Cilia and Flagella: Definition, Structure, Functions and Diagram

Flagella and Cilia Definition Cilia and Flagella are cytoplasmic filamentous structures which protrude through the cell wall. They are the cell’s minute, highly distinct appendages. An entire cell is propelled by its flagella (singular form: flagellum), which are long, hair-like projections that protrude from the plasma membrane. Small hairlike structures called cilia (singular = cilium) … Read more

P-value: Definition, Formula, Table and Calculation

P-value: Definition, Formula, Table and Calculation

Definition of p –value Calculated probabilities such as p-values can be utilised to detect the least possible level of significance for rejecting the null hypothesis. Under ideal circumstances, the test results will be identical to what was observed, assuming the null hypothesis is true. An extremely low p-value suggests that the outcome is conceivable, but … Read more

Nucleosome Model of Chromosome

Nucleosome Model of Chromosome

Nucleosome Model of Chromosome Chrosomes are self-replicating nucleic acid molecules that have particular organisational and functional characteristics and are essential for inheritance, mutation, variety and evolutionary advancement. Every chromosome’s structure is supported by many layers of DNA wrapped around proteins. Histones and non-histone chromosomal proteins are the traditional classifications for proteins which attach to DNA … Read more

Northern Blot: Overview, Principle, Procedure and Results

Northern Blot: Overview, Principle, Procedure and Results

What Is Northern Blot? For the study of RNA in complicated mixtures, Northern blot is a technique that relies on the notion of “blotting”. Essentially, it is a modified version of the Southern Blotting technique, which was originally developed for the examination of DNA sequences. Molecular biology requires the detection of certain sequences of nucleic … Read more

Bacterial Transformation: Definition, Principle, Stages, Examples

Bacterial Transformation: Definition, Principle, Stages, Examples

Definition of Bacterial Transformation Bacterial transformation is the movement of free DNA from donor bacteria into the extracellular environment, resulting in absorption and, in most cases, the expression of the newly acquired characteristic in a recipient bacterium. There is no requirement for a live donor cell for this procedure, and just free DNA in the … Read more

Homeostasis: Definition, Types and Examples

Homeostasis: Definition, Types and Examples

Definition of Homeostasis  Homeostasis refers to the capability of living systems to keep a constant as well as homogeneous internal environment in order for the systems to function normally. It is the desire to find balance in the face of various environmental as well as natural influences. Homeostasis produces a dynamic equilibrium wherein continual changes … Read more

Speciation: Definition, Process, Types and Examples

Speciation: Definition, Process, Types and Examples

Definition of Specification Speciation is the process of evolution which results in the emergence of a new genetically independent group of creatures known as a species. Speciation is the process of dividing a genetically homogeneous population into two or more populations, each of which undergoes genetic differentiation as well as eventually reproductive isolation. The creation … Read more